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Options (Paper 3). Options (Paper 3). Relativity and particle physics. S L. HL. Relativity and particle physics. HL. S L. Relativity and particle physics. Key concepts: relativity Vectors, relative velocity Light clocks Michaelson -Morley experiment
Relativity and particle physics Key concepts: relativity Vectors, relative velocity Light clocks Michaelson-Morley experiment Time dilation and length contraction Relaivistic mass Relativistic momentum Gravitational fields Space-time P456 to 480
Relativity and particle physics Key concepts: particle physics memorise the fundamental particles Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle Pauli’s exclusion principle 4 fundamental interactions Exchange forces and exchange aprticles Quantum numbers – memorise and apply Particle accelerators – charged particle in magnetic field mass- energy equivalence Particle detectors Quarks Feynman diagrams Classic experiments Cosmology and strings p512
Astrophysics HL SL
Astrophysics Key concepts: Astrophysics Knowledge of solar system contents Fusion reactions blackbody radiation spectra of stars types of star calculating mass of a star using Kepler’s laws Measuring distance to stars (trigonometry & other methods) Brightness of stars & inverse-square law Life cycle of stars Big bang & expanding universe p332
Communications HL only SL and HL
Communications Key Concepts Radio waves AM and FM, bandwidth AM radio receiver Digital signals Binary Analog- digital conversion sampling, optical fibres (refraction, total internal reflection) decibels, amplification, attenuation cables, satellite communicationinternet basics 5 electronic circuits- op-amp, 2x amplifiers, comparator, Schmitt trigger Mobile phone system p369
Electromagnetic Waves SL and HL HL only
Electromagnetic Waves Key concepts Nature of EM radiation EM Spectrum interaction of Em with matter- reflection, refraction, dispersion, scatterig, absorption, transmission Em radiation and health Light sources lasers X-rays production 2 source- interference thin film interferenceAir wedge interference diffraction gratings lenses and image formation optical instruments human eye aberations p 411