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C2Monster. Contents. 1) Wormhole 1. Summary 2. System Composition & User Environment 2) System Guidelines 1 . Admin Guide Installation Environment Setting Project Management User System Management 2. User Guide Scheduling My Task Projects Messages. 1) What is Wormhole ?.
Contents 1) Wormhole 1. Summary 2. SystemComposition&User Environment 2) SystemGuidelines 1. Admin Guide • Installation • Environment Setting • Project Management • User • System Management 2. User Guide • Scheduling • My Task • Projects • Messages
1) What is Wormhole? Wormhole is a pipeline production workflow management tool to systematically and comprehensively manage your project processes Efficient cooperative-production management Reduce in production period Cost savings (25%+ ) Reduction in work time with Assets Database/ Realization of High Quality Easier work scheduling Easy interface for artists Real-time communication → immediate feedbacks Operation system available in various languages Engineer Producer Desinger Modeler Rigger Animator Effecter Production Manager Producer Management Group
1) Wormhole As a web-based system, Wormhole will help you manage your project anytime, anywhere. Other company … Other company Digital ContentsProduction Company Manager Group-Project manager -Investor, OEM Partners -Contents Biz Partners, etc. Wormhole System Server Internet Project 1 Data center Project 2 Project Management Project 3 Project … Project …. Other team … Other team
1) Wormhole Easier use of publish tool. It is easier with Wormhole to manage project routes of shots and assets by running Maya and Nuke. At Wormhole, a project directory is automatically creating. → RunningMaya & Nuke The directory route for the relative shots or assets is used as a basic route. Files are automatically saved and renamed in the designated directory using public tools of Maya and Nuke. You can check the directory of the file server by publish version at Wormhole. It prevents user’s mistakes at the stage of saving shots or assets to minimize unnecessary works. User Local PC 1 Built in Plug-in Create Directory Local Publish tool User Local PC 2 User Local PC 3 … File & D/B Server , Render farm Save and rename files and Data in the designated file server directory
2) System Composition and User Environment [User Company] [Data Center] Wormhole System Server File Server Internet Company-internal LAN . . . Worker PC Worker PC
3) Wormhole Composition and Characteristics - Management of tasks (work parts) by template - Registration and management of projects, sequences, shots, and assets - User registration and Team Setting - Input/management of workers by project Admin System Production management, Scheduling, Task Allocation by worker, Confirmation of work results , etc. Manager User System Individual schedule management, Reviewing, Connecting Maya and Nuke, etc. Artist - Searching Asset, Shot Publish History and connecting withRV-Player Connecting message tool with email and Skype Project View, Daily View, Node View, Reference view
Admin Guide Guidelines for Administrators to use the system C2Monster
System Setting 1. Wormhole system setting by user company • It is available anywhere in the world to use the Wormhole system, if the internet is connected. • It is created to be shared by multi user companies • It is set up for companies respectively, totally separating their domains and data by company in the system. • A company code (hereinafter referred to as comp_code) is designated to each company after setting the Wormhole system • When accessing to the system, user companies access to their own system • System access URL by company : http://comp_code.wormholepipeline.co.kr - Ex) If the comp code is “demo”, access to : http://demo.wormholepipeline.co.kr 2. Initial access to the system • Only when the admin account completes necessary processes, it is available for the common users to access to and use the system. • Admin’s initial access to the system • URL : http://comp_code.wormholepipeline.co.kr/site_admin/ • Initial password : adminpass
Contents • Screen Composition 2) Installation - Company, Logo, Installation 3) Environment - Options, Working Environment, Task Type, Standard Template, Template by Task, Status Code 4) Project Management – Project, Sequence, Shot, Asset, Reference media 5) User - Registered User, Upload User file, Team, User by Skill, User by Projects 6) System administration - BBS Notice, Language set, Password, Disk usage
1) Wormhole Screen Composition Menu> Main Frame> Sub Frame Menu Main frame Sub frame
2) Admin Guide - Installation 2.1 [Installation] >[Company]Menu • Input basic information about your company ( company name, introduction, website address, and telephone no. etc,)
2) Admin Guide - Installation 2.2 [Installation] >[Logo] menu -Register the logo of your company. The registered logo will be shown on the left top of every screen. • File size of the logo image : 200 * 50 px • Format: png Upload: The logo image is uploaded by selecting an image file. Preview: You can preview the uploaded image. Register: The image is registered on the left top of the screen.
