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ASSET INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM. For Vessels. ABOUT ZAIMS. ZAIMS is a tool to organize and maintain reports for each asset of the company in a single data repository.

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  2. ABOUT ZAIMS • ZAIMS is a tool to organize and maintain reports for each asset of the company in a single data repository. • All the assets of the company can be viewed in a world map in the appropriate fields, and at exact location. Provides a single central repository, which finally offers easy access and display of information for all the various worldwide assets. • Provides report for each of the assets with user defined format using the variety of available filters. • Data and access to the data is protected with varying levels of password. • Provides all levels of management with user friendly access, to information on the condition of all their different worldwide assets that is critical to makingeffective asset management decisions. • Each asset can be viewed with access to minute details in various levels as desired. • Uses slice technology to update the data from vessel to the server and vice-versa without any direct intervention from the user with high level security and also with automated daily reports. • Facilitates to perform planned and daily maintenance of the vessel. • Maintains fuel oil consumption effectively in graphical format for all the vessels. Zentech, Inc. Dated 9th Sep 2013 Rev - 3

  3. ZAIMS WORK FLOW BasicInformation Loading & Stability MODULES Maintenance Password Protected Entry Levels Manning ZAIMS Server Analytics Costing Client Zentech, Inc. Dated 9th Sep 2013 Rev - 3

  4. ZAIMS shows the global location of all the Assets on a map. The Assets are organized under each category. ZAIMS displays the Category and highlights a single Asset or the category collectively. COMPANY-WIDE ASSET OVERVIEW Zentech, Inc. Dated 9th Sep 2013 Rev - 3

  5. Clear All Filters Export To Excel Print Preview Save Filter Status Load Filter Status Zentech, Inc. Dated 9th Sep 2013 Rev - 3

  6. ZAIMS for vessels is a one stop solution to all management concerns; it allows total maintenance control from a central hub through various modules. Each module is specifically designed to accommodate individual needs of specialized management concerns like manning, maintenance, costing etc.  ZAIMS modules are self sufficient automated interfaces in ZAIMS which allow user input, information display along with report generation (manual / automated) capabilities and the modules are so versatile that they can be customized according to user requirements. MODULE DESCRIPTION Basic Information 1 2 Loading and Stability 3 Maintenance 4 Manning 5 Analytics 6 Costing Zentech, Inc. Dated 9th Sep 2013 Rev - 3

  7. BASIC INFORMATION Basic information consists of various general data for status reports of the vessel. User can input basic information like current position, wind conditions faced, departure and arrival timings, activities, etc., in this module without having to maintain different documents. Reports on each of the information can be generated. Zentech, Inc. Dated 9th Sep 2013 Rev - 3

  8. BASIC INFORMATION Zentech, Inc. Dated 9th Sep 2013 Rev - 3

  9. The load and stability module is a user interactive; menu-driven program used on-board, to perform loading condition and stability calculation. It has numerous error checking routines to warn the user when improper input data is used. The program is customized, to fully comply with the requirements and procedures of the vessel’s Operating Manual. • The features in the Loading and Stability are, • Loading Conditions • Tank Levels • Deck Load/Cargo • Stability Summary • Graphics for Solids • Graphics for Liquids LOADING AND STABILITY A good amount of weight on the vessel is liquid. The description of the tanks, density of liquids of each tank, the sounding, percentage fill and weight are kept open for any item under the liquid section. Similarly, the solid items can also be selected and the information can be entered in the available fields. Zentech, Inc. Dated 9th Sep 2013 Rev - 3

  10. The special graphic feature represents the weights of liquid and solid items and their re-location in terms of movement of their CGs, to make it easier for the visual interpretation of the user. By summarizing the weights on the unit and their moments, including the lightweight, it is possible to arrive at the displacement and position of center of gravity. Stability summary helps the user to determine whether the loading conditions that have been setup will satisfy the stability criteria sample to perform stability calculations on a day-to-day basis and thus manage the stability of the vessel. The resulting stability parameters that are calculated are summarized in the form of reports that may be printed and archived as daily records. Zentech, Inc. Dated 9th Sep 2013 Rev - 3

  11. This module is involved in maintaining the repair/downtime/wait on weather, defects, main engine & genset, oils changes, safety drills, proactive intervention, etc., of the vessel. MAINTENANCE Repair/ Downtime/Wait on Weather (WOW) -Contains information for Breakdown repair, Dry docking and Downtime due to breakdown/repair & wait on weather. Main Engines and Genset –Contains information on main engine & generator about the total running hours as recorded in log book and from the ECM. Along with the engine running hour’s record, the fuel consumption of engines and maximum continuous rating is also traced. Main engine fuel consumption is represented in graphical form in Analytics module. Oil Changes – Contains the scheduled oil change and next due for oil change as per OEM recommendation information. Keeps track of the oil consumption of equipments as well as helps the client in costing. Safety - Health, Safety, Environment and Security (HSES) is part of Marine Industry core values. It is a comprehensive approach encompassing techniques and practices to ensure safety at sea, prevent injury, damage to property, pollution, protect the environment and to avoid breach of security. Zentech, Inc. Dated 9th Sep 2013 Rev - 3

