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ECWA Plateau Church, Jos Sermon Topic: “Come and you will see” Text: John 1:35 - 42. By Dr. Abel Eigege 30/3/2014. Sermon Outline. Introduction A simple testimony ( B ehold the Lamb of God) A heart searching question (what do you want?) The great invitation (Come and you will see)
ECWA Plateau Church, JosSermon Topic:“Come and you will see”Text: John 1:35 - 42 By Dr. Abel Eigege 30/3/2014
Sermon Outline • Introduction • A simple testimony (Behold the Lamb of God) • A heart searching question (what do you want?) • The great invitation (Come and you will see) • A willing service • What change has occurred since you met Jesus? • Applications/Conclusion
Introduction: • Let us start with a quick review. • John has been giving us a chronological review of the events that happened at Bethany beyond the Jordan • The second disciple in this passage was John Son of Zebedee • He met with the delegation sent by the High Priest in Jerusalem. • He confessed “I am not the Christ” and responded…
“A voice of one calling in the desert prepare the way for the Lord make straight in the wilderness a highway for our God. Every valley shall be raised up, every mountain and hill made low, the rough ground shall become level and the rugged places a plain. And the glory of the Lord will be revealed and all mankind together will see it. For the mouth of the Lord has spoken”. • Isaiah 40:3-5:
Some of the disciples of Jesus were initially John the Baptist’s disciples. After John Baptized Jesus in the Jordan and it had been confirmed to him by God the father “this is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased…” he began to recommend to his followers to rather follow Jesus [1]. “He must increase, while I decrease.
A simple testimony • “Behold.” See Him now. It was a short message but IT WAS SPOKEN IN SEASON, FULL OF POWER AND WAS IMMEDIATELY FRUITFUL. • “Behold the Lamb of God!”, he means more than watching or.... Looking is used in scripture for faith. Look unto me, and be ye saved. Therefore we sing – there is life for a look at the crucified one, there is life at this moment for thee… venture on Him, venture wholly let no other trust intrude. Take your eyes off everything else and behold the Lamb of God.
A simple testimony - • See how he takes your guilt, see how He bears it, see how He sinks under it and yet rises from it crying, “IT IS FINISHED”. He gives up the ghost, He is buried and His redeeming work is done. The grave could not hold Him back. Halleluyah.
A simple testimony - • Trust Him, trust Him. Look and live. …not “do and live” but “live and do”. IF YOU ASK HOW YOU ARE TO LIVE OUR ANSWER IS LOOK, TRUST, BELIEVE, CONFIDE, REST IN CHRIST AND THE MOMENT YOU DO SO YOU ARE SAVED[2]
Charles Spurgeon’s testimony on ‘behold the lamb of God’. • Now it is not the words that have the power to change hearts and make them believers, nor does the speaker. Rather it is that God blesses and uses His words, rightly preached, and via the Holy Spirit, He uses it as his instrument for salvation. • This is why in our own preaching and exhortations let our words be simple to ensure effective communication. The words however must be backed by the Holy Spirit.
Isaiah 55:10-11 “For as the rain comes down, and the snow from heaven, and do not return there, but water the Earth and make it bring forth and bud, that it may give seed to the sower, and bread to the eater, so shall my word be that goes forth from my mouth. It shall not return to me void, but shall accomplish what I please, and it shall prosper in the things for which I sent it.
John had developed a following of disciples, • this text indicates that he willingly turned them over to Jesus. • John here is portrayed as evidencing quite the opposite pattern from the usual human tendency to be an empire builder. Therefore he provides a genuine model of what it means to be a minister or servant of God.
But how do I get saved? • 1 John 5: 11-13. And this is the testimony: God has given us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. Whoever has the Son has life; whoever does not have the Son of God does not have life. I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God so that you may know that you have eternal life. • John 1:12. Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God • John 3:16 • Rev. 3:20: Listen! I am standing at the door, knocking; if you hear my voice and open the door, I will come in to you and eat with you, and you with me. Will you open the door of your heart and let Him come in?
The procrastination syndrome • The illustration story** • Fly to Jesus today, and not tomorrow and behold the lamb of God - CH Spurgeon
A HEART SEARCHING QUESTION (what do you want?) • Jesus will test the motives of those who follow him before he commits himself to them. What have you come to me expecting? The disciples indicated that they had not just come to check him out but they had regarded him as their Rabbi, Teacher, and Master. • As professed disciples of Christ, what are the secret motives that animate our Christian life? Are we more anxious to be honored by Christ than to honor him?
“Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me”. Matthew 16:24
The disciples were so overwhelmed that all they could say was, “where are you staying?” This was an anxious inquiry. • This answer revealed the deep sincerity of their souls. They wished to know Him as the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world.
What about you my friends? • “What do you want or seek? • Are you seeking the forgiveness of your sins and a new heart? • Are you seeking Christ himself? • To live by the Spirit a life of integrity and holiness? • To dwell in his presence? • To taste and see that the Lord is good?
