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Outline Addressing Modes Move Instructions Arithmetic & Logical Instructions Shift/Rotate/Bit Instructions Compare & Bounds Checking Instructions Branch/Jump & Subroutine Instructions Synchronization Instructions Exception Instructions Misc. Instructions Goal Understand addressing modes
Outline Addressing Modes Move Instructions Arithmetic & Logical Instructions Shift/Rotate/Bit Instructions Compare & Bounds Checking Instructions Branch/Jump & Subroutine Instructions Synchronization Instructions Exception Instructions Misc. Instructions Goal Understand addressing modes Understand instructions Reading Microprocessor Systems Design, Clements, Ch. 2.3-2.9 680XX Instruction Set
Immediate or literal operand follows instruction e.g. constant byte, word, or longword ADD.L #&9,D0 - add 9 to D0 # - indicates value is immediate & - indicates value is decimal (default is hexadecimal) Absolute or direct address specified as constant - e.g. I/O register short - 16-bit address, sign extended to 32-bits prior to use access bottom and top 32KB of memory long - 32-bit address assembler picks appropriate form MOVE.L D3,$1234 - copy D3 to location $1234 $ - indicates value is hex (default) Addressing Modes
Register direct operands in registers - no memory access MOVE.L D0,D3 - copy D0 to D3 note MOVE from data to address register is illegal Register indirect operand address in address register - a pointer register efficient way of specifying address MOVE.L (A0),D3 - contents of location whose address is in A0 copied to D3 () - specifies contents of MOVEA.L (A0),A0 - dereference a pointer Addressing Modes
Register indirect with autoincrement add 1, 2, or 4 to register after use - depends on operand size use to step through arrays + - specifies autoincrement MOVE.L (A0)+,D3 - copy (A0) to D3, add 4 to A0 Register indirect with autodecrement subtract 1, 2, or 4 from register before use use to step through arrays, especially stack - - specifies autodecrement MOVE.L -(A0),D3 - sub 4 from A0, copy (A0) to D3 Register indirect with displacement add signed 16-bit constant to register before use use to access structures MOVE.L 12(A4),D3 - copy location A4+12 to D3 may be hex by default in 162 board Addressing Modes
Register indirect with index add address register, another register, 8-bit signed displacement two-dimensional table access other register is index register MOVE.L 9(A1,D0.W),D3 - copy contents of A1+9+D0[0:15] to D3 MOVE.L 9(A1,D0.L),D3 - copy contents of A1+9+D0[0:31] to D3 PC relative like register indirect but uses PC PC with displacement PC with index can write position-independent code only with source operand, not destination MOVE.L 8(PC),D2 - copy contents of PC+8 to D2 MOVE.L 8(PC,D0.W),D3 - copy contents of PC+8+D0[0:15] to D3 Addressing Modes
MOVE src,dst move 8, 16, 32-bit values cannot move to address registers, immediate, PC relative clear V,C, set N,Z bits MOVEA src,dst to move to address registers only register direct destination does not set CCR MOVE src,CCR copy low order byte to CCR MOVE src,SR, MOVE SR,dst copy word to/from status register privileged Move Instructions
MOVE.L USP,An, MOVE.L An,USP move address to/from user stack pointer privileged similarly for SSP MOVEM reglist,dst MOVEM src,reglist move to/from multiple registers and memory consecutive memory locations CCR not affected MOVEM.L D0-D7/A0-A6,-(SP) - copy D0-D7, A0-A6 to stack pointed to by A7 MOVE Instructions
MOVEQ lit,Dn move 32-bit literal in -128 to +127 range to data register MOVEP move to/from 8-bit peripheral, maps bytes LEA <ea>,An calculate effective address and load into address register compute complex address once, reuse PEA <ea> calculate effective address of operand and push onto stack used to pass parameters to subroutine EXG Xi,Xj exchange registers Xi and Xj CCR not changed SWAP Dn exchange upper and lower words of Dn CCR updated like move MOVE Instructions
