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Cancer (breast, colon, prostate, lung, lymphomas, malignant melanoma). Schizophrenia. Skin cancer Skin agening Immune supression Eye damage. Influenza. Diabetes Metabolic syndrome. Cardio-vascular diseases. Autoimmune diseases. Osteomalacia Osteoporosis Rickets Fibromyalgia.
Cancer (breast, colon, prostate, lung, lymphomas, malignant melanoma) Schizophrenia Skin cancerSkin agening Immune supressionEye damage Influenza DiabetesMetabolic syndrome Cardio-vascular diseases Autoimmune diseases OsteomalaciaOsteoporosisRicketsFibromyalgia Plasma og romfysikk,Fysisk institutt From space physics to skin color and cancer treatment Solar radiation consists of a range of wavelengths, and has many biological effects and applications. From solar panels to cancer treatment, from vitamin D production to cancer induction. Our groups’ research focuses on UVB, UVA and the visible region of solar radiation. Biophysics and PDT group,Department of Radiation Biology, Institute for Cancer Research,Oslo University Hospital, Radium HospitalGroup leader: Johan Moan, Prof., PhDTel:22934268 E-mail: johan.moan@fys.uio.no Web: http://www.rr-research.no/moan UVB and UVA regions Humans are developed in the spectrum of the sun. Skin colors are adjusted to the fluence of solar radiation at different latitudes. Vitamin D is given to us when the sun shines on our skin and skin cancer is generated in us if we expose ourselves too much to the sun.We study the diffusion of different wavelenghts of solar radiation through the atmosphere and down into our skin. Furthermore, we investigate the health effects of such sun exposure. Vitamin D synthesis Vitamin D, known for decades for its important role for bone health, is now being investigated as an anticancer compound. The main source of vitamin D in humans is exposure of skin to ultraviolet B radiation (UVB, 280-320 nm). It is believed that sun is responsible for up to 90% of the circulating vitamin D concentrations. Therefore, any factor that would affect the fluence of UVB at ground level will impact greatly on the vitamin D status. Skin pigmentation and its purposeFolate is the generic term for a family of chemically similar compounds belonging to the vitamin B family. Therefore, folates are vital for all living creatures. Photodegradation of folates in humans is being investigated and can be clinically applied as well as shed light on the development of human skin colors. PHOTOSENSITIZER Visible light region S2 Internal conversion ENERGY Intersystem crossing S1 Energy transfer Photodynamic therapy is based on selective accumulation of protoporphyrin IX in tumor tissue, followed by exposure to visible light of wavelengths within the absorption spectrum of PpIX. Upon light activation, the PpIX molecule transfers energy to oxygen. This leads to production of the highly reactive product, singlet oxygen, which can cause oxidative damage to biomolecules and tissues close to the site of its generation T1 Absorption OXYGEN 1O2 Fluores- cence Phospho- rescence S0 3O2 Excitation Emission