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看哪 , 神的羔羊 Behold the Lamb of God St. 1-4, Joseph Hoskins St. 5, Alfred P. Gibbs

看哪 , 神的羔羊 Behold the Lamb of God St. 1-4, Joseph Hoskins St. 5, Alfred P. Gibbs Arr. by D.F. Auber CCLI #1133585. 聖徒詩歌 #72. CCLI # 1133585. 看哪 ! 看哪 , 神的羔羊 ! Behold! Behold the Lamb of God, 在架上 ! 在架上 ! On the cross! On the cross! 祂為我們流血受戕 , For us He shed His precious blood,

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看哪 , 神的羔羊 Behold the Lamb of God St. 1-4, Joseph Hoskins St. 5, Alfred P. Gibbs

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  1. 看哪, 神的羔羊 Behold the Lamb of God St. 1-4, Joseph Hoskins St. 5, Alfred P. Gibbs Arr. by D.F. Auber CCLI #1133585 聖徒詩歌 #72 CCLI # 1133585

  2. 看哪! 看哪, 神的羔羊! Behold! Behold the Lamb of God, 在架上! 在架上! On the cross! On the cross! 祂為我們流血受戕, For us He shed His precious blood, 在架上! 在架上! On the cross! On the cross! 1. 72 – 看哪, 神的羔羊Behold the Lamb of God ˊ ㄑㄧㄤ 1 of 10 CCLI # 1133585

  3. 聽祂臨終奇異喊說 : On hear His all important cry, “我神, 我神, 為何棄我 ?” “E-li, la-ma sa-bach-tha-ni?” 請來! 請看救主受戳, Draw near and see the Savior die, 在架上! 在架上! On the cross! On the cross! 72 – 看哪, 神的羔羊Behold the Lamb of God 2 of 10 CCLI # 1133585

  4. 看哪! 祂的兩臂伸張, Behold! His arms extended wide, 在架上! 在架上! On the cross! On the cross! 看, 祂流血, 徧體受傷, Behold His bleeding hands and side, 在架上! 在架上! On the cross! On the cross! 2. 72 – 看哪, 神的羔羊Behold the Lamb of God 3 of 10 CCLI # 1133585

  5. 太陽忍住它的光芒 The sun withholds its rays of light, 諸天披罩夜色茫茫 The heav’ns are clothed in shades of night, 神的正義必須表彰 While Jesus wins the glorious fight, 在架上! 在架上! On the cross! On the cross! 72 – 看哪, 神的羔羊Behold the Lamb of God 4 of 10 CCLI # 1133585

  6. 看哪, 罪人! 祂被舉起, By faith we see Him lifted up, 在架上! 在架上! On the cross! On the cross! 神的忿怒將祂離棄 He drinks for us the bitter cup, 在架上! 在架上! On the cross! On the cross! 3. 72 – 看哪, 神的羔羊Behold the Lamb of God 5 of 10 CCLI # 1133585

  7. 地動, 天搖, 石裂, 山崩, The rocks do rend, the mountains quake, 當祂完成贖罪大恩, While Jesus all our sins doth take, 當祂受苦為著我們, While Jesus suffers for our sake, 在架上! 在架上! On the cross! On the cross! 72 – 看哪, 神的羔羊Behold the Lamb of God 6 of 10 CCLI # 1133585

  8. 偉大救贖今得功成, And now the mighty deed is done, 在架上! 在架上! On the cross! On the cross! 爭戰完畢全然得勝, The battle fought, the vict’ry won, 在架上! 在架上! On the cross! On the cross! 4. 72 – 看哪, 神的羔羊Behold the Lamb of God 7 of 10 CCLI # 1133585

  9. 看祂, 凱旋往天一盼, To heav’n He turns triumphant eyes; 聽祂“成了”勝利呼喊 “’Tis finished” now, the conqu’ror cries, 聖首下垂命喪氣斷, Then bows His sacred head and dies, 在架上! 在架上! On the cross! On the cross! 72 – 看哪, 神的羔羊Behold the Lamb of God 8 of 10 CCLI # 1133585

  10. 但祂今已復活升天 But now He’s ris’n, ascended, crowned, 在寶座! 在寶座! On the throne! On the throne! 頭戴榮冕坐神右邊, Heav’n’s highest place for Him is found, 在寶座! 在寶座! On the throne! On the throne! 5. 72 – 看哪, 神的羔羊Behold the Lamb of God 9 of 10 CCLI # 1133585

  11. 我們伏拜同心頌揚 , Our hearts we low in worship bow, 慶賀之聲四面回響 : And join, as one, to hail Him now: “唯祢是配, 神的羔羊!” “Worthy, O Lamb of God, art Thou!” 在寶座! 在寶座! On the throne! On the throne! 72 – 看哪, 神的羔羊Behold the Lamb of God 看哪, 神的羔羊 Behold the Lamb of God CCLI #1133585 10 of 10 CCLI # 1133585

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