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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم. "وقل ر بى زدنى علما". صدق الله العظيم سورة طه (الآية:114). Motivating team members. Prepared By Dr : Manal Moussa. Types of motivation:
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم "وقل ربى زدنى علما" صدق الله العظيمسورة طه (الآية:114)
Motivating team members Prepared By Dr : Manal Moussa
Types of motivation: Intrinsic motivation: It is a type of motivation which enhanced by person level of aspiration. Parents & peers play major roles in shaping person values about what she want to do and be. Extrinsic motivation: is motivation enhanced by the job environment or external reward. The reward occurs after the work has been completed.
Maslow's Approach 1970 Believed that people are motivated to satisfy certain needs ranging from basic survival to complex psychological needs have been met. Based on Maslow's work. The manger realizes that people are complex being, not only economic animal and they have many needs motivating them at any one time.
Fredrek Herzberge's Approach (1977) - Believed that employees can be motivated by work itself and there is an internal or personal need to meet organizational goals. - Herzberge maintained that, motivators or job satisfiers are present in work itself such as achievement, recognition, advancement, responsibility, possibility for growth and status
and this gives people the desire to work well he believed that, separating personal motivators from job dissatisfiers was possible. - Job dissatisfiers called hygiene or maintenance factors which keep the employee from being demotivated but do not act as real motivators, hygiene factors like salary, supervision job security, interpersonal relations, and positive working conditions.
McGregor's Approach or X and Y Approach Macgregor approach; examined the importance of manger assumption about intrinsic motivation of the workers. This assumption labeled approach X and Y. In approach X: The mangers assume that their employees dislike work and avoid it if possible, avoid responsibilities and have little ambition,
so they must be directed through closesupervision and they motivated by reward and punishment. In approach Y: The contrast is true, the mange assumes that the employee like and enjoy work, seek responsibilities, self directed, need only general supervision and they are encouraged to participate in problemsolving.
Mangers' Role to Create Motivating Climate: Because the organization has impact on extrinsic motivation, it is important to examine climate or attitudes that directly influence worker moral and motivation. The manger also has great impact on motivation through using the following strategies: 1-Have clear expectations for workers, and communicate these expectations effectively.
2-Befair and consistent when dealing with all employees. 3-Be a firm decision maker using an appropriate decision- making style. 4-Develop the concept of teamwork. Develop group goals and projects that will build a team strength. 5-Remove traditional blocks between the employee and the work to be done. 6-Be certain that employee understand the reason behind decisions and actions. 7-Reward desirable behavior; be consistent in how you handle undesirable behavior. 8-Be a role model for employees.