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Derivatives - A Risk Management Perspective Dr. Rana Singh www.ranasingh.org Associate Professor. The Changing Environment. The past. India had a highly regulated financial sector regime till 1991 which virtually eliminated financial price risk
Derivatives - A Risk Management PerspectiveDr. Rana Singhwww.ranasingh.orgAssociate Professor
The past • India had a highly regulated financial sector regime till 1991 which virtually eliminated financial price risk • Borrowing and lending rates were prescribed, guaranteeing spreads • Regulated capital markets did not provide any incentive for innovation in resource raising • Controlled foreign exchange regime ensured rationing of overseas resources as per Government policies • License-permit raj ensured that the most sought after skill was that of obtaining license and not the business acumen
The present • Lending and borrowing rates are freed, access to capital markets is made easier for corporates • The rupee is convertible on trade account, FDI is welcomed with a plethora of incentives, FIIs are an established force in stock markets • The government has liberalised the ECB policy and a large number of corporates, buoyed by a rock solid rupee, accessed the international capital markets heavily, for equity and debt
The present • Due to such measures implemented by the government • Indian market is less immune to external shocks compared to a decade back • thin markets exaggerate impact of shocks • volatility higher than in developed markets • considerable amount of jump risk in all domestic markets • with impending convertibility decreasing effectiveness of policy intervention in smoothing out volatility
The Laker Experience • In late 1970s, Laker Airlines faced the problem of plenty • The US Dollar was weak compared to pound sterling • British vacationers were lining up for US holidays • the company bought five new DC-10s to accommodate the increased passenger traffic • the new aircraft acquisition was financed by USD denominated debt. • In early 1980s, USD strengthened against the pound, and the dollar exposure started hurting Laker as its revenues were in pounds • Rising USD also contributed to lower US bound passenger traffic • Eventually Laker had to file for bankruptcy
US Savings and Loans Institutions • US S & L : Financed long term fixed rate mortgage loans by short term deposits • Profitable in 1970s as the yield curve was upward sloping • In 1980s, the short term interest rates rose dramatically and the yield curve inverted in shape • The S&Ls were hit badly and turned from money spinners into money pits.
Gulf War Casualty : Continental Airlines • August 2, 1990 : Iraq invaded Kuwait • Prices of Jet fuel rose by more than 100% • Continental Airlines in USA was highly leveraged • The high fuel costs affected Continental adversely • While the costs moderated a few months later, they were still high compared to the pre-invasion level • Within months of the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait, Continental went bankrupt.
The Lesson • The changes in market parameters may not only hurt companies' bottomline, but jeopardize their survival • One solution could be to predict the movements in the market parameters : Forecasting • However, forecasters have historically failed to predict market parameters : exchange rates, interest rates or commodity prices • Hence, prudent management of risk is essential
Risk • Any exogenous factor influencing the performance of a business • Exposure to uncertainty • Volatility in earnings • Deviