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Agenda. Class Description Language and Critical Standards Persuasion in our History. Class Description. Assignments Getting the grade Learning by Doing. Canons of Rhetoric. Invention ethos pathos logos Arrangement Style

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Agenda • Class Description • Language and Critical Standards • Persuasion in our History

  2. Class Description • Assignments • Getting the grade • Learning by Doing

  3. Canons of Rhetoric • Invention ethos pathos logos • Arrangement • Style • Delivery • Memory

  4. Burkean Analysis • Wherever there is identification, there is communication • Wherever there is communication there is persuasion

  5. Burkean Analysis: The Dramatistic Pentad • Act • Scene • Agent (actor) • Purpose • Agency

  6. Persuasion in Our History • Nation Nearly Founded on Argument • How to respond to the Muslim halt to overland trade 1340 • The African route • Argument about the location of Asia

  7. Persuasion in Our History • Columbus’ argument from ego • “admiral of the ocean sea” • Viceroy of all claimed lands • 10% of all revenues

  8. Mercatur 1569

  9. Development

  10. The Pilgrims

  11. The Purchase of Manhattan

  12. Declaration Draft

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