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1st Choice home health services Nursing Ethics: Presented By: The Clinical Department

1st Choice home health services Nursing Ethics: Presented By: The Clinical Department. Doing the right thing for all involved. 1 st Choice Home Health Services Nursing and Ethics. What is ethics?

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1st Choice home health services Nursing Ethics: Presented By: The Clinical Department

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  1. 1st Choicehome health servicesNursing Ethics:Presented By:The Clinical Department Doing the right thing for all involved.

  2. 1st Choice Home Health ServicesNursing and Ethics • What is ethics? • When most people think of ethics (or morals), they think of rules for distinguishing between right and wrong, such as the Golden Rule ("Do unto others as you would have them do unto you"), a code of professional conduct like the Hippocratic Oath ("First of all, do no harm"), a religious creed like the Ten Commandments ("Thou Shalt not kill..."). This is the most common way of defining "ethics": norms for conduct that distinguish between acceptable and unacceptable behavior. • What is nursing ethics? • Nursing ethics provides the standards of professional behavior for nurses and the principles of knowing right from a wrong conduct during implementation of nursing duties and responsibilities. Through this set of standards, nursing duties and responsibilities of nurses towards their clients, co-workers, profession and community is made known. Ethics looks at morality, moral judgments as it relates to moral problems.

  3. 1st Choice Home Health Services Ethical BehaviorsPrinciples and conduct that defines an ethical behavior • Taking responsibilities sincerely for which an individual is morally and legally accountable for. • Identifying and knowing the importance of decisions. The individual then, considers the effect of his or her decision on others and on him or herself. • Stating the fact. • Being true to oneself. • Respecting the rights of others. • Stating honest statements when another individual wants and needs to know the truth as the basis for self-determination or participation in decision making. • Communicating feelings openly. • Abiding not only to personal values but also to professional standards, codes, institutional policies and procedures and societal and legal responsibilities. • Assessing interventions done and what will be the benefits of those actions and the possible harm it can cause. • Evaluating the alternatives in choosing decisions and choosing an intervention. • Differentiating right from wrong and acting accordingly. • Showing genuine concern and interest in the welfare of others and in oneself • Promoting honest relations to other individuals to foster effective communication and establish trust and confidence.

  4. 1st Choice Home Health Services Navigating through ethical dilemma. • Nurses should practice nursing in an ethical way at all times. At times, though, they may face ethical problems. Nurses may be asked to administer improper medications or treatments, to perform duties outside the scope of their practice, to share information that should be kept confidential, to ignore patients' rights or to do something else improper or unethical. • Nurses are faced daily with ethical dilemmas in which they must make a decision. The decisions they will make will be affected by so many factors including principles learned in school and their own personal beliefs, values and experiences. Are these choices “right or wrong”? Read more: How to Solve Ethical Nursing Dilemmas | eHow.comhttp://www.ehow.com/how_8467881_solve-ethical-nursing-dilemmas.html#ixzz1dNsG5yKS Here are some guidelines in dealing with ethical dilemma. • 1.Consult the American Nurses Association Code of Ethics to see if the code of ethics offers any guidance relating to the ethical nursing question you face. • 2. Consult the ethics committee if your employer has such a committee. Hospitals and other large organizations often do, while small nursing homes and other small organizations often do not. • 3. Contact your state board of nursing and ask for help with an ethical question. • 4. Consult with your supervisors.

  5. Nurse’s role in ethical dilemmas As nurses, we've all dealt with difficult ethical issues, even dilemmas, in our practice. They can sometimes be even more challenging than the physical care we provide for our patients. Our goal is to ultimately meet the patient’s desired needs without causing any harm.

  6. 1st Choice Home Health Services The End Thank you for participating in this monthly in-service. If you have any questions, please contact the clinical department 1st Choice Home Health Services 1414 Canadian Geese Court Uppermarlboro MD 20774 Tel: 301-741-4211 Fax: 301-741-4218

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