ADD src,dst one of src,dst must be Dn byte, word, or long set CCR ADDA src,An add to address register ADDI #<data>,dst add immediate byte, word, long to dst dst can be An more compact than immediate with ADD ADDQ #<data>,dst add quick add constant 0-7 to dst dst can be An Integer Instructions
ADDX Dsrc,Ddst, ADDX -(Asrc),-(Adst) add src and extend bit (X) to dst X set to same as carry allows multiple precision addition example - 64-bit addition ADD.L D0,D2 - add low-order longword ADDX.L D1,D3 - add high-order longword with X CLR dst clear dst dst is Dn or memory use SUBA.L An,An to clear An only want to clear An if it will be part of an address computation SUB src,dst, SUBA, SUBQ, SUBI, SUBX same as ADD, except subtract src from dst Integer Instructions
NEG dst 0 - dst -> dst dst is memory or Dn byte, word, long set CCR NEGX dst 0 - dst - X -> dst multiple precision negation EXT Dn extend byte to word, word to longword extend byte to longword - EXTB.L Dn replicate sign bit to left use to convert data type Integer Instructions
DIVS src,dst signed divide of dst by src and store result in dst two’s complement representation DIVS.W <ea>,Dn - 32/16 -> 16r-16q store quotient in 16 LSBs, remainder in 16 MSBs DIVS.L <ea>,Dq - 32/32 -> 32q discard remainder - quotient chopped, not rounded DIVS.L <ea>,Dr:Dq - 64/32 -> 32r-32q Dr:Dq - quadword Dr gets remainder, Dq gets quotient DIVSL.L <ea>,Dr:Dq - 32/32 -> 32r-32q divide Dr by src Dr gets remainder, Dq gets quotient divide by 0 causes trap overflow sets V, leaves dst unchanged DIVU - unsigned divide Integer Instructions
MULS src,dst signed multiple of src and dst, stored in dst two’s complement representation MULS.W <ea>,Dn - 16x16 -> 32 16 LSBs of Dn used as multiplicand, all 32 bits for dst MULS.L <ea>,DI - 32x32 -> 32 dst gets 32 MSBs of 64-bit result MULS.L <ea>,Dh-DI - 32x32 -> 64 Dh - gets 32 LSBs of result, Dl gets 32 LSBs of result overflow (V) set if 32x32 -> 32 and 32 MSBs of result are not sign extension of 32 LSBs MULU - unsigned multiply overflow on 32x32 -> 32 if 32 MSBs are not zero Integer Instructions
BCD - binary coded decimal also sometimes called packed decimal each 4-bit nibble stores decimal digit instructions to add, subtract, negate them avoids the need to convert to/from binary handy for business/COBOL programs Integer Instructions
AND src,dst src && dst -> dst one must be Dn byte, word, long set Z if zero, set N if MSB is 1 ANDI #<data>,dst #<data> && dst -> dst dst can be CCR - clear condition codes byte, word, long - byte for CCR OR src,dst src || dst -> dst ORI #<data>,dst dst can be CCR - set condition codes Logical Instructions
NOT dst ~dst -> dst one’s complement of dst byte, word, long set N, Z EOR Dn,dst Dn XOR dst -> dst exclusive OR byte, word, long set N, Z EORI #<data>,dst dst can be CCR - flip condition codes Logical Instructions
ASL,ASR arithemetic shift left/right byte, word, long ASd Dx,Dy shift by Dx modulo 64 ASd #<data>,Dy shift count 1-8 ASd <ea> one bit shift, word only d - L for left and R for right shift into carry (C) and extend (X) bits can then branch on it V indicates if sign change occurred set N, Z bits left shift - shift in 0 right shift - shift in MSB (sign bit) Shift/Rotate Instructions
LSL,LSR logical shift left/right byte, word, long LSd Dx,Dy shift by Dx modulo 64 LSd #<data>,Dy shift count 1-8 LSd <ea> one bit shift, word only d - L for left and R for right shift into carry (C) and extend (X) bits can then branch on it shift in 0 set N, Z bits, clear V Shift/Logical Instructions
ROL, ROR rotate left/right byte, word, long ROd Dx,Dy rotate by Dx modulo 64 ROd #<data>,Dy rotate count 1-8 ROd <ea> one bit rotate, word only d - L for left and R for right bits rotated out into carry (C) bit can then branch on it set N, Z bits, clear V Shift/Rotate Instructions
ROXL, ROXR rotate left/right including extend bit byte, word, long ROXd Dx,Dy rotate by Dx modulo 64 ROXd #<data>,Dy rotate count 1-8 ROXd <ea> one bit rotate, word only d - L for left and R for right bits rotated out into carry (C) bit can then branch on it set N, Z bits, clear V used with multiple precision operations Shift/Rotate Instructions
