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human resource MGT. AND DEVELOPMENT . Dr. RICO T. UMAGAP Chief Admin Officer Office of the Solicitor General. HR Planning. Personnel Promotion and Separation. Policies & Support Mechanism. Performance Evaluation System. H R M. Recruitment and Selection.
human resource MGT. AND DEVELOPMENT Dr. RICO T. UMAGAP Chief Admin Officer Office of the Solicitor General
HR Planning Personnel Promotion and Separation Policies & Support Mechanism Performance Evaluation System H R M Recruitment and Selection Employee Relations and Organizations Career Development and Capability Building Motivation, Incentives, Privileges and Benefits Cooperation Administration
HR Planning The systematic and continuing process of analyzing on organization’s hr needs under changing conditions and developing personnel policies appropriate to the longer term effectiveness of the organization.
● Systematic - part of a conscious and planned process rather than something that happens by accident. ● Continuing - because the agency and its objectives and the environment in which it operates are constantly changing. ● Both short term and long term - with an emphasis on the long term for the growth and development of the individual and the agency.
● Integrated with the corporate plan/agency plan. ● The levels/nature/character of the human resources will depend on the agency’s resources
WHY HR PLANNING ● attract and retain competent staff to achieve agency goals. ● fully utilize the employees. ● ensure that these employees get all the training and development necessary for effective performance in their current functions and develop the flexibility to undertake their functions as the need arises.
● anticipate and meet changes re: labor supply, services, etc. ● provide equal opportunities for promotion and development of staff, particularly women, minorities, disabled. ● keep control of resource costs, staffing costs, etc.
HR PLANNING PROCESS Strategic Plan SWOT Analysis Benchmarking Environmental Changes Where you are now Where you want to be Analysis of current stocks and utilization Demand forecast Supply forecast Resource Gap HR Planning and Development
Demands forecasting - estimating the agency’s future staffing requirements in terms of numbers and skills of employees taking into account changes in working practices and activities, agency’s goals, functions, etc. Supply forecasting - estimating the likely future labor supply, both from within and outside the agency, taking into account the potential pool of employees with the right knowledge, skills and attitudes.
Policies and Support Mechanism HRM processes are affected by and echo the agency’s core philosophy. HR Planning processes, objectives and policies are vital parts of the agency’s strategic planning because it help the agency determine the human resources required to achieve the organization’s
goals, objectives. Therefore, HR policies should be able to determine the number, the nature, and the competencies of the employees to realistically achieve the agency’s vision and mission. ● Agency policies ● CBA, CNA ● CSC Memo Circulars ● DBM Memo Circulars ● Joint CSC-DBM Circulars ● Others
The Recruitment and Selection Process HRM Plan Identifying need to recruit Job Description Person Specification Design Selection Method Short List Select Make Job Offer
IDENTIFYING THE NEED TO RECRUIT ● Reorganization – reducing the number of those retained
● Flexible working arrangements – to cooperate for a lack of staff to achieve productivity without increasing the number of staff. ● Using part-time or casual staff – Rather than employ more permanent staff, it makes sense to hire part-time (employed or a regular basis) or casual (hired as or when the need arises) staff.
● Using contractors – commercial service providers who are paid by the organization/agency, who are not guaranteed work and with whom there is no employer-employee relations. “Stick to their knitting” and not try to provide services they know little about. ● Staff transfer or promotion on when vacancies occur to solve a problem or for employee development.
● Job sharing/enrichment – to open certain jobs to other qualified individuals who may otherwise not have applied. ● Computerization – to determine whether the long-promised effects/productivity savings of computerization are beginning to materialize; reducing staff efforts and costs.
JOB REQUIREMENTS DESCRIPTIONS ● being clear of the job content specification/functions and the characteristics required of the person to do the job according to standards. ● It also serves to review the job description to ensure that it still meets the agency’s needs.
PERSONNEL OR PERSON SPECIFICATION defines the qualifications, skills, knowledge, experience, and personal attributes required of the ideal person for the job. • physical make-up – health, appearance, bearing, etc. • attainments • IQ EO • Special aptitudes – mechanical, manual dexterity, speaking abilities • Disposition – acceptability impact on others • Circumstances – ability to work late hours, travel, etc.
