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subject. verb. complement ( object ). of the relative clause. verb. complement. subject. subject. verb. complement ( object ). of the relative clause. verb. complement object. subject. t hat / which have tiny rooms. t hat / which have an uncertain ending.
subject verb complement (object) of therelativeclause verb complement subject
subject verb complement (object) of therelativeclause verb complement object subject
that/whichhavetinyrooms. that/whichhave an uncertainending. that/whichhelpmeimprovemyworldknowledge. who/thatalwayscomplainabouttheirstudents. who/thatkeepuptodate. who/thatspendhours on socialnetworkingwebsites.
object subject verb of therelativeclause verb object subject
object subject verb of therelativeclause
therelativeclause therelativeclause therelativeclause
How can weunderstandthattherelativepronoun ( who-which-that) is in theobjectposition? a differentsubject in theclause not parents relativepronoun therelativeclause therelativeclause therelativeclause
Aretheymainclausesorrelativeclauses? Decidewhichsentencebestfitsthegap. Turnthemintorelativeclauses.