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Biodiversity in São Paulo's School Feeding Programme. Dimensions of school feeding in São Paulo City. Largest municipal education network with 3 ,5 00 schools. 2 , 000 affiliated schools with about 280 ,0 00 students; 1 ,0 00 outsourced with about 500 , 000 students; and
Dimensions of school feeding in São Paulo City Largest municipal education network with 3,500 schools. 2,000 affiliated schools with about 280,000 students; 1,000 outsourced with about 500,000 students; and 500 mixed and direct administrationwithabout 300,000 students
Dimensions of São Paulo's SchoolFeeding Programme 2.3 million meals are served daily. In kindergarten centers 5 meals are served daily
Dimensionsofschoolfeeding in São Paulo Thetransferenceoffundsfromthe federal governmentthroughtheNationalEducationDevelopmentFund (FNDE) to the municipal schoolfeedingprogramme in São Paulo was R$ 95,895,624.60 (more than 23 million US dollars)
In 2018 the São Paulo City's government signed contracts totalizing the amount of R$ 31,831,357.29 purchasing foods from family farming. This amount represents 33.19% of the whole transference from the National Education Development Fund
The federal law No. 11,947/2009 stablishes that at least 30% (thirty percent) of the school feeding budget should be used to purchase foodstuffs directly from Family Farming and Rural Family Entrepreneurs or their organizations, prioritizing agrarian reform settlements, indigenous traditional communities and communities of quilombolas (populations of slaves descendants)
For theyear 2019 it is expected to reachthegoalsofpurchasingproductsfromfamilyfarmingandorganicagriculturesuch as: • rice (conventionalandorganic), • banana (conventionalandorganic), • pork, • fish, • creamcheese, • butterwithoutsalt, • organicfruitjelly, • freshfoods
Legal framework- São Paulo’sOrganicSchoolFeedingof Law No. 16,140/2015- Decree No. 56,913/2016, regulatesthelawandinstitutedtheActionPlan- Ordinance No. 07/2016, stablishesthe Management Committee Website: http://portal.sme.prefeitura.sp.gov.br/Main/Noticia/Visualizar/PortalSMESP/Agricultura-Familiar-e-Agroecologica-na-CODAE
A statepolicybuiltby civil society in partnershipwithLegislativeandExecutive Thelawwascreated in a superpartisanway, approvedunanimously in the local parliamentandsanctionedwithout a veto
ThePlanofActionforeseestheworld'slargestgoaloffoodandnutritionalsecurity. Until 2026: Purchasing100% oforganicfoods to the municipal schoolfeedingprioritizingtheFamilyFarming, butalso small andmediumproducers. Purchasesmadebydirect, mixedandoutsourced systems.Andalsoschoolgardenswithunconventionalfoodplantsandshootsthatcanenrichthe menu
A Programme that exemplifies the Circular Economy, which promotes innumerous socio-environmental benefits. And it dialogues directly with: Food Guide for the Brazilian Population; Milan Urban Food Policy Pact; and Sustainable Development Goals The More OrganicSchoolProgrammeprovidessocio-environmentalservices = it embracesthehealthpromotionandtheenvironmentcare.Thusit is themosteconomicalandsafestPublicPolicy.
São Paulo’s Law and its mechanismsof social controland search for intersectoralitythroughthe Management Committee are highlighted in thepublication on Organic in SchoolsGuide.
The São Paulo Legal Framework inspiredotherlawsandregulations, such as: Stateof Paraná: anapproveddecree; Similar laws in Mato Grosso, Porto Alegre (RS), Rio de Janeiro (RJ), Ribeirão Preto (SP).
How to enable a more effectiveandvirtuousProgramme in São Paulo?
The way we have acted to turn it into a strategic programme and to incorporate the SDG... Mayor takes over the Programme as a strategic policy Budget allocationandfunding for specificfund Integratingtheactionsofthesecretariats in a synergisticway
In 2018 the Programme achieved 91% of the target of 5% (R$ 8,457,448.48) and this year target is 10% of organic food procurement, (R$ 25,365,719.00).
