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工 作 报 告. 马 楠. Outline. Vega 介绍 博士论文进展 文章. GOSv2 Architecture (hierarchical). GOSv2 Architecture (runtime). Agora. Tomcat+Axis. Agora Access Control Mechanism. User Authentication. Resource Authorization. AC Policy Mgmt. Resource Mgmt. Interface. User Mgmt. Interface. Agora
工 作 报 告 马 楠
Outline • Vega 介绍 • 博士论文进展 • 文章
Agora Tomcat+Axis Agora Access Control Mechanism User Authentication Resource Authorization AC Policy Mgmt. Resource Mgmt. Interface User Mgmt. Interface Agora Mgmt. Authorization Engine Resource Mgmt. Client User Mgmt. Client AAA Client Tomcat+Axis Tomcat+Axis Tomcat+Axis Resource Mgmt. Service User Mgmt. Service Authorization Authority Service VRes ERes Mapping PT User Name Role Proxy profile
GOS v2 Security Mechanism CA Browser Grid Application uCert uCert use uid/pass load proxy cert into grip upload the proxy cert to Agora u_p Grid Portal Agora Service u_p uCert u_p Grid Portal Engine uTK user cert u_p u_p u_p Grip Container Service proxy cert User Mgmt. Service Resource Mgmt. Service AA Service uTK authorization token u_p u_p u_p u_p uTK uTK uTK uTK Physical Service Physical Service Physical Service Physical Service
Grid Batch System Grid Batch System Grid Batch System Server Side • Grid Batch System Client Side Security and AC mechanism Grid Batch Service driver PBS driver LSF GOS Core driver Other
Submit Batch Job 1. create grip and invoke effective file and batch service 2. authentication, resource selection and get back token grip Agora Service 4. submit job script with GOS context 3. upload stagein files into distributed user file space physical batch service 5. create grip grip physical file service physical file service 7. submitquery local batch system 8. upload stageout files 6. download stagein files physical file service
Vega 安装 • 环境 Red Hat 7.3.3 ,9.0 • 现在环境 scientific linux 3.0 • 需要改变很多的配置文件
预测算法 • 预测算法已经完成-算法流程 分解负载图 选择分解分量 对分量图 进行预测 预测结果 分析并决策
预测算法(问题) • 缺少数据问题: • 现有网管数据,不知道数据库字段意义 • 监控数据,数据库为循环数据,缺少长期数据。