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Date: Fri 6 th May 8.50 – 9.35

Course: 102 . Period: 2 . Standard: AS 91026 Numerical Reasoning Topic: Directed Numbers and BEDMAS . Date: Fri 6 th May 8.50 – 9.35. Lesson Objective: 1) Write down all the factors of 48

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Date: Fri 6 th May 8.50 – 9.35

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  1. Course: 102 Period: 2 Standard: AS 91026 Numerical Reasoning Topic: Directed Numbers and BEDMAS Date: Fri 6th May 8.50 – 9.35 • Lesson Objective: • 1) Write down all the factors of 48 • 2) Calculate -4 +18 ÷ 2 • Notes on BEDMAS • Notes on directed numbers • Ex 23.01 page 328 • Ex 23.02 page 330 • Success Criteria: • Understand how to add/sub/mult/divide negative numbers • Know priority of operations DO NOW/MAHIA Wiki: www.tindallmaths.wikispaces.com LEVEL 1 - Multivariate data Tutorial: Wednesday afternoon 12.45 (4 May) E1 Assessment: Monday afternoon 12.45 - 2.15 (9 May) E1 Homework: Complete page 7 and 8 Extension page 6 (optional) for Friday 6th May Due in 84,88,89,123,124,134,135

  2. Period: 4 Course: Year 9AN Date: Fri 6th May 9.55 – 10.40 Topic: Proportion • Lesson Objective: • Complete worksheet (do NOT write on sheet) • Success Criteria: • Knowing what a proportion, fraction, decimal, percentage is. DO NOW/MAHIA Wiki: www.tindallmaths.wikispaces.com Due in Homework: Complete page 41 and 42, due Friday 6th May. 66,67,68,70,71,77,78,79, 80,81 ,103,104,105

  3. Period: 5 Course: Year 10 Topic: Measuring for census at school Date: Fri 6th May 11 – 11.45 Wiki: www.tindallmaths.wikispaces.com • Lesson Objective: • Starter – Sensibly choose someone to work in (must be pairs where possible) • Height in cm (without shoes on) • popliteal length (measurement from under the knee to the heel of the foot, foot flat) • Finger length (from knucklebone to end of finger (not end of nail) • Hair length (pull one hair out from back of head and measure) • Cell phone (how many months have you had your current phone?) • When completed information sheet, continue with pattern worksheet • Success Criteria: • Completed personal information for Census at school Homework: Complete both sides of write on homework sheet for Friday 6th May Due in Hand in to teacher 9,10,13,14,2930,31,33,36,39,40

  4. Course: 202 Period: 6 Standard : AS90289 Probability –simulation and Normal Dist Topic: Inverse Normal Distribution Date: Fri 6th May 11.50 – 12.35 • Lesson Objective: • Notes and examples from 363/364 • Continue from last lesson • Ex 30.6 page 366/367 • Success Criteria: • Be able to find z values given probability • Use z value to find the boundaries for the question • Get a Green text book DO NOW/MAHIA Wiki: www.tindallmaths.wikispaces.com Homework books Who still needs to get one???? LEVEL 2 - Trigonometry Tutorial: Wednesday afternoon 12.45 (4 May) E2 Assessment: Monday afternoon 12.45 - 2.15 (9 May) E2 Due in – not checked Homework: Page 115 and 116 Due Friday 6th May

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