Valueintended for thepurchaseoffoodstuffs Goalpercentage
We can also learn from other experiences such as in the State of Paraná that facilitates the purchase of organic food from family farming in which it has the whole system created as a social technology • Electronic System (open system reference) sales intent, sales project • Electronic Public Calls • Flexible menu and purchases by food groups, suitability for regional foods, public hearing for pricing validation • Building trust between stakeholders • Declaration of agrochemicals and food program screened and analysis of pesticide residues • Nutrition Status Monitoring Programme
GoodGovernance - ChallengesSão Paulo need for a singleannualpubliccall for theacquisitionoforganicandconventionalfamilyfarming.Theonlyannualedictorganizedbyfoodgroupscanrespect for seasonalityandgreaterdiversityoforganic.
Expandtheinsertionoffamilyfarming in agroecologicaltransition in theschoolsofthestateof SP.
Expandthearticulationwiththeoutsourced system in thescopeof More OrganicSchools
Food and Nutrition EducationMore Organic School Programme, as foreseen in the Action Plan, it is necessary to strengthen initiatives on food and nutritional education and environmental education (pedagogical gardens, Sustainable Menu)
More Organic School / Live the Agroecology + Sustainable School Menu + https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9LH2bv5s78o&feature=youtu.be
Insertingunconventionalfoodplants in theschool menu as stablishedbythelawregulation (ActionPlan - Decree 56,913/2016) andbythe federal ordinance(INTERMINISTERIAL PORTAL Nº 284, OF MAY 30, 2018) • An exemple ofUrbanAgriculture in Curitiba (PR)Atthesame m2 whereyoucanplant 9 lettucesyoucanplantmany more UnconventionalFoodPlants • Supplyofsocio-environmentalservices • Productionof 4 tons/yearoffood in 300m2 • Recycling 30 tons/yearoforganicwaste Foto: Nuno Rodrigo Madeira
PANC Day Outcome(pilotproject): Enriching the Menu Day 27 PANC-Enriched Menu fromnov / 2017 Usual Menu + Guandu Beans + Capuchin + Goldfish + Ora-pro-nobis + Turmeric + Green Banana + Rosemary + Purple Almeirão Usual Monday Menu: Rice, Beans, Egg and Carrot or Pumpkin
Mineralsofconventionalvegetables versus PANC vegetables Convencionais Levantamento- VP Centro de Nutrição Funcional PANC
http://vivaagroecologia.blogspot.com.br/ Blog do Projeto
Specialists in Education and Unconventional Food Plants visited the Municipal School “Amorim Lima” in the scope ofthe Project “Live the Agroecology” Educador Tião Rocha Pesquisador e Prof Valdely Kinupp
Meeting withexpertsandthestrengtheningtheUnconventionalFoodPlants Nursery Network
Creation of the Unconventional Food Plants Nurseries Network to support the production and distribution of seedlings and to promote formations.
Visits to the properties of 4 producers of Parelheiros that provide school feeding
Actions with the Connect Points Project supported by the Bloomberg Foundation • Project that seeks to strengthen the food production chain in the southern region of the city of São Paulo; • Support for rural technical assistance and production planning for School Feeding • Foster associativism • App with Production offers and demands https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LzzPHDvg5qw
PANC Cookbook and CODAE Nutritionist Training Video • Video of PANC cooking workshop held for CODAE nutritionists at II HortPANChttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cEUfHdOYym0
Articulation with other City Schools and organs, strengthening networking: PANC Nurseries Over 40 types of PANC grown in the School Garden PANC insertion in School menu at least twice a week, from PANC removed from the Garden Compounder providing inputs to maintain soil and crop quality PANC Vegetable Garden Insertion in the School's Pedagogical Political Project Preparation of Pedagogical Routes together with teachers, coordinators and director of Esc hello to use the garden as a pedagogical resource in the classes of all the years of study Support materials for Project replicability in other schools (Guide, PANC Table with Iconography, Mini-Videos on Various PANC Types, and Project Blog) and distribution to 3,200 schools. Organization of the PANC Nursery Network that brings together, reference schools in PANC vegetable gardens in each region, Urban Collective Agroecology; Supporting partner NGOs; Municipal nurseries; technicians, etc. Project reference presented at II HortPANC in August 2018 in São Paulo and training of CODAE nutritionists in PANC cooking. - Viva Agroecologia served as a reference for InovanaHorta project in the city of Jundiaí. Results
Thank you and we are available Luiz Henrique Bambini(CODAE): luizbambini@gmail.com Ana Flávia Borges Badue (Law Management Commission 16140/15): anaflaviabbadue@gmail.com Andre Luzzi(Polis): luzzi@usp.br