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PCP Day. Portulacaceae Caryophyllaceae Polygonaceae. First Day of Spring I keep thinking about The end of Autumn That seed is so small Making roots below dark earth Green shoots taste cold wind. Glacier grinding Slowly approaching ocean Does it fear the sea?
PCP Day Portulacaceae Caryophyllaceae Polygonaceae
First Day of Spring I keep thinking about The end of Autumn That seed is so small Making roots below dark earth Green shoots taste cold wind Glacier grinding Slowly approaching ocean Does it fear the sea? A caterpillar,this deep in fall--still not a butterfly. "When the bold branchesBid farewell to rainbow leaves Welcome wool sweaters."- B. Cybrill Haikua form of Japanese poetry with 17 syllables in three unrhymed lines of five, seven, and five syllables, often describing nature or a season. Some of these poems below are written in the style of haiku.
Portulacaceae • Portulacaceae is a family of angiosperms (flowering plants,) comprising about 20 genera with 450 species, ranging from herbaceous plants to shrubs. The family has been recognized by most taxonomists, and is also known as the purslane family.
Portulacaceae • This family has a cosmopolitan distribution, with the highest diversity in semi-arid regions of the Southern Hemisphere in Africa, Australia, and South America, especially in the Andes mountains. A few species also extend north into Arctic regions. This family is also especially diverse in western North America.
Portulacaceae • The APG II system (2003; unchanged from the APG system of 1998) assigns it to the order Caryophyllales in the clade core eudicots.
Portulacaceae • Usually succulent in habit with mucilage cells common. • Leaves are opposite or alternate and sprial, simple, entire with pinnate venation. • Stipules usually present. • Inflorescences determinate. • Flowers usually bisexual and radial. • Ovary superior to inferior. • Fruit usually a loculicidal or circumscissile capsule.
Portulaceae • Major genera worldwide include: • Portulaca (125 spp.), Cistanthe (35), Phemeranthus (30), Claytonia (30), Lewisia (16), and Talinum (15).
Portulaceaeae • Genera in Montana (Dorn 1984): • Claytonia (6 spp.), Lewisia (4 ), • Montia (2), Montiastrum (2), Portulaca (1), Spraguea (1).
Claytonia lanceolata Pursh.Family: Portulacaceae Western spring beauty of moist foothills to alpine in Montana.
Claytonia megarhizaFamily: Portulacaceae Alpine spring beaty of talus slopes of mid to high mountains and alpine areas of Montana.
Claytonia sibirica L.Family: Portulacaceae Siberian springbeauty of moist, usually shady places, lowlands to mid-elevations in the mountains of Montana (native).
Lewisia rediviva PurshFamily: Portulacaceae Bitter-root (Montana State Flower) Gravelly to dry, heavy soil, commonly on lithosol, from sagebrush plains to mid-elevations in the mountains
Lithosol • thin soil consisting of rock fragments: a soil with poorly defined layers horizons that consists mainly of partially weathered rock fragments
Lewisia triphylla (Wats.) Robins.Family: Portulacaceae Three-leaf bitterroot of open, usually sandy areas where vernally moist; ponderosa pine forests to sub-alpine meadows
Vernally Moist Means??? • Vernal ponds, otherwise known as ephemeral wetlands, do not contain fish yet provide critical habitat to wood frogs, spotted salamanders, fairy shrimp, and many other animal and plant species including Lewisia triphylla (three-leaf bitterroot). Vernal ponds usually contain water only during a portion of the year.
Lewisia pygmaea (Gray) Robins.Family: Portulacaceae Alpine bitterroot - Open, often gravelly, moist to rather dry areas, mid- to high elevations in the mountains.
Lewisia columbianaFamily: Portulacaceae Columbia bitterroot - Exposed gravelly or rocky slopes and rock crevices
Montia chamissoiFamily: Portulacaceae Water miners’-lettuce - Wet areas, often in water, from the lowlands to mid-elevations in the mountains
Portulaca oleracea L. Family: Portulacaceae Common Purslane is an annual weed in the garden. It is edible.
Spraguea umbellata TorreyFamily: Portulacaceae Umbellata pussy paws occurs in Ponderosa pine woods to sub-alpine ridges. Syn Cistanthe umbellata
Circumscissile CapsuleCommon in Portulacaceae • Splitting or opening along a circumference, with the top coming off as a lid: a circumscissile seed capsule.
Loculicidal capsuleLess common in Portulacaceae • A LoculicidalCapsule is a dry dehiscent fruit, splitting along the locule (midrib of each ovary).
Caryophyllaceae • The Pink Family This is quite a large plant family with about 2200 species in 70 genera. They are mainly temperate herbaceous plants, and include many popular garden plants - the Pinks, Carnations and Sweet William (Dianthus), Baby's Breath (Gypsophila), Campions and Catchflies (Silene and Lychnis) and Sandworts (Arenaria), as well as a number of weeds, including several types of Chickweed (Stellaria), Mouse-Ear (Cerastium) and Pearlwort (Sagina).
Caryophyllaceae • Widespread, but especially characteristic of temperate and warm temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere, mostly of open habitats or disturbed sites. • They seem to do particularly well on alkaline soils. • The plants of this family are relatively uniform, so are easily recognized.
