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Pronouns. What is an pronoun?. A word that replaces a noun (he, him, her). Singular. Plural. 1 st Person Common. ykinOa' / ynIa]. Wnx.n:a]. , we. , I. 2 nd Masc. hT'a;. ~T,a;. , you. , ya’ll. 2 nd Fem. T.a;. hn"Tea;. , you. , ya’ll. 3 rd Masc. aWh. hM'he ~he. , he, it.

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  1. Pronouns

  2. What is an pronoun? A word that replaces a noun (he, him, her)

  3. Singular Plural 1st Person Common ykinOa' / ynIa] Wnx.n:a] , we , I 2nd Masc hT'a; ~T,a; , you , ya’ll 2nd Fem T.a; hn"Tea; , you , ya’ll 3rd Masc aWh hM'he ~he , he, it , 3rd Fem awhi ayhi hn"he !he , she , , , they

  4. ^ybia' ~h'r"b.a; yhel{a/ hw"hy> ynIa] your father (of) Abraham God Yahweh I (Genesis 28:13)

  5. tm,a/ ~yhil{a/ hw"hyw: true (is)God And Yahweh %l,m,W ~yYIx; ~yhil{a/-aWh living God he and king ~l'A[a (Jeremiah 10:10) eternal

  6. hv,mo-la, ~yhil{a/ rm,aYOw: Moses to God And he said hy<h.a, rv,a] hy<h.a, I am who I am (Exodus 3:14).

  7. English Emphatic Use of Pronoun Hebrew “I say” rm;a' “I myself say” rm;a' ynIa]

  8. Leviticus 17:11 awhi ~D"B; rf'B'h; vp,n< yKi he (is) in the blood the flesh life For x:Bez>Mih;-l[; ~k,l' wyTit;n> ynIa]w: the altar upon to you I gave it and I (myself) ~k,ytevop.n:-l[; rPek;l. your life upon to cover

  9. %yae Interrogative Pronouns How? lleyhe ~yIm;V'mi T'l.p;n" %yae Heylel From heaven you have fallen How? (Isaiah 14:12)

  10. %yae hm' Interrogative Pronouns How? What?

  11. laer"f.yI-tybe War>q.YIw: (of) Israel house And they called !m" Amv.-ta, (the) name of him (it) Exodus 16:31

  12. Wrm.aYOw: laer"f.yI-ynE)b. War>YIw: And they saw sons and they said (of) Israel aWh !m"å wyxia'-la, vyai to his brother a man he? what Exodus 16:15

  13. %yae hm' Interrogative Pronouns How? What? ymi Who?

  14. ^l. dyGIhi ymi rm,aYOw: to you And he said told Who hT'a' ~roy[e yKi that you (are) naked Genesis 3:11

  15. ^AmK' lae-ymi Just like you? God Who (Micah 7:18)

  16. %yae hm' ymi hM'l' Interrogative Pronouns How? What? Who? Why?

  17. !yIq"-la, hw"hy> rm,aYOw: Genesis 4:6 And he said Cain to Yahweh %l' hr"x' hM'l' for you? angry Why `^yn<p' Wlp.n" hM'l'w> Have they fallen your face(s) And why

  18. ynIT"b.z:[] hm'l' yliae yliae Psalm 22:1 My God forsaken me? Why My God yrEb.DI yti['Wvymi qAxr" from my salvation distant (are) words `yti(g"a]v; of my groaning

  19. Vocabulary

  20. lx,ao Tent

  21. Exodus 40:2 lx,ao to the new (moon) vd<xol; dx'a,B. !AvarIh' vd<xoh;-~AyB. (of) the new In the day in one the first d[eAm lh,ao !K;v.mi-ta, ~yqiT' (of) appointed meeting tent the tabernacle will raise up

  22. rxea; Another, other

  23. lb,h,ê tx;T; rxea; [r;z<å Adam had relations with his wife again; and she gave birth to a son, and named him Seth, for, she said, “God has appointed me another offspring in place of Abel, for Cain killed him” (Genesis 4:25).

  24. %yae How?

  25. @l;a' B To learn @l,a, Thousand or Cattle

  26. rv,a] Who?

  27. hm'heB. Animal, beast

  28. hm'heB. Then God said, “Let the earth bring forth living creatures after their kind: cattle and creeping things and beasts of the earth after their kind”; and it was so. (Genesis 1:24).

  29. hm'heB. Then Noah built an altar to the LORD, and took of every clean animal and of every clean bird and offered burnt offerings on the altar (Genesis 8:20).

  30. hm'heB. Behold now, Behemoth, which I made as well as you; She eats grass like an ox (Job 40:15). tAmheb.

  31. ~G: Also, even

  32. ~D' Blood

  33. ~D' Leviticus 17:11 awhi ~D"B; rf'B'h; vp,n< yKi It (is) In the blood {of} the flesh Life (soul) For

  34. ~D' And it became known to all who were living in Jerusalem; so that in their own language that field was called Hakeldama, that is, Field of Blood. (Acts 1:19).

  35. h] Interrogative particle

  36. rAhj' Clean, pure

  37. rAhj' Psalm 51:10 ~yhil{a/ yli-ar"B. rAhj' ble God to me Create clean heart yBir>qiB. vDEx; !Akn" x:Wrw> in myself And a spirit renew established

  38. yKi That, because, but, except

  39. ls;K' B To be stupid lysiK. Fool

  40. lysiK. Proverbs 3:35 Wlx'n>yI ~ymik'x] dAbK' glory they inherit Wise men !Alq' ~yrIme ~yliysik.W display dishonor But fools

  41. hM'l' Why?

  42. hm' What?

  43. Exodus 16:15 hm' Wrm.aYOw: laer"f.yI-ynEb. War>YIw: And they saw And they said (of) Israel sons aWh !m' wyxia'-la, vyai (is) it? His brother to Man What

  44. hm' Why? hm'l' hM'l' or

  45. My God! My God! You forsook me why ynIT'b.z:[] hm'l' yliae yliae Why? hm'l' hM'l' or

  46. [;WDm; Why? hm'l' hM'l' or

  47. ymi Who?

  48. ymi Wnyhel{a/ hw"hyK; ymi (is) like our God Yahweh Who (Psalm 113:5)

  49. lD' Contrast with , poor, weak, thin ynI[' Poor, afflicted

  50. Exodus 3:7 ynI[' I have seen ytiyair" haor" hw"hy> rm,aYOw: Seeing Yahweh And he said ~yIr"c.miB. rv,a] yMi[; ynI[\-ta, of my people the affliction (are) in Egypt who

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