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BiSc 102: ECOLOGY ASSIGNMENT LIBRARY TUTORIAL. Spring 2012. Tutorial Outline. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species The research process Popular vs. scholarly publications Finding scholarly information Practice time. BiSc 102 Library Research Guide in WebCT .

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  2. Tutorial Outline • The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species • The research process • Popular vs. scholarly publications • Finding scholarly information • Practice time

  3. BiSc 102 Library Research Guide in WebCT Link to BiSc 102 Library Research Guide for this assignment

  4. BiSc 102 (@ Surrey) research guide

  5. Scientific posters – see: WebCT Sample posters Creating posters

  6. Sample poster (links in WebCT) A scientific poster

  7. IUCN Red List <http://www.iucnredlist.org/> Search box Sample search: manatee

  8. IUCN Red List: results page The species I have chosen: Trichechus manatus (West Indian Manatee) Status: Vulnerable   C1   ver 3.1 Pop. trend: decreasing

  9. Trichechus manatus entry Bibliography link • Taxonomy • Assessment Information • Geographic Range • Population • Habitat and Ecology • Threats • Conservation Actions Scientific name: Trichechus manatus

  10. Your species Note: It will be easier to find information on your species if you choose an organism that has been studied by researchers extensively. • This may seem obvious, but it’s worth considering before you commit to creating a poster on the Ochre-rumpedantbird. Henrique, C. (2008). Ochre-rumpedantbird [Photograph]. Retrieved from http://ibc.lynxeds.com/

  11. IUCN Red List: Practice • Let’s try searching in the IUCN Red List now.

  12. Research Process Identify the research topic: Endangered or vulnerable species: manatee

  13. Research Process Some aspects of your species: • Ecology • Habitat • Conservation actions

  14. Research Process Identify the terms: • manatee • conservation

  15. Research Process Identify the related terms • Manatee: Trichechus manatus • Conservation: conserve, preserve Use the scientific name of your organism for searching and for your scientific poster

  16. Searching tools • OR • AND • * (truncation) • conserv* will find … • conserve, conserves, conservation, conservationists, etc.

  17. AND / OR Trichechus manatus AND conservation Trichechus manatus OR conservation

  18. Combining terms & tools

  19. Background information (books) For background information on your species, try looking in … • reference books • e.g., encyclopedias • books about your species (note: there might not be any) • books on a broader topic • e.g., endangered species; endangered plants; rare animals • There are suggestions for finding useful books in the BiSc 102 (Surrey) Research Guide in WebCT.

  20. Popular vs. scholarly publications • For your poster, you will need to find scholarly publications with articles on your species • Keep in mind: you shouldn’t be using Wikipedia as a source • What are the differences between popular and scholarly publications?

  21. Popular publications • Informs or entertains • Sells products • Aimed at general public • Contains graphics, photos, illustrations • Rarely cites other sources • Simple, non-technical language

  22. Scholarly publications • Reports on original research • Audience includes academics, researchers, professionals • Longer articles • Technical language, jargon • Always cites sources • PEER REVIEWED or REFEREED

  23. Finding articles What is Fast Search? • What it includes • What it doesn’t include Fast Search vs. databases • Why would you use a database rather than Fast Search? The BiSc 102 Research Guide includes a list of key databases to use for your assignment.

  24. Fast Search Trichechus manatus conserv*

  25. Fast Search You can limit results to articles from scholarly publications Note: You still need to know how to identify a scholarly article because many non-scholarly articles appear in scholarly journals (e.g., book reviews, editorials).

  26. Getting full-text articles from Fast Search Step 1: Click on article title Step 2: Click on full-text link.* * If there is no full-text link, there are a few things that could be happening… Step 3: Either the full-text version will open automatically, or you will use the ‘Where can I get this?’ info to find the article.

  27. Fast Search • Let’s spend a bit of time using Fast Search to find scholarly articles on a species you found using the IUCN Red List.

  28. Citations: APA style

  29. Citing images (APA)

  30. Getting help

  31. Getting help

  32. Getting Help • Ask anyone at the reference desk in any of the three campus libraries • Use our Ask a Librarianservices (via the Library home page) to contact a librarian (by phone, IM, or email). • Contact : Jenna Walsh jmwalsh@sfu.ca Class? Due Date? Where have you searched? How have you searched? Found anything close to what you need?

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