Caryophyllaceae • The family is best known for ornamentals such as carnations, baby’s breath, soapwort, and campion.
Caryphyllaceae • Leaves and stems - The stems are usually herbaceous, dying back to a crown in winter, although some are evergreen, and some are shrubby with persistent woody rootstocks. The leaves are almost always undivided and opposite, and the stem is swollen and easily broken at the nodes. The leaf bases are often joined around the joints to make them perfoliate, but there are usually no stipules.
Caryphyllaceae • Flowers - The flowers are regular, with a calyx of four or five free or joined lobes. There are also bracts under the flowers, particularly in Dianthus. The flowers have four or five free petals, often notched or deeply cut. There are usually twice as many stamens as petals.
Caryophyllaceae • Seeds - The ovary is superior, and the fruit is a capsule containing many seeds. The seeds are variable. In some species they are round balls, and in others they are more like flat discs.
Caryophyllaceae • Members of this Family usually have: • Swollen leaf joints Simple undivided leaves A calyx with five lobes No stipules Flowers with four or five petals White, pink or red flowers - rarely yellow, but never blue • and are usually short annual or perennial herbs
But I’ve Seen Blue Carnations • Various colors are created in carnations by dyeing. This is how florists achieve blue and green shades. There are two ways carnations are colored, they are stem dyed or sprayed. Stem dying involves cutting the stems on the carnation and placing them in a bucket of dye with the desired color. The white flowers drink the dye and the flower exudes the color. Occasionally carnations are sprayed with a floral dye as another coloring technique.
Caryophyllaceae • In this Family, the superior ovary usually has only one chamber, and contains many seeds. • The capsule usually opens with several points, like an icing nozzle.
Caryophyllaceae • Genera in Montana (Dorn 1984): • Agrostemma, Arenaria (12 spp.), Cerastium, Dianthus, Gypsophila, Holosteum, Lychnis,Paronychia, Sagina, Saponaria, Silene, Spergula, Spergularia, Stellaria, Vaccaria
Agrostemma githagoFamily: Caryophyllaceae Common corncockle - Introduced and well established in Washington and Oregon, less common in Idaho and Montana Roadsides and wasteland.
Arenaria obtusilobaFamily: Caryophyllaceae Syn Minuartia obtusiloba Alpine sandwort – Sub-alpine to alpine ridges and talus slopes
Cerastium arvense L.Family: Caryophyllaceae Field chickweed – plains to alpine throughout the state.
Dianthus barbatus L.Family: Caryophyllaceae Sweet William - Introduced ornamental that ocassionally escapes from gardens in western Montana.Habitat: Wasteland and disturbed soil.
Gypsophila paniculata L.Family: Caryophyllaceae Baby’s breath - Introduced in the northern half of the United StatesNoxious weed in eastern Washington and Idaho.
Lychnis coronaria (L.) Desr.Family: Caryophyllaceae Rose campion - Introduced ornamental that occasionally escapes and persists in Montana and Wyoming. Roadsides, railroads and wastelands.
Saponaria officinalis L.Family: Caryophyllaceae Soapwort - Introduced throughout the United States; Roadsides and waste ground.
Silene menziesii Hook.Family: Caryophyllaceae Menzie’s campion – native to woods, slopes, and stream banks.
Polygonaceae • The Buckwheat Family - a family of flowering plants also known as the "knotweed family" or "smartweed family". The name is based on the genus Polygonum. Some well known members include Eriogonum (buckwheat), Rumex (sorrel), Rheum (rhubarb), and Polygonum (Knotweed).
Polygonaceae • The family is named for the many swollen node joints that some species have; poly means many and goni means knee or joint, though some interpret goni to mean seed, and the name then would refer to the many seeds these plants often produce.
Polygonaceae • According to our text, the family consists of 43 genera, totaling about 1100 species. Numerically the most important are Eriogonum (250 species), Polygonum (200 species), Rumex (200 species), Coccoloba (120 species), and Calligonum (80 species). • The family is present worldwide, but are most differentiated in temperate regions.
Polygonaceae • Herbs, shrubs, trees, or vines, the nodes are often swollen. Usually with tanins, often with oxalic acid. Leaves usually alternate, simple, and spiral. Leaves usually entire, with pinnate venation and with a peculiar pair of sheathing stipules known as ocreae.
Polygonaceae • The flowers are normally bisexual, small in size, radial (actinomorphic) with calyces of 3 or 6 imbricate sepals. After flowering the sepals often become membranous and enlarge around the developing fruit. Flowers lack a corolla and the sepals are petal-like and colorful.
Polygonaceae • The androecium is composed of 3 to 8 stamens that are normally free or united at the base. Flowers with compound pistils composed of three united carpels with one locule - producing a single ovule. The ovary is superior with basal placentation, and 2 to 4 stigmas are produced.
Polygonaceae • Genera in Montana (Dorn 1984): • Erigonum, Koenigia, Oxyria, Polygonum, • Rumex
Rheum x cultorumFamily: Polygonaceae Garden rhubarb
Erigonum annuum Nutt.Family: Polygonaceae Annual wild buckwheat