2) Admin Guide - Installation 2.3 [Installation] >[Installation] menu -This menu is to show the system setting history for developers. No input items.
3) Admin Guide - Environment 3.1 [Environment] >[Options] menu • - Language and screen style can be selected by each user company • When a user initially logs in, he/she can select the layout style. • At present, only Korean and English are available. • Users may set their own basic screen style in the user system. Light Dark
3) Admin Guide - Environment • If a Artist PC Home Directory is designated by each user company, when registering an user account later, this value is set as a basic value. The basic directory can be changed by users, as they log in the user site. • File Sever Home Directory is to designate a common file server to store and share all the work results by users. The PC environment of users should be set so that all users in a company can log in with a same name. (Particularly, the name of network drive) 1 2 • Create Directory • - Structure(Shot) : IndividualPC Home/ project_ID / Sequence_ID / Shot_ID / Task_Name / User_ID/ Name of a project tool • - Structure(Asset) : IndividualPCHome/ project_ID / Asset_ID / Task_Name / User_ID/ Name of a project tool • - Environment file: A standardized environment file for Maya and Nuke is automatically created with the name, wormHole.env 3.2 [Environment] >[Working Environment] menu
3) Admin Guide - Environment 3.3 [Environment]>[Task Type] menu - What is Task Type? It means the task workflow that an artist should perform at the task unit pipeline .(ex. Modeling, Animation, etc.) • You register and manage task pipelines for each artist. When initially setting the system, the tasks are classified and registered in a way that they are commonly used in the industry. • According to the conditions of each company, you can add or modify it. • However, the registered task types at the initial setting are the code names separately used by the system, internally, to control Movie. You cannot delete them or modify the name of the task types. You can only change the colors to classify them. • (Previz, Layout, Animation, Simulation, Rendering, Composite, Modeling, Rigging, Texture, LookDev) • Designate colors by task type→For marking a task type at various screens, those designated colors are used. • (If you do not classify them, only white is used) 1 2 3 New Type
3) Admin Guide - Environment 3.4 [Environment]>[Standard Template] menu - Register a standard workflow template by each company. - The standard workflow template is registered for convenience of scheduling. You make your production workflow contents (task structure, order, work days), which are standardized by type, as a template form in advance, and then apply and use it when scheduling workflows. • The name of standard workflow, registered here, is shown on the screen later when performing scheduling work. The name can be used by selecting them. • Specific task structures by template can be registered and managed at the [Task by Template] menu below When selecting task structure, move to the [Task by Template] Refer to the next slide
3) Admin Guide - Environment 3.5[Environment]>[Template by Task] menu - You can register, modify, and manage the details of the tasks (contents, work order, work period, etc.) of each [Standard Template]. • You can register your task type, start date, and work period(days) by template, in order of your work. • The start date and work period are used as they are when performing scheduling work, if necessary, they can be modified. .
3) Admin Guide - Environment 3.6 [Environment]>[Status Code]menu - You manage status codes to classify and manage progress status. You cannot delete the basic existing codes but can modify the names. • In particular, the Code N means a status where works by task are defined but scheduling is not completed yet. It is not open to artists, and after completing scheduling work, only when the manager changed the code to S (Ready to Start), it is marked as a task and shown to the allocated artists. • Code is used atpublish tools(Maya, Nuke). • Progress rate: is needed for gaunt chart. • The codes are shown in the gaunt chart • in accordance with the progress rates • Waiting(N) : an initial status. Artists should wait and do not start working because scheduling has not been completed. • Ready(S) : An allocated artist may start his/her work as scheduling has been completed. • ing(P) : An allocated artist already started the task, and the task is under progress. • Final(F) : The task has been completed. The manager can designate the code on the scheduling screen. • You can select and use the other status codes such as Hold(H, suspension of the production), Omit(O, cancel of the production), Supplement(C, completed but is being supplemented)if necessary.
