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We have been doing business since 1979, beginning by exclusively giving pipes administrations. Presently we have included warming, cooling and electrical administrations to our ability. We are a family-claimed and worked business, gladly overhauling the Denver territory.
Schedule Appointment For ImmediateResponse CALL303-993-1550 N A V I G A T I ON About Doctor Fix-It of Denver HOME / ABOUT DOCTOR FIX-IT OFDENVER In 1979, we started providing justplumbing services. Since then we have added heating, cooling and electrical servicestoourareasofexpertise.Weareproudtobeafamily-ownedandoperatedbusiness,servicinghomesand businessesintheDenverarea. Combined,DoctorFix-Ithasover70yearsofexperiencewithheating,cooling,plumbingandelectricalneeds.
S T E V E J U S S E A U ME O W N E R Mastertechnicianwithover40yearsofexperienceintheindustry. M E G A N D O S ER O W N E R DaughterofSteveJusseaume,andgrewupinthebusiness.Herfocusisaboutensuringthatthevaluesthatshewasraisedwith arethesamevaluesthatDoctorFix-Itportraystoitsclients. A N T H O N Y N I C O S IA V I C E P R E S I D E N T Mastertechnicianand,with17yearsofexperiencerunningvarioussimilarcompanies,bringsawealthofknowledgetoDoctor Fix-It. M A R Q U E S M A N S A N A R ES G E N E R A L M A N A G E R 17yearsofexperienceandmastertechnicianknowledgetohispositionasGeneralManager.
SCHEDULE AN APPOINTMENT CONTACTUS F E A T U R E D S P E C I A L $49 off any repair or serviceDoctorFixItoffers Freetripchargewiththepurchaseofrepair orservice. *Notvalidwithanyotheroffer.Restrictions apply.AskCustomerServicefordetails. ClicktoOpeninPrintView CLICK HERE TO SEE MORE DR. FIX-IT SPECIALS L I N KS Home
About Us Finance Media Reviews Blog Promotions ContactUs S E R V I C ES Drains Plumbing Heating Cooling Electrical DuctCleaning L O C A T I O NS Arvada Aurora Centennial Denver Lakewood Littleton Westminster C O N T A C T I N FO DOCTORFIXITOFDENVER 363WEvansAve,Denver,CO80223 Phone:303-993-1550 Copyright©2019·Doctor-Fix-ItofDenver·AllRightsReserved.