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Plant Life History

Explore plant life history terms like selected vs. K-selected, annual vs. perennial vs. biennial, and shade tolerance levels in the context of an old-growth deciduous forest. Investigate seasonal patterns of species dominance and diversity, phenology variations between herbaceous and shrub layers, and the impact of climate change on flora.

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Plant Life History

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Plant Life History

  2. Terms • Life history terms: • - r- selected vs K- selected • - Early successional vs late successional • - Annual, perennial, biennial (two forms, not always two years) • Iteroparous (polycarpic) vs. semelparous (monocarpic) • Shade tolerant, intermediate, intolerant • Deciduous vs. evergreen • Broadleaved vs. needle leaved • vernal herbs (spring wildflowers), summer green species, • late flowering species

  3. 8.1 Digitalis purpurea is a biennial—a short-lived monocarpic perennial

  4. 8.4 Arabidopsis thaliana is a small annual mustard

  5. 8.5 Cirsium canescens is a “biennial”

  6. 8.6 Agave has semelparous rosettes that flower only once

  7. 8.7 Grime’s triangular or C-S-R model • Grimes life history (ecological) classification

  8. 8.8 Grime’s characterizations of large groups of plants according to his C-S-R model

  9. 8.11 “Masting” Reproductive synchrony in Astragalus in 3 populations in Idaho and Montana (2)

  10. Phenology

  11. Question: What are the seasonal patterns of species dominance and diversity in the herbaceous layer of an old-growth deciduous forest

  12. Question: What are the seasonal patterns of species dominance and diversity in the herbaceous layer of an old-growth deciduous forest

  13. Question: Does this species have a different phenology than native shrubs?

  14. Native species Leaf development is much earlier.

  15. Native species Leaf senescence is much later

  16. Question: Is climate change altering seasonal patterns in the local flora?

  17. Plant Life History

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