4) Admin Guide – Project Management • Create Directory • - Shot : User PC Home/ project_ID / Sequence_ID / Shot_ID / ….. • - Asset : User PC Home / project_ID / Asset_ID / Task_Name/… 4.1 [Project Management]>[Project]menu - Register a new project. Representative logo image for the project → register the image as a png file, with the size rate, 2 :1 in width and length. The projects of Status N(Waiting) are not marked as P code on the user computer. ProjectID : Cannot be modified. The project directory name is created with this project ID, you must type the ID in English. Project Name: The name of the project Start day End day
4) Admin Guide – Project Management 4.2 [Project Management]>[Sequence]menu Register the sequence forming the project.. SequenceID : Cannot be modified. The directory name is created with this sequence ID, you must type the ID in English. • Create Directory • - Shot : User PC Home / project_ID / Sequence_ID / ….. • - Asset : User PC Home / project_ID / Asset_ID / Task_Name / User_ID/ Name of a project Tool
4) Admin Guide – Project Management • Create Directory • - Shot : User PC Home / project_ID / Sequence_ID / Shot_ID / Task_Name / …. • - Asset : User PC Home / project_ID / Asset_ID / Task_Name / User_ID/ Name of a project Tool 4.3 [Project Management]>[Shot]menu - You register the shots, units of workflow in an actual production, under the “Sequence” of “Project” • If you register the prearranged schedules of each shot, the date is marked as its start date when performing actual scheduling work. ShotID : Cannot be modified. , The directory name is created with this shot ID, you must type the ID in English. 2 1 Handling, In, Out In a movie, the length of a shot is decided as 100 frames in the early editing process. But, if you want to making the connections between shots smoothly, by moving 1 or 2 frames forward and backward in later editing, you make extra 5 more frames in advance. If “Handling in” and “Handling out” have 5 frames, each, the numbers of frames actually used are 6 to 95. First 5 frames are handling in and final 5 frames are handling out.
4) Admin Guide – Project Management • Create Directory • - Shot : Userpc home/ project_ID / Sequence_ID / Shot_ID / Task_Name / 작업자_ID … • - Asset : Userpc home/ project_ID / Asset_ID / Task_Name / User_ID / Name of a project Tool 4.4 [Project Management]>[Asset]menu • You register details of assets which are under progress apart from producing shots. • Assetand Shot is a basic unit of pipeline management, and overall pipeline management procedures such as scheduling/work processes are almost similar. • AssetID : Cannot be modified, The directory name is created with this asset ID, you must type the ID in English.
4) Admin Guide – Project Management 4.5 [Project Management]>[Reference media]menu • Reference media are components used in making shots or assets. You can register manage reference sources here. • Artists can be interacted with [Projects] > [Media View] of the user system. • Image files: thumbnail images • Original file: shows the directory of the original file. (Note : As original files cannot be registered to the Wormhole server, if you want to share them with others, you have to register the files of the File Sever, considering the nature of the reference media.
5) Admin Guide – User 5.1 [User]>[Team] menu • You separate and register teams. If it is necessary to separate users by team, register the teams at the [Team] menu in advance, and set the users at the [Registered User]. • When registering a new team, you register the name and tasks of the team.
