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Energy. . Energy is defined as the capacity to do mechanical work . Forms of energy Kinetic Energy (KE) : energy of motionA moving carRotating shaft Potential Energy (PE): stored energy or energy of position Gravitational potential energyA ball positioned above the ground Elastic potentia

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Presentation Transcript

    1. Phys1111 Chapter 6 Energy and Work

    2. Energy

    3. Energy

    4. Energy Energy transfer or conversion: Energy is a conserved quantity, that is, the total amount of energy in the universe is a constant. Energy is not created or destroyed but can be: Transferred from one object (or system) to another (a bat transfers energy to a ball, Sun transfers energy to Earth, etc.) Converted (transformed) from one form to the other (electrical to mechanical, chemical to electrical, mechanical to heat, etc.)

    5. Work work is the mechanical transfer of energy to or from a system by external forces. expressed as the product of a force and the distance through which it moves a body in the direction of that force

    6. Work

    7. Work

    8. Work

    9. Work

    10. Work

    11. Kinetic Energy

    12. Kinetic Energy

    13. Kinetic Energy

    14. Gravitational Potential Energy

    15. Gravitational Potential Energy

    17. Energy of a falling object

    18. Energy of a falling object

    19. Energy of a falling object

    20. Energy of a falling object

    21. Energy of a falling object

    22. Path independence of Gravitational potential energy

    23. The Law of Conservation of Energy

    24. The Law of Conservation of Energy Generally energy is transferred in two ways: as a heat (Q) – because of the temperature difference between the two objects. as work done (Wext ) by external force. Q and Wext may be positive or negative. positive Q and positive Wext mean energy is transferred into the system. negative Q and negative Wext mean energy is taken out of the system.

    25. The Law of Conservation of Energy Total energy (E) of a system is

    26. The Law of Conservation of Energy

    27. The Law of Conservation of Energy

    28. Conservative and non-conservative forces A force is conservative force if the work done by this force is the same along any path connecting the same two points or equivalently, if the total work done by this force around any closed path (one that returns to its starting point) is zero.

    29. Conservative and non-conservative forces For an object moving around a closed path

    30. Conservative and non-conservative forces

    31. Conservative and non-conservative forces

    32. Conservative and non-conservative forces

    33. Conservative and non-conservative forces

    34. Conservative and non-conservative forces

    35. Elastic Force

    36. Elastic Potential Energy

    37. Elastic Potential Energy Whenever we apply the conservation of energy and work-energy theorem, the potential energy of the system must include all kinds of potential energies.

    38. Elastic Potential Energy

    39. Energy Rates

    40. Energy Rates If the energy transfer is accomplished by doing work W

    41. Energy Rates

    42. Exercises 6.14, 6.16,6.19, 6.22, 6.27, 6.33,6.40, 6.41, 6.43, 6.46,6.47, 6.61, 6.84

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