  12. MAINTENANCE Zentech, Inc. Dated 9th Sep 2013 Rev - 3

  13. Manning module is about maintaining the Crew List, People On Board (POB) List, Crew Rotation, Contract Duration, and their Sign-off Sheet. Consists of a master list including information about all the members of the company and their various assignments, and issue warning if an already assigned employee is assigned to another crew while on the job, etc. The information in the grid is editable based on the login level. MANNING • Sign-On - Number of employees assigned to a particular vessel. • Crew list - This contains details of all the employees assigned to a particular vessel/project. • POB list - This contains details of all the employees that are on board the vessel at a particular point in time. • Sign-off - This consist of data on sign-off crew list, their ranks, number of days on board, date of joining the vessel, date of departure from the vessel, date reported to the base, date of arrival at base, date of article sign-off. Zentech, Inc. Dated 9th Sep 2013 Rev - 3

  14. Flow Chart for Assigning employees to a specific vessel Employee Pool Admin Level Entry Assign to vessel with start date and no of days VesselLevelEntry If resource not assigned to any vessel for the specified duration MANNING No Force Sign off Sign on Crew list Base Departure Report to HQ Depart From HQ Base Arrive Vessel Joining Sign off Actual Sign Off Vessel Departure Base Arrive Base Departure Report to HQ Zentech, Inc. Dated 9th Sep 2013 Rev - 3

  15. MANNING Zentech, Inc. Dated 9th Sep 2013 Rev - 3

  16. Analytics module on the vessel tracks the fuel consumption. Analytics module for the administrator compares reported fuel consumption from the vessel, anticipated fuel consumption from vendor data, and measured fuel consumption from gauges (if installed). Data is represented in graphical format. ANALYTICS Zentech, Inc. Dated 9th Sep 2013 Rev - 3

  17. This program tracks the daily cost incurred during the operation of the vessel and submits the daily reports to the client. Cost Analysis is shown in the graphical form. COSTING Zentech, Inc. Dated 9th Sep 2013 Rev - 3

  18. Tracks the amount spent on a AFE Number, Task Number and Vendor. • Highlights the AFE Number if the amount spend exceeds the approved amount. • Shows the total amount spent and client reimbursable amount based on the applied filter. • Submits the daily report. • Generates report for a particular period. • Manage the data and filter the data according to date, department, and amount. DATA MANAGEMENT FOR COSTING - ILLUSTRATION AFE Task Department Vendor Individual PO# Zentech, Inc. Dated 9th Sep 2013 Rev - 3

  19. ADMINMODULE CREATING EMPLOYEES LIST Admin module is specifically designed to manage data pertaining to employees and their activities on the vessel. This module gets activated when the person login as an administrator. The user in the vessel is not given permission to access the module. List of employees added by the administrator. Zentech, Inc. Dated 9th Sep 2013 Rev - 3

  20. EMPLOYEE ASSIGNMENT Employees assigned to a selected vessel for a specific contract duration. Zentech, Inc. Dated 9th Sep 2013 Rev - 3

  21. VESSEL ASSIGNMENT View employees assigned to various vessels for specific contract duration. Zentech, Inc. Dated 9th Sep 2013 Rev - 3

  22. EMPLOYEES SIGN-ON/SIGN-OFF Sign-on and Sign-Off details of the employees assigned to specific vessel. Sign-On Sign-Off Zentech, Inc. Dated 9th Sep 2013 Rev - 3

  23. VESSEL ACTIVITIES List of activities created by the administrator for referring in the vessel module. Zentech, Inc. Dated 9th Sep 2013 Rev - 3

  24. MAINTENANCE TASKS List of tasks performed on the vessel for referring in the vessel module. Zentech, Inc. Dated 9th Sep 2013 Rev - 3

  25. EQUIPMENTS List of equipments on the vessel for referring in the vessel module. Zentech, Inc. Dated 9th Sep 2013 Rev - 3

  26. VESSEL EQUIPMENT ASSIGNMENT Assigning equipments to a particular vessel. Zentech, Inc. Dated 9th Sep 2013 Rev - 3

  27. MONITORING FUEL CONSUMPTION Checks the tolerance among the estimated and reported fuel consumption, for referring in the vessel module. Zentech, Inc. Dated 9th Sep 2013 Rev - 3

  28. SLICE TECNOLOGY ZAIMS incorporates slice technology , with which the data will be automatically updated to and from admin and vessel modules, by transferring data via e-mail. SLICE Vessel X SLICE SLICE SLICE Vessel Y Administrator SLICE Zentech Server Vessel Z • All data transfer is through e-mail only. • Changes are backed up each day. • The changes will be automatically notified to the respective vessels and the administrator. • The reports for each day will be emailed automatically for easy review from each vessel. • The data is stored in a centralized server with necessary protection. Zentech, Inc. Dated 9th Sep 2013 Rev - 3

  29. THANK YOU • For further information, please contact • Zentech, Inc. • 14800 St. Mary’s Lane Suite 270 • Houston, Texas 77079. • Phone : 281 558 0290 • Fax : 281 558 0295 • web-site : www.zentech-usa.com • Email: zentech@zentech-usa.com

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