How blessed is the one who trusts Him. And after you have found Him, • seek to follow Him, • learn of Him. • behold his glory and receive His grace. • This is what it means to follow Him. We are seeking something from Him that we can not find in ourselves, in our wisdom or strength or understanding. • We are seeking salvation, the strength, the grace to walk upon the path of righteousness and all the way to Heaven. • We want to be taught by Him as our Ultimate Teacher
THE GREAT INVITATION(Come and you will see) • And he said to them, “Come and you will see.” What a gracious invitation! Come and see where I live, the simple dwelling where I stay.....how humbly I go about to live my life and listen to my words of eternal life. Listen to the words of wisdom and truth and see that I am He who fulfills the law. I am He who keeps the commandments of God from a pure and true heart.
They found out that he was uniquely different. They would have to look at him and listen to Him for three and a half years before they could begin to understand what he had come to do.
Although John and Mark do not tell the same story they often make the same theological point. Here they both emphasize that discipleship is defined in terms of fellowship with Jesus. • For Mark, a disciple is one who is ‘with Jesus’ (Mark 3.14). Here we have the first two disciples spending time with Jesus, staying with him for a whole day. • This day is going to be the first of many in which the disciples will be illuminated by their new teacher, one who will open the doors of their perceptions.
“Come and see” (1:39), reintroduces the theme of seeing, but its use here is intriguing because the concern for place is not mentioned further. • Indeed, one cannot help but recall Jesus’ answer to a similar quest for discipleship in Luke, when he said: “Foxes have holes and birds… have nets, but the Son of Man has no place” (Luke 9:58; cf. Matt 8:20). • From Jesus’ perspective one’s place of security was not to be crucial, but one’s relationship to God’s sent one was to be absolutely determinative.
We can develop our fellowship with Christ in many ways. But let us discuss three ways of great Christian values that have been neglected lately: • Quite Time, • the Family Alter, and • Practising God’s presence
QUIET TIME WITH GOD • “Oh how I love Thy law! it is my meditation all the day.” Psalm 119:97 • Christianity is not a legal relationship, it is a love relationship. It is Jesus Himself Who makes you like Him. But you need to spend time with Him. I want to give you five factors for spending some quiet time with Him each day
QUIET TIME WITH GOD (contd.) • The Proper Period • The Proper Preparation • The Proper Place • The Proper Provisions • In order to have an effective quiet time, you need the right tools. Here are some tools I use: • a readable Bible - Invest in one with plenty of room to jot notes in the margins. • a prayer journal - Expect God to give you something and write it down. Also use it to record things you're praying about. • a notepad - Write down your daily assignments.
QUIET TIME WITH GOD (contd) • Meditate: As you focus on the Word of God and meditate, let it permeate you. Ask: • Is there a command to obey? • Is there a promise to claim? • Is there a sin to avoid? • Is there a lesson to learn? • Is there a new truth to carry with me?
QUIET TIME WITH GOD (contd) • Finally, obey what God tells you.Your spiritual train is running on two rails. One is revelation and the other is obedience. And if either rail stops, your train stops. Learn to obey the Word of God.[3] • Those who know Christ obey Him
Family Altar (Worship) • Building Our Family Altar • “You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up.” (Deut 6:7) • This advice given by Moses to the Israelites serves as a scriptural command to build up family worship. Worshipping God begins in the home and includes all family members.
Family Altar (Worship) contd. • A family altar means that family members dedicate time to worship God together at home. Building a family altar is a vital and important practice in a Christian home because it affirms that God is the center of our household. We need His guidance, just as Abram did. • A family altar also offers a private setting for family members to worship God, discuss spiritual matters and pray as a family. Establishing a family altar serves as a key building block for building up a strong family in the Lord.
Family Altar (Worship) contd. I recently read about the Church of Scotland during the time of Reformation. In 1647 they produced a Directory of Family Worship for their parishioners. They even appointed ministers and ruling elders to diligently make sure that every family practiced Family Worship. If any family neglected this duty, the head of the family was admonished privately. If this neglect continued, he was reproved by the whole session. If he still disregarded Family Worship after these reproofs, he was suspended and debarred from the Lord’s Supper. Could we imagine this happening today? - Cambell C.
SETTING UP THE FAMILY ALTAR Setting up a family altar involves every family member’s cooperation and participation, which requires personal dedication and sacrifice. Issues to consider include: • Fixed and convenient time • Duration
WHO SHOULD TAKE THE INITIATIVE? • The family altar must first be rooted in the hearts of the parents. The father, the head of the household, must take the initiative to plan and lead the family service. • God has entrusted parents, particularly fathers, with the responsibility to oversee their children’s faith. If as parents, we succeed in establishing a family altar, our children will have deeply rooted reverence, trust and love for God. Therefore, we should teach our children to fulfill their duty to God and obey His voice and commands (Deut 30:2). We should be role models, so that our children can imitate us in faith, love and moral integrity.