5) Admin Guide – User • Create Directory • - Shot : Userpc home/ project_ID / Sequence_ID / Shot_ID / Task_Name / User_ID/ Name of a project Tool • - Asset : Userpc home/ project_ID / Asset_ID / Task_Name / User_ID / Name of a project Tool 5.2 [User]>[Registered User] menu - You can check the list of the registered users all together. You can newly register/modify them. - ID : It is used for users to log in the system. It is also used as a password when initially creating an account. The directory name is created with this ID, you must type the ID in English. - User Type: As designating a type for each user, users are separated by type, and the available functions are also separated by type. • Team Leader, Artist : ARTIST ( who are allowed to check scheduling, but not allowed to control (input or modify) data.) • Supervisor, Coordinator : MANAGER ( who are allowed to use all functions on the user screen, but are not marked as an assigned artist of scheduling) - Skills: You can designate assignable task types among registered task types. - Team: If you created a team at [Team] menu in advance, you can select a team with registered team members - Image : a png file, with the rate of 3:4~4:5 in width and length - Email : E-mails are automatically sent from the system to the registered email address, - Skype ID : If a Skype ID was registered, other users can request a video meeting by clicking the ID at the [Message] menu. -Password: The initial password is set as same with the user ID, and if a user changed the password, it is marked as “changed.” If a user forgets his/her password, the Admin can reset the password into the initial one, by clicking the initialization button. Artist Manager
5) Admin Guide – User 5.3 [User]>[Upload User file]menu Upload: this menu is to upload all the user accounts as an excel file. Download: You can save the list of registered users as an excel file.
5) Admin Guide – User 5.4 [User]>[User by Skill]menu - You can check the status of registered skills of all users all at once. You can see the skills by selecting them by type or by team.
5) Admin Guide – User 5.5 [User]>[User by Projects] menu - You can coordinate users by project. - Users are allowed to work only on the projects which they are put in. - You can select a project on the top of the screen, and check who are put in the project. - You can also check it by filtering with the “user type,” or “team” - Select a project first, and then decide who will be put in the project and who will not be. 1 2 It asks if you want to input Decision whether to introduce
6) Admin Guide – System administration 6.1 [System administration]>[BBS Notice]menu - You can send a notification to registered users.
6) Admin Guide – System administration 6.2 [System administration]>[Language set] menu • This menu is to modify/register the existing name of each menu used in the Wormhole system by the Admin. • Registration and Delete menus are available only for developers. Users are allowed to use Details/Modify menu only.
6) Admin Guide – System administration 6.3 [System administration]>[Password] menu • You can change your basic password.. • You can change the initial password, ‘adminpass’ provided by Wormhole. 6.4 [System administration]>[Disk usage] menu • You can check the usage status of the Wormhole webserver disk by project. • (It is not to check the usage status of the File Server)
User Guide Guidelines for users to use the system C2Monster
Table of Contents- User menu List 1. Scheduling – A manager-level user assigns tasks to artists and check schedules by asset, sequence, and shot. 2. My Task – A user can manage his/her schedule - check schedules for the day by shot/asset, unfinished schedules, and review 3. Projects – A user can check the project which he/she is put in at a glance and the information related to the projects. 4. Messages – Web-page for the communication among the users within a company. Scheduling My Task Projects Message
1) User Guide Userfunctional range of different type
2) User Guide - Scheduling 2.1 Scheduling Main screen
2) User Guide - Scheduling - You can perform scheduling by asset/shot, if those shots or assets were registered by the Admin. - If you select a target project at the [Scheduling] menu, and then select an asset or shot, a scheduling screen for the asset or shot is shown. - If you select [scheduling], a manager can perform scheduling work (assign tasks to artists). 1 2
2) User Guide – Scheduling [Manager] 2.2 [Asset]Select >[Scheduling] - After the Admin registers the details of shots or assets for each project, a manager-level user who is put in the project can start scheduling. Work order of Scheduling Template application: With the standard workflow template registered by the Admin, you can apply the template to the tasks. - For each pre-registered asset and shot, start date and the list of the selectable templates are shown. You can modify the start date, if necessary, and when you select and apply a template, a basic scheduling list is automatically created based on the start date. - The dates shown next to “Scheduling” are the schedule applied when the asset was initially registered by the Admin. - You can performing scheduling works one by one by [Add Task] from nothing. 1
2) User Guide - Scheduling[Manager] 2. Add/Delete a task: Sub-unit tasks can be additionally registered for the pipeline of the Asset/Shot. You can register the task type, task name, start date, due date, priority, and memo of the new task. 3. Specific details of a task:You can modify the details you registered when adding the task and coordinate the progress status. You can control the start date/due date and modify the memo to the artist concerned. 2 3 • Waiting : Initial status. It is still being scheduled. Not shown to the artist. • Ready : Scheduling completed → The assigned artist can start working on the task. After completing the scheduling work, you click the [Start] button, then the [Waiting] code is automatically changed to [Ready] code. • Ing : showing that the assigned artist started working and the task is under progress. When an artist [Start] an assigned task, the code is automatically changed to [ing]. • Final : All works of the task are completed. The manager can designate the status on the scheduling screen. • You can also designate other status codes Hold(suspension of the production), Omit(cancelation of the production), Supplement (completed but is being supplemented).
