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EMMA Data Storage

EMMA Data Storage. Ben Shepherd Magnetics and Radiation Sources Group, ASTeC EMMA Commissioning Workshop 1-4 December 2009. View slides (with links): http://tinyurl.com/emma-bjas. Overview. What do we have on ALICE? eLog wiki file storage What do we need on EMMA? The same?

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EMMA Data Storage

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  1. EMMA Data Storage Ben Shepherd Magnetics and Radiation Sources Group, ASTeC EMMA Commissioning Workshop 1-4 December 2009 View slides (with links): http://tinyurl.com/emma-bjas

  2. Overview • What do we have on ALICE? • eLog • wiki • file storage • What do we need on EMMA? • The same? • Or something different?

  3. ALICE eLog Web-based log: http://www.4gls.ac.uk/erlp/elog/alicelog/ Uses ELOG server developed at PSI https://midas.psi.ch/elog/ Visible to the world; need an account to edit Anyone can request an account (must be approved by an admin – me!)

  4. ALICE eLog • http://www.4gls.ac.uk/erlp/elog/ • Several logbooks defined on one server: • shift log • fault notification • private files (passwords, phone numbers) • operations log (permits to work etc.) • logs for other groups (vertical test facility, health physics, CBS, cryogenics)

  5. eLog features Auto save (no need to refresh page) or manual save Metadata to aid searching and find log entries at a glance Javascript-based WYSIWYG rich text editor (FCKeditor) Insertion of table of machine parameters (connects to EPICS via HTTP server) Can add attachments (images etc.)

  6. ALICE Wiki • Information on how to operate ALICE is stored in the wiki: http://projects.astec.ac.uk/ERLPManual/ • MediaWiki server (like Wikipedia) • Visible to the world; need an account to edit • Simple account request/approval process • Non-WYSIWYG editor – uses wiki syntax • (very shallow learning curve)

  7. Wiki Features Displayed page Wiki code Simple syntax, e.g. ==Headlines== and [[Links]] Automatic table of contents on each page Inline images with captions Equations in TeX markup Tables Pages organised in categories

  8. ALICE File Server(s) ALICE data files stored on a local server (\\apsv4) Read/write access for anyone with an STFC login Data for each shift stored inWork\YYYY\MM\DD\Shift N

  9. EMMA Data Storage • For ALICE: • eLog for day-to-day logging • Wiki for reference information • Local file server to store images, documents, etc. • For EMMA: • Requirements are pretty similar • Easy to set up eLog and wiki on existing servers • External access is also important – not everyone working on the project has an STFC login id

  10. Access for external collaborators ELog and wiki are web-based systems with usernames and passwords; registration is approved by admin(s) at DL File storage is a bit different It should be as transparent as possible for DL people Allow read/write access for external people as well The current solution (conform.ac.uk & engserve) is not really ideal – two diverging document stores Proposal: server with SFTP

  11. SFTP File Server Proposal (implemented now!) from Chris Dean (DL IT) Secure File Transfer Protocol Secure login; read/write access from anywhere Need FTP client – widely available, cross-platform (e.g. FileZilla for Windows/Mac/Linux) srgen2.dl.ac.uk (ex-SRS) has this facility and is currently under-used DL users would see as a normal network share (i.e. \\dlfiles03\ASTeC\Projects\EMMA\...) Consolidate files from https://www.conform.ac.uk/documents/emma and \\engserve\CONFORM\EMMA (relevant stuff - obviously not sensitive information)

  12. Conclusion ALICE experience has led to a combination of systems for different purposes Most can be extended for EMMA Use SFTP for external access to data files

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