Many families can find time to congregate to watch their favorite television programs but are sadly unable to gather for family worship. Such action poses as a serious threat to our faith. If we have a sincere desire to worship God together, we will make the effort to improve upon our time management and discipline, prioritizing our time to build a family altar.[6]
The family altar is where you draw your children to the Lord. There is no other education that can compare with this. Here are some steps to take in building your family altar[7]. • Start now. Do not put off. • Get a good devotional book suitable for the age of your children or choose a passage of Scripture to read for each day. • The husband should take the lead in establishing and leading the family altar. If the husband is unable to do so, the wife can do her part. • Encourage everyone to pray. Make sure each one prays so that they can be heard and all can say, Amen. Teach children not to mumble their prayers. • Pray passionately. Remember, the fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much. • Sing a song of praise. • Continue the family altar, even when you have visitors. • If you miss a night, quickly get back to doing it.
Practicing His Presence "Now I can walk in Your presence, O God, in Your life-giving light" (Psalm 56:13). Our confidence is in the ever-present nature of God. We can be sure that He sees us, walks with us, and loves us no matter where we are. In fact, God wants us to "consciously" live in His presence every day.
Brother Lawrence, a humble monk of the 16th century, authored a classic little book, The Practice of the Presence of God. For fifteen years, his responsibility was to wash greasy pots and pans in the monastery - a job he disliked. But practicing the presence of God transformed what he considered a chore into an exciting privilege. As Brother Lawrence said, "The most holy and necessary practice in our spiritual life is the presence of God. That means finding constant pleasure in His divine company..." Joseph de Beaufort, his close friend, says of Brother Lawrence, "The worst trial he could imagine was losing his sense of God's presence."
Every morning, I make it a practice to fall to my knees in prayer beside my bed. I ask my Lord to live His life in and through me throughout the day. My request is that He will walk around in my body, speak with my lips, use my hands and feet for His glory, and control my thoughts so they honor Him
A WILLING SERVICE • Andrew, Simon Peter’s brother, was one of the two who heard what John had said and who had followed Jesus. The first thing Andrew did was to find his brother Simon and tell him, “We have found the Messiah” (that is, the Christ). And he brought him to Jesus.
A WILLING SERVICE (contd) • That quiet time of close fellowship with Jesus results in immediate fruit-bearing. “They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength.” Companying with Christ leads to a clearness of views and boldness of action. He could say, “we have found the Messiah.” They had their work for Him begin after they had been with Him. “This is my beloved Son, hear him.” - Matthew 17: 5.Then serve Him. Quiet Andrew did a great work when he brought the boisterous Peter to Jesus. Can we truly be following Christ if our lives are not constraining others to follow Him?
There is something that is missing in recent years in modern Christianity. There is lack of teaching and preaching on soul winning. Many who profess Christ and have the full assurance of their salvation do not know how to lead a person to Christ. • Not only that, but many who do know how to lead others to faith in Christ, refuse to do so. What has happened to our evangelical fervour?
In bringing his brother Simon Peter to Christ, no man did the church a greater service than Andrew. Andrew appeared two more times in John (6:4-9; 12:20-22); both times he was bringing someone to Jesus.
WITNESSING: Witnessing is taking a good look at the Lord Jesus and then telling others what you have seen. You are writing a gospel, a chapter each day by the deeds that you do and the words that you say. Men read what you write – distorted or true. What is the gospel according to you? • Anonymous.
Witnessing is not merely an activity – it is a way of life. Christians do not do witnessing; they are witnesses – good or bad. Concentrate on improving you witness for Jesus Christ[10].
Why should we witness? • Witnessing is a command (Matthew 28: 19-20) • It is required (Romans 10: 13-15) for, “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” • It is wise to witness (Daniel 12:3; Proverbs 11:30) The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life, and the one who is wise save lives.
What Change Has Occurred Since You Met Jesus? • And Andrew brought Simon Peter to Jesus. “Now when Jesus looked at hime, He said, “ You are Simon son of Jonah, you shall be called Cephas (which translated, a stone).
The father’s name served as the principal means of identification in that time
The Lord Jesus looked at him and He comprehended in that moment all that he would become and do for Him as his own spiritual child, servant, and under-shepherd as an apostle.. You shall be called Cephas or a stone. It refers to what Peter would become by His grace. He would become a man who was firm, and steady in His character, bold in preaching the Word, and solid and constant in his adherence to the truth of Christ and his word.
When He says you are Simon son of Jonah, he is saying “You who now bears a name of timidity and inconsistency, as a mere man in yourself. But by my grace, and the coming of the Holy Spirit to the Church on Pentecost, that brought all these to fulfillment in Peter’s life. But Christ knowing what He would do could change Simon Peter’s name even then, at the beginning of the meeting.
Is this true of us? • What was your name before you were converted? • Would it mean tricky one like Jacob was before the Lord renamed him Israel (Prince with God) because he wrestled with God at the Falls of Jabok?