BTST - test a bit BTST Dn,<ea> BTST #<data>,<ea> byte if memory number modulo 8 long if register number modulo 32 number 0 is LSB set Z if bit is 0, clear otherwise BSET - same as BTST, but set the bit BCLR - same as BTST, but clear the bit BCHG - same as BTST, but flip the bit Bit Manipulation
BFTST <ea>{offset:width} test a bit field set Z if zero set N if MSB of bit field is set BFSET - same as BFTST, but sets the bits BFCLR - same as BFTST, but clears the bits BFCHG - same as BFTST, but flips the bits BFINS Dn,<ea>{offset:width} insert bit field from low-order bits of Dn set N, Z BFEXTS <ea>{offset:width},Dn extract bit field, sign extend to 32-bits, load in Dn set N, Z BFEXTU - same as BFEXTS except zero extends Bit Field Manipulation
BFFFO <ea>{offset:width},Dn find first one in bit field scan in MSB order store offset from ea in Dn offset given in instruction + offset of bit location store offset+width if no bit found set N if MSB in field is set set Z if zero Bit Field Instructions
Lots of ways to look at bits logical operations - use constant masks to twiddle bit/bits ANDI #$FFFFFFFE D0 - set D0 LSB to 0 shift/rotate operations - look at bits shift into C, branch on it LSR #$4,D0 - C now has bit 3 rotate - put it all back when done bit operations - directly test/set bits BSET #&20,D0 - set Z if bit 20 of D0 is 0, set it bit field operations - sets of bits BFSET D0{D1:D2} - set D0 starting at bit specified by D1 modulo 32 and width specified by D2 modulo 32 note: bits are numbered 31 MSB to 0 LSB Fiddling Bits
CMP <ea>,Dn Dn - <ea>, set N, Z, V, C (if borrow) byte, word, long can then branch on result CMPI #<data>,<ea> CMPA <ea>,An word, long sign extend word to long CMPM (Ay)+,(Ax)+ compare memory locations byte, word, long TST <ea> compare <ea> with 0, set N, Z byte, word, long clears V, C Compare Instructions A0 - first block A1 - second block size - block length MOVE.W #size-1,D0 LOOP: CMPM.L (A0)+,(A1)+ BNE DIFF DBRA D0,LOOP SAME: DIFF:
CMP2 <ea>,Rn compare Rn against bounds, set CCR <ea> has lower bound followed by upper bound Rn - data or address register byte, word, long Z - set if Rn = LB or Rn = UB C - set if Rn < LB or Rn > UB CHK <ea>,Dn if Dn < 0 or Dn > bound, then TRAP to exception vector 6 <ea> has 2’s complement bound, so can be negative word or long N - set if Dn < 0, clear if Dn > src CHK2 <ea>,Rn like CMP2, except TRAP to vector 6 if ea is out of bounds Bounds Checking Instructions
Bcc <label> branch on condition cc true to label label is 2’s complement byte, word, long displacement branch to (PC)+displacement PC contains instruction address + 2 conditions (and what is tested) CC - carry clear, ~C CS - carry set, C EQ - equal, Z GE - >=, (N and V) or (~N and ~V) GT - >, (N and V and ~Z) or (~N and ~V and ~Z) HI - high, ~C and ~Z LE - <=, Z or (N and ~V) or (~N and V) LS - low or same, C or Z LT - <, (N and ~V) or (~N and V) MI - minus/negative, N NE - not equal, ~Z PL - plus/positive, ~N VC - overflow clear, ~V VS - overflow set, V Branch/Jump Instructions
Condition hazard MI, PL can be in error since sign changes on overflow for signed values Scc <ea> set on condition code true <ea> <-- 1’s false <ea> <-- 0’s byte DBcc Dn,<label> test, decrement, and branch if cc false, Dn--, if Dn != -1, PC <-- PC+label loop control - a for statement Dn is word, displacement is signed word Branch/Jump Instructions
BRA <label> unconditional branch to label byte, word, long signed displacement JMP <ea> jump to <ea> <ea> must be a control address, e.g. not Dn, An, immediate, (An)+, -(An) a computed GOTO dispatch table - JMP 50(A0,D1) case statement - JMP 50(A0) Branch/Jump Instructions
BSR <label> branch to subroutine SP <-- SP-4, (SP) <-- PC, PC <-- PC+displacement PC has instruction+2 byte, word, long signed displacement JSR <ea> jump to subroutine SP <-- SP-4, (SP) <-- PC, PC <-- <ea> can use for subroutine dispatch table RTS return from subroutine PC <-- (SP), SP <-- SP+4 RTD return and restore condition codes CCR <-- (SP), SP <-- SP+2, PC <-- (SP), SP <-- SP+4 caller had saved CCR on stack Subroutine Instructions
RTD #<displacement> return and deallocate PC <-- (SP), SP <-- SP+4+displacement signed 16-bit displacement pops off stuff put on stack before subroutine call LINK An,#<displacement> link and allocate SP <-- SP-4, (SP) <-- An, An <-- SP, SP <-- SP+displacement word or long displacement negative to allocate stack area use to maintain linked list of local and parameter data on stack for nested subroutine calls UNLK An unlink SP <-- An, An <-- (SP), SP <-- SP+4 Subroutine Instructions
TAS <ea> test and set test byte at <ea>, set N, Z, set MSB of operand use locked or read/modify/write memory cycle - no interruptions use for flags or semaphores CAS Dc,Du,<ea> compare and swap compare <ea> operand to Dc, if equal, put Du in <ea>, otherwise put <ea> operand into Dc byte, word, long use locked or read/modify/write memory cycle implement semaphore CAS2 Dc1:Dc2,Du1:Du2,(Rn1):(Rn2) compare (Rn1) to Dc1, if equal, compare (Rn2) to Dc2, if also equal, write Du1 to Rn1 and Du2 to Rn2, else write (Rn1) to Dc1 and (Rn2) to Dc2 word, long Synchronization Instructions
Exception stop normal processing enter supervisor state only way for user to get into supervisor state Causes reset loads PC and supervisor stack from memory and sets up status register hardware error bus error - BERR pin active low hardware interrupt on interrupt request lines 7 levels, encoded into 3 bits IPL0-IPL2 ignored if I0-I2 in status register is larger TRAP - a software interrupt Exceptions
Exception vector each exception has a vector 32-bit absolute address of appropriate exception handling routine operating system must provide routines all vectors are stored in a table of 256 longwords 256 different exception numbers some exception numbers preallocated e.g. 4 is illegal instruction Exceptions
Types of exceptions address error - attempt to access word/long at odd address unaligned address illegal instruction - unrecognized instruction opcode divide by zero privilege violation - CPU in user mode, tried to execute privileged op e.g. STOP, RESET, MOVE <ea>,SR, MMU, cache trace - if T-bit of SR is set, trace exception after each instruction execution line 1010,1111 Emulators - opcode with 1010,1111 in MSBs, are illegal uninitialized interrupt vector - no interrupt vector provided by device after interrupt, must be initialized spurious interrupt - interrupt, CPU acknowledges, no device response TRAP - 16 types 0-15, calls 1 of 16 routines TRAPV - trap on overflow double bus fault - second bus error when saving PC on stack CPU is lost Exceptions
Supervisor state - higher privilege than user state when S-bit of SR is 1 can access SSP, and also USP Change from user to supervisor - exception Change from supervisor to user clear S-bit RTE - return from exception MOVE.W <ea>,SR ANDI.W #$XXXX,SR EORI.W #$XXXX,SR Privileged State
RESET if supervisor state, assert ~RSTO line for 512 clock periods, else TRAP resets external devices RTE return from exception if supervisor state, SR <-- (SP), SP <-- SP+2, PC <-- (SP), SP <-- SP+4, restore state and deallocate stack according to (SP), else TRAP different stack frames for different exceptions clears S-bit, returns to user mode STOP #<data> load SR and stop if supervisor state, SR <-- #<data>, stop, else trap trace, interrupt, or external reset continues processing take appropriate exception Exception Instructions
TRAP #<vector> set S-bit SSP <-- SSP-2, (SSP) <-- format/offset, SSP <-- SSP-4, (SSP) <-- PC, SSP <-- SSP-2, (SSP) <-- SR, PC <-- vector address vector is 0-15 vector number is vector+32 vector address obtained by indexing with vector number into vector table TRAPcc #<data> if cc, then TRAP with vector #7 word or long #<data> passed to trap handler TRAPV if V, then TRAP with vector #7 ILLEGAL TRAP to vector #4 (illegal instruction) Exception Instructions
NOOP does nothing BKPT #<data> run breakpoint acknowledge cycle on bus address lines A2-A4 contain <data> TRAP as illegal instruction MOVE16 src,dst move 16-byte aligned block src or dst can be pointed to by An, optionally autoincrement increment by 16 src or dst can be absolute long address starting address of block Misc. Instructions