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2. Bellwood Health Services Founded in 1984 by Dr. Gordon Bell and Linda Bell
60 bed facility located in Toronto
Treatment available on residential, day, or out-patient basis
Accredited by the Canadian Council on Health Services Accreditation
3. Treatment Programs
4. Who Is Eligible? Males and females 19 years of age and over from across Canada
5. Treatment Philosophy Abstinence based program of education, therapy and physical healing.
Holistic approach to treatment:
6. Staff Interdisciplinary team has extensive medical, counselling and therapy experience in addiction and lifestyle enrichment.
7. Psychodrama at Bellwood An integral part of weekly Group Therapy program … the 4th group
Clients in the residential program meet for 2-hour drama sessions ... maximum 12 clients per group
Staffing: 2/3 Team members - psychodrama director and supporting team members
9. Definition of Psychodrama J.L. Moreno, the creator of Psychodrama, defines it as “the science which explores the truth by dramatic methods”.
10. What is Psychodrama? A method of learning through the spontaneous enacting of life-situations
May be from past, present or future
May be real or hypothetical
Uses guided dramatic action to examine problems or issues raised in groups or individual sessions
11. How? A group member (the protagonist) acts out significant life scenes
Other group members play the supporting characters (auxiliaries) of the story
The director, a trained psychodramatist, guides participants in the action as the drama develops
12. Use of Psychodrama Can be used in individual and group treatment
Involves action methods as well as verbal methods
It is a powerful action method of group psychotherapy
13. Mind-Body Connection “The mind in action draws insight from the body’s knowing; the spirit encountered calms the troubled heart.” - Liz White, The Action Manual
14. Psychodrama Interpersonal
Role Training
15. Where and For Whom Broad range of mental health, educational and industrial environments throughout world
Proven effective with low and high functioning populations
Improves awareness, self-esteem, effectiveness in relationships
16. Treatment of Alcoholism Psychodrama has been used in the treatment of alcoholism since 1944 at the Psychodrama Institute in New York, founded by J. L. Moreno.
17. Value of Psychodrama Especially valuable in working with addicted population and family members
Psychodrama -> one of 1st treatment methods to recognize an addicted person’s interpersonal/ intergroup relationships as essential elements of their problem
18. Psychodrama and Self-Help Programs Psychodrama is primarily a group action method
Logical treatment extension of 12 Step programs
19. Supportive Environment Provide a trusting/ mutually supportive environment
Encourage exploration, sharing of feelings and concerns with others
Reduce feelings of isolation, fear, anger and loneliness
Can be a temporary “Higher Power” until deeper spiritual role developed
20. Components of Treatment Both AA and Psychodrama foster mutual sharing and self-disclosure -> emotional connectedness
Group members relate to the feelings and personal experiences of the psychodramatic enactment
Each is a therapeutic agent for the other
Mutual healing occurs
Opportunity to “live twice”
21. Value of Psychodrama in Therapy Can be used in conjunction with other therapies
Immediate emotional involvement:
Helpful in working with addicts who can be withdrawn, reticent, isolated and in need of social reconnection
Ideal vehicle for reversing passivity and denial
22. Confronting Denial Encounter the drug
Find new solutions
23. Witnessing Recovering person may:
24. Goals in Early Recovery Groups Confront the drug/ addictive behaviour
Recognize and express feelings
Develop and rehearse new solutions to situations and problems
Increase self-esteem, empathy and spontaneity
Examine attitudes, relationships and roles related to addiction
Increase group interaction and cohesion
25. Participation May be significant accomplishment for some individuals
Work with a sense of humour!
26. Development of Addiction
27. Addictions Behaviours
Computer Substances
28. What is Sociometry? Definition: A science which studies the formation and construction of groups
Uses methods to describe and account for interpersonal relations within groups
Makes the covert, overt
Reveals underlying connections
Used for group building
29. Group Building Belonging
Access to roles
30. J.L.Moreno’s Concept of Mental Health Spontaneity
31. The Five Elements of Psychodrama The Director
The Protagonist
The Auxiliary Ego
The Stage
The Audience
32. Psychodrama Evolves in Three Stages To self
To others
To theme
Suggested by the Director usually through an exercise
A protagonist emerges
33. Psychodrama Evolves in Three Stages (Cont’d) A “star” or protagonist comes forward to act out their dilemma
Generally related to a group theme
Dramatizes the protagonist’s dilemma
Director initiates interactions between protagonist and group members
34. Psychodrama Evolves in Three Stages (Cont’d) Group members, selected by protagonist, play significant roles
Continues until protagonist achieves a shift in perception and tests a new approach
35. Psychodrama Evolves in Three Stages (Cont’d) Group members share their emotions and associations evoked by the enactment
Auxiliaries share the feelings experienced in the roles played
Often these remarks have deep significance for the protagonist
Reduces feelings of exposure for protagonist
36. The Hollander Curve
37. The Social Atom A sociometric exercise
The participant explores on paper and in action the nucleus of persons to whom he/ she is connected
It observes and measures the nearness and distance which exists in the relationships
It accounts for inclusion or exclusion from participant’s social circle
38. Moreno’s Social Atom
39. Social Atom-Collectives
40. Applications in Addiction Treatment Atoms can measure an addict’s relationships with people, places or things
For example
41. Application in Recovery Recovering persons can explore support and recovery resources
For example
12 step programs
Journaling skills
The two atoms can be compared in action
43. Sobriety/Magic Shop Sobriety Shop: variation of classic Magic Shop
Structured exercise where unwanted, dysfunctional qualities magically transform into desired/beneficial qualities
44. Sobriety/Magic Shop (Cont’d) Mutually agreed fantasy/surplus reality
Language of metaphor
Bargaining process
45. Sobriety/Magic Shop (Cont’d) Lying, stealing, grandiosity, people-pleasing is highly valued in addiction. This is dysfunctional in recovery.
Honesty, self-esteem, serenity, self-care. These are helpful new qualities in recovery.
46. Sobriety/Magic Shop (Cont’d) Problem to the Solution
Solution = 60% of action time
Willfulness and Willingness = Motivation
47. Sobriety/Magic Shop (Cont’d) Shopkeeper -> Action Director
Customers seeking exchange qualities -> Protagonists
Assistants in action -> Auxiliaries
Audience -> Commentators/Greek Chorus
48. Sobriety/Magic ShopAction Steps Scene Setting
Qualities/ behaviours stocked in shop
In/ Available signs
Barter system
In: Brainstorm qualities contributing to addiction/ dysfunctional in recovery. Available: Brainstorm qualities helpful in recovery.
49. Sobriety/Magic ShopAction Steps (Cont’d) Action exploration of qualities. Methods are the following:
Bargaining quantity of quality
50. Sobriety/Magic ShopAction Steps (Cont’d) Customer receives new quality:
Anchoring -> in body
Psychodrama photo
Concretize in object
Contract for use
Report to 12-Step Meeting/Sponsor
51. Sobriety/Magic ShopConclusion Metaphor for death
No gain without loss
Group = therapeutic agent
Creativity through spontaneity/ play
Optimistic view of human potential
52. Resources The Action Manual (Elizabeth White)
Available by contacting actioninfo@rogers.com
The Living Stage (Tian Dayton)
Trauma and Addiction (Tian Dayton)
Drama Games (Tian Dayton)