2) User Guide - Scheduling[Manager] 4. Task Assignment: If a task is not assigned to an artist, the task is marked as “Not assigned,” and if assigned, the task is marked with the name of the assigned artist. You can assign or coordinate artists for each task, by clicking the task assignment menu. • After filtering the artist list by skill or team, you select an artist. → You type the artist information and assign the task. - Start: When assignment is completed, the tasks with Waiting code will be changed to Ready code. - Gantt chart: On the bottom of the screen, currently arranged schedules are shown as a chart. You can arrange the schedules on this chart by controlling bars for each task. After arranging the schedules, you click the Reflection button to reflect the modifications in the schedule. 2 1
2) User Guide - Scheduling 2.3 [Scheduling]>[Sequence] Select a project, first > Select a Assetfrom the list>Select a Sequence You can check the details of the sequence registered by the Admin. 1 2 3
2) User Guide - Scheduling 2.4 [Scheduling]>[Shot] Select a project, first > Select a Assetfrom the list>Select a Sequence > Select a shot You can check the details of the shot registered by the Admin. You can check the schedule with the ganttchart. 1 2 3
3) User Guide – my Task 3.1 My Task main screen
3) User Guide - my Task 3.2 [Notification]>[bulletin board] It is possible to confirm the notification received. Display is first at the time of the first connection of the user system in the notification that is registered in the admin.
3) User Guide - my Task 3.2 [Notification]>[Updated list] This can be used to check the shot update and update the contents of the new version of the asset and shot.
3) User Guide - my Task 3.2 [Notification]>[Review list] This can be confirmed the complete list to be reviewed.
3) User Guide - my Task 3.2 [my Task]>[My assigned Shot]: The list of shots assigned to the log-in ID [Scheduled today]menu :shows the task schedules for today. - Details: You can check the tasks of the shots whose schedules include today’s date within the scheduling period. Review : When creating task results, you can request reviews to the concerned people by using [Review] function. Attached video-clips: You can select and attach a video file which is stored in the company’s file server Selection of Reviewer: You select a responsible reviewer as a person who has the authority to confirm/reject the task. Other artists who are working on the same asset/shot are automatically selected and shown. You can modify reference reviewers.
3) User Guide - my Task - Start : You check the assigned tasks and click the Start button to start working on your task. - When a task is initially assigned after scheduling work, the code, [Ready] is automatically changed to [ing]. - Functions related to Task Tools( Maya/NUKE ) : A collection of scripts is provided so that you can perform a series of tasks in a standardized way such as publishing your task results or updating version-up results of other artists at Task Tools. 1 2 3 Ex) D:/Core_Project/ETRI/SEQ001/Shot01/Modeling/free8011/ Execution
3) User Guide – my Task 3.3 [my Task]>[My assigned Shot]>[Not finished shot] menu - a list of all the tasks that have not been given “Final” status code yet, among the asset tasks assigned to you. You can check the list by status code. -Details, Start, Review are same with the ones of “Today’s Schedule” of the preceding slide.