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Humofertile. Organic Fertilizer Producer to the World. Historical Production. Former Yugoslavia was a top lignite-producing nation up to the 1990s War disrupted production in Bosnia; key infrastructure was lost Areas of lignite production are proven and high quality. Source: WorldCoal.org.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Humofertile Organic Fertilizer Producer to the World

  2. Historical Production • Former Yugoslavia was a top lignite-producing nation up to the 1990s • War disrupted production in Bosnia; key infrastructure was lost • Areas of lignite production are proven and high quality Source: WorldCoal.org

  3. Market for Organic Fertilizer • Rapid expansion in Europe and abroad over last 10 years • The German organic market is already Europe’s largest—and steadily increasing • Bosnia’s domestic market is rapidly expanding into organic agriculture

  4. Site and Logistics Site Logistics Local electric stations are sufficient for factory needs Factory construction time of 36 months Approximately 600 employees plus management will be employed Mining area of close proximity to production facility site • Mining site selected and proven • Between Bukovica and Mrkdol, with waterproof well • Presently covered with pasture vegetation • Beneath earth and stone is sand of unknown granulation and 7 m depth • Access to river, assuring technological, sanitary, and drinking water sources • Wind blows across slight from north to south

  5. Investment Invitation • Based on feasibility study, an investment ofEUR 26,535,000 is necessary • Study assumes sales base of 500 EUR/t and the production cost 220 EUR/t when running at capacity. • EUR 26,535,000 returned within 4.5 years

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