SELECTION METHOD to identify potential candidates for the job • word of mouth • posting of vacancies • tri-media advertisements • employment agencies • consultants • schools, colleges and universities • internet
SHORT LIST • Application Form and Curriculum Vitae – especially for new and senior positions • Interview • Psychometric tests - IQ, Aptitude, Personality Test, EQ. • Assessment centers - for promotion
SELECT to present arbitrary selection of applicants • Random - point system of scores • PSB • References - particularly of previous employer
Total Compensation What employees receive in exchange for their contribution to the agency/organization. When managed correctly, it helps the agency/
Elements of Total Compensation organization achieve the objectives, and obtain, maintain, and retain a productive workforce. Without adequate compensation, current employees are likely to leave and replacements will be difficult to recruit.
Security, Safety and Health (Legally Mandated Benefits Indirect Compensation Benefits and Services (“Fringe” Benefits) Incentives and Profit-Sharing (Pay-for-Performance) Direct Compensation Compensation Management (Basic Wages and Salaries
Objectives of Effective Compensation Management ● acquire qualified personnel ● retain current qualified employees ● ensure equity- internal and external equity ● reward desired behavior ● control costs ● comply with legal regulations ● facilitate understanding ● further administrative efficiency ● meet agency vision and mission
Benefits -non-cash additions to basic pay ☺ attract and retain staff of the right calibre ☺ ensure that the organization is able to compete for staff or an equal footing with other organizations ☺ promote welfare of staff and maintain their levels of satisfaction with the organization ☺ meet actual and perceived needs of employees ☺ provide a tax-efficient form of remuneration ☺demonstrate that the employer cares for its employee
MAJOR BENEFITS PROGRAM Health and Security - medical and health care insurance ☻ life insurance ☻ workers’ compensation ☻ accredited death and disability insurance ☻ unemployment insurance ☻ sick leave ☻ social security ☻ pension plans ☻ others
Payment for Time Not Worked ☻ lay-off ☻ vacation leave ☻ holidays ☻ sick leaves ☻ special leaves ☻ others
Employee Services ☻ educational assistance ☻ financial services ☻ sports and health programs ☻ employees assistance program and mental health care (counseling, family problem, etc) ☻ housing and relocation services ☻ employee recognition programs ☻ child care/day care ☻ others
IssuesRelatingtoBenefits ☻ Communicating the value of the benefits ☻ Using benefits to strengthen/reinforce strategies ☻ Cash or benefits? ☻ Individual or Team Awards?
Employee Relations and Organizations This is the collective relationship between the employer and groups of staff. It refers to the formally organized vehicle for undertaking joint discussions between two parties: trade unions, employees association, and the employer.
It may also be the informal relationships that are part of the processes and mechanism used by the organization/agency to communicate to employees. It may also be called “industrial relations”.
Individual Goals and Values Inputs Government policies Collective bargaining Legal constraints Process Management decisions Arbitration Performance And productivity Employment conditions Outputs Pay Salaries
Strategy ♦ a process through which the basic mission and objectives of the organization/agency are set. ♦ a process through which the organization/agency uses its resources (human, money, machines, etc.) to achieve its objectives.
HRM HR Planning Career Development Assessment of internal demands for workforce Inventory of available supply Career Planning Career Management Forecast of net workforce requirements, quantity, skills, knowledge Personnel gap reduction and Action plans surplus shortage
Career Planning Individual Career Planning including Career Pathing Career Counseling
Career Management Performance Evaluation Personalized Career Management Training and Education Personnel inventories and succession charts
Personnel Gap Reduction Plan Recruitment and Allocation Plan Utilization Plan Compensation Plan HR Development Plan Prom0tion and Separation Affirmative Action
Performance Evaluation System Performance ● a set of outcomes produced during a certain period of time, and does not refer to the traits or personal characteristics of the employee. ● record of outcomes produced on a specific job function or activity during a specified time period.
Performance Management ● a process designed to link the agency’s objectives with those of the individual to ensure that both agency and individual objectives, are met, as far as possible. It is not performance appraisal.
Performance Appraisal ● a review, process of an individuals’ performance that is constructive and supportive that gives advice to help the individual improve and develop. ● appraisal can be employee-oriented (focused on the individual) or work-oriented (focused on the outcomes that the employee achieved.)
Why Performance Appraisal ● help management make general human resource decisions, promotion, transfer, termination, etc; ● identify training and developmental needs; ● providing feedback to employees on how the agency views their performance; ● serve as basis for reward allocations; merit pay, etc.
Rating Instruments ● Performance Evaluation System (PES) ● Interviews/Discussions ● Feedbacks/Discussions ● Critical incidents ● Forced comparisons: ranking