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Science Curriculum Standards Proficient Level week 7 : teaching and assessment strategies 15/11/2011. Agenda . Activity (1):. What is the importance of the starter activity? ما فائدة نشاط التهيئة ؟ Write your answer in the chart in front of you . 5 minutes . Strategy (1). سؤال اليوم
Science Curriculum Standards Proficient Level week 7 : teaching and assessment strategies 15/11/2011
Activity (1): What is the importance of the starter activity? ما فائدة نشاط التهيئة ؟ Write your answer in the chart in front of you 5 minutes
Strategy (1) سؤال اليوم Question of the Day
For : intermediate-advanced, individual or group • Procedures :Ask 1-2 simple questions and give learners 5 minutes to write their answers. Randomly choose a few people to share their answers with the group. • سل سؤالا أو سؤالين بسيطين وأعط للمتعلمين مدة خمس دقائق لكتابة إجاباتهم بشكل مجموعات على لوحة ورقية .واختر باستخدام إستراتيجية الأرقام ممثل عن كل مجموعة من المتعلمين لعرض إجاباتهم .
The Conditions الشروط 1)The topic is related to a previous one or a daily life situation يتعلق الموضوع بآخر سبق دراسته أو موقف حياتي معتاد 2)Start from the learners answer ابدأ من إجابات الطلاب
Activity (2): 1)Ask each group to find its similar color /shape /number(after naming each group) جد اللون أو الشكل أو الرقم المشابه لما معك (بعد إعطاء كل مجموعة اسما يتوافق مع مهمتها. مثال : مجموعة نيوتن – مجموعة الشغل ......إلخ) 2)Stick your collected paper on a flipchart الصق الورق الذي جمعته على لوحة ورقية 3)Read . ( if your collected paper is a question ,ask your selected person and score the answer ) اقرأ ( ولو كان ما جمعته سؤالا ، اختر الشخص الذي ستقوم بسؤاله وحدد ما يستحق من درجات )
Strategy (2) Similaritiesالتشابهات
Benefits الفوائد 1)Self assessment تقييم ذاتي 2)Peer assessment تقييم القرين
Activity (3) Write your comment(s) on the next video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EV6dPmm0vsg
Strategy (3) مثير للعواطف / للذكريات The Evocative
Procedures This is done by giving the students an evocative quotation, photo, scenario or song. Then ask a question that requires the group or learning team to think it through and give you their best answer. الإجراءات : يتم إجراؤها بإعطاء الطلاب مقطع مقتبس مؤثر أو صورة أو سرد قصة أو أغنية ( نص ديني مرتل ).ثم سل الطلاب سؤالا واطلب منهم أن يفكروا كمجموعات في أفضل تعليق NOTE : This strategy may be called Describe the Picture if the presented material is just a picture
Benefits 1)Helps you, the teacher to understand any misconceptionsأي سوء فهم or preconceptions that the students may have about the subject. 2)Knowing what the students preconceptions are tells us where they are now and gives us an idea of how we can get them where we want them to be. سوف يعلمك المدى المعرفي للطلاب وبالتالي سوف تدري كيف تبني على ما يملكون 3) It lets you know how to target the lesson, after all, it makes no sense to teach them what they are already know (unless you are deliberately using repetition) - they would just get bored. تجعلك قادرا على تحديد هدف الدرس وتجعلك قادرا على تحديد ما يحتاجون ، فليس من المنطقي إعادة تعليم ما يعلمونه فعلا
Activity (4) Write down , in a white paper , your name, country of origin, and your favorite fruit). 2) Wad the page into 'snowballs' and toss it around
Strategy (4) معركة كرة الثلج Snowball Fight
For : any level • Procedures: • Give learners a piece of white paper and ask them to write down their name, country of origin, and some trivial fact of your choice (such as a favorite fruit). • Have everyone wad the pages into 'snowballs' and toss them around for a few minutes. • On your signal, everyone should unwrap a snowball, find the person who wrote it, and ask 1-2 more trivial facts. • Write the questions on the board so the students can refer to them. • Note : • Remember that each learner will need to ask one person the questions and be asked questions by a third person, so leave enough time. • Variation for small groups: learners can take turns introducing the person they interviewed.
Activity (5) Sit 4x4 and answer the teacher’s questions as fast as you can 10 MIN.
Strategy (5) Criss -Cross
For : beginner-intermediate, large group • Procedures : • Learners must be seated in organized rows at least 4x4. • Have the front row of learners stand. • Ask simple questions like "What day/time is it?" Learners raise their hands (or blurt يفشي بدون تفكير out answers) and the first person to answer correctly may sit down. • The last standing learner's line (front-to-back) must stand and the game continues until 3-4 rows/lines have played. • You can use diagonal rows if the same person gets stuck standing each time. • To end, ask a really simple question (e.g. "What's your name?") directly to the last student standing. • :Variation for small group the whole group stands and may sit one by one as they raise their hands and answer questions.
Difference between Arrival And Starter الفرق بين نشاط الوصول والنشاط الافتتاحي
Arrival 1)The content : does not relate to the next لا يتعلق بالمحتوى التالي 2)Time : does not exceed 3 minutes لا يزيد عن ثلاثة دقائق 3)Aim : To change the students mode لتغيير الحالة المزاجية للطلاب to motivate the expectations and participating skills لتحفيز مهارات التوقع والمشاركة لدى الطلاب
Starter 1)The content is related to the next يتعلق بالمحتوى التالي الزمن من خمس إلى عشر دقائق2)Time :from 5 :10 min. 3)Aim: a)As a revision for the previous كمراجعة على ما سبق كتهيئة لما يلي b)As a warming up for the next
Effective teaching strategies 13/11/2011
Activity (6): Sit on the hot seat. H.O.2-1 20 minutes
Strategy (1) الكرسي الساخن Hot seat
For : intermediate-advanced, individual or group • Procedures : • Have one student sit in the "hot seat" and assume the identity (secretlyبشكل سري ) of a law , measuring device , an organic system , a process , a scientist or any other topic from the curriculum . • 2)The other students need to ask questions in order to give them clues to find out who are you • .
Note : You can pass three questions but compulsory answer the fourth • As fast as discovering the clue ,the score increases • 10 marks for discovering the clue from one question • 5 for discovering from the second . • 2 for discovering from the third . • 1 for discovering from any other order There are many variations on this strategy. 1)The teacher can put a student in the hot seat and have other students quiz him or her on the reading 2)The students can also put the teacher in the hot seat 3)Students can be in the hot seat in groups and work together to answer questions
Activity (7) A) In before column in the chart ,write what is your background information about the title infront of you. (you can use your school documents) 5 minutes
Activity (8) B) Collect the match papers from the neighboring groups to make a sense about your title C) Stick the collected papers in after column in the chart after your group discussion 10 minutes 10 minutes
D) present you title to the other groups 10 minutes
Strategy (2) Constructive Interaction التفاعل البناء
Activity 9 Role Play Each group should select one or two strategy(ies) from the table (H.O.2-3) and try to act the role of a teacher to achieve it with the class (the other trainees) . 25 minutes
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