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Conjugating -ER Verbs in French: A Beginner's Guide

Learn how to conjugate regular -ER verbs in French, understand the basic rules, exceptions, and pronunciation patterns. Practice conjugating verbs like parler, écouter, quitter, and arriver. Enhance your French vocabulary effortlessly!

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Conjugating -ER Verbs in French: A Beginner's Guide

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  1. La conjugaison des verbes en “-ER” Conjugating -ER Verbs

  2. What is an -ER Verb? • Most verbs that end in -ER are -ER Verbs. (That means the last two letters of the infinitive are “-er”). • Here are some -ER verbs: parler, écouter, quitter, arriver • Notice that each of these verbs ends in “-er”.

  3. How to conjugate: • The first step is to drop the “-er”. • Next add the endings: -e -ons -es -ez -e -ent

  4. Put it together… Parler(infinitive form)- to speak Drop “-er” = PARL (stem) Je parl Nous parl TuparlVousparl On/Il/Elle parlIls/Ellesparl Now add the endings-

  5. Finished Verb Parler: to speak Je parle Nous parlons Tu parles Vous parlez On/Il/Elle parle Ils/Elles parlent

  6. In English this is… To Speak I speak We speak You speak You speak He/She/It speaks They speak

  7. Now you do one- Quitter- to leave Je _______ Nous_______ Tu _______ Vous _______ Il/Elle _____ Ils/Elles ______

  8. How did you do? Quitter- to leave Je quitte Nous quittons TuquittesVousquittez On/Il/Elle quitteIls/Ellesquittent

  9. Pronunciation • Did you notice that the Je, Tu, Il/Elle, and Ils/Elles forms of the verbs sound the same? • The Nous and Vous forms sound different. The Vous form sounds like the infinitive.

  10. The verbs ending “-GER” & “-CER” exceptions • Verbs that end in “-GER” like manger, nager, and voyager have one exception: in the NOUS form they end in “-eons” not “-ons” (we have to add the E to soften the G) • Verbs that end in “-CER” like lancerand commencerhave one exception: in the NOUS form they end in “-çons” not “-ons” (we have to add the Ç to soften the C)

  11. Here is an example- Manger- to eat Je mange Tu manges On/Il/Elle mange Nous mangeons Vous mangez Ils/Elles mangent

  12. Don’t forget… • Verbs that begin with a vowel sound (A, E, I, O, U, H and Y) get J’ not Je. Here is an example- Arriver- to arrive J’arrive Nous arrivons Tu arrives Vousarrivez Il/Elle arrive Ils/Ellesarrivent

  13. Quitter Habiter Acheter** Arriver Passer Parler Ecouter Regarder Etudier Lever** Poser Rigoler Déjeuner Rentrer Travailler Payer* Coûter Demander Aimer Détester Appeler*** * = verbwithodd stem ** = oddverbswith accents!! *** = verbwith double consonant Here are some -ER verbs. See if you can conjugate them!

  14. Le Verbe: ACHETER (= to buy) J’ achète Tuachètes On Il achète Elle Nous achetons Vousachetez Ils achètent Elles

  15. Le Verbe: LEVER (= to raise/lift) Je lève Tulèves On Il lève Elle Nous levons Vouslevez Ils lèvent Elles

  16. Le Verbe: APPELER (= to call) J’ appelle Tuappelles On Il appelle Elle Nous appelons Vousappelez Ils appellent Elles

  17. Le Verbe: PAYER (= to pay/ pay for) Je paie Tupaies On Il paie Elle Nous payons Vouspayez Ils paient Elles

  18. In conclusion: • Learning -ER verbs is an easy way to expand your French vocabulary. • Unfortunately, not every verb in French that ends in “-er” is an -ER Verb. But most are! ~Fin~

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