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Resonant Behaviour of Comet Halley & the Orionid Stream

Resonant Behaviour of Comet Halley & the Orionid Stream. Aswin Sekhar & David Asher Armagh Observatory United Kingdom. EPSC 2012, Madrid. Brief Background to the History of Comet 1P/Halley. * Observational records date back to 240 B. C. (Yeomans & Kiang 1981).

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Resonant Behaviour of Comet Halley & the Orionid Stream

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  1. Resonant Behaviour of Comet Halley & the Orionid Stream Aswin Sekhar & David Asher Armagh Observatory United Kingdom EPSC 2012, Madrid

  2. Brief Background to the History of Comet 1P/Halley * Observational records date back to 240 B. C. (Yeomans & Kiang 1981) • Accurate orbital elements from 1404 B. C. (Yeomans & Kiang 1981) • Physical life-time assumed to be about 200 revolutions (Whipple 1951) * Dynamical life time of the order of 100,000 years (Hughes 1985, Hadjuk 1986, Steel 1987, Bailey & Emel’yanenko 1996) (Credit: W. Liller, International Halley Watch, 8 March 1986) (Credit: MPS Germany/H. U. Keller)

  3. Brief Introduction to the Interesting Observations of Orionids • Orionids outbursts in 1993 and 2006 were unexpected * Previous works explained the outburst in 2006 using 1:6 mean motion resonance with Jupiter (Rendtel 2007, Sato & Watanabe 2007) (Credit: S. Quirk)

  4. Our Present Work • Halley itself was 1:6 resonant from about 1404 B.C. to 690 B.C. Starting epoch here is 1404 B.C.

  5. * Halley itself was 2:13 resonant from about 240 B.C. to 1700 A.D. Starting epoch here is 240 B.C. 5

  6. Our present calculations show enhanced activity in 1916,1993 & 2070 due to 2:13 resonance mechanism and outbursts in 1436-1440, 1933-1938 & 2006-2010 from 1:6 resonance mechanism • The simulations match the observational records for 1993 (Rendtel & Betlem 1993), 1916 (Olivier 1921), 2006-2010 (Rendtel 2008, IMO records), 1933-1938 (Lovell 1954) & 1436-1440 (Imoto & Hasegawa 1958) very well. 6

  7. History of Comet’s Orbit • Halley’s orbit was substantially different about 12,000 years back Starting epoch here is 240 B.C.

  8. 9

  9. * This sudden change in orbit was due to close encounters with Jupiter Starting epoch is 240 B.C. 10

  10. Orbit positions 12,000 years back 11

  11. Present Orbit 13

  12. Intended Future Work • To develop an ejection model to populate meteoroids from 12,000 years in the past • To constrain the orbit of the comet using the ancient & present day meteor records • Meteor showers can be an interesting source to tell us the positions of the comet beyond its recorded observations • Look for diminished meteor rates in some years and treat them with same priority * Negative observations could prove as valuable as enhanced meteor activity possibly Enough of interesting open problems to keep anyone occupied till 2061 (next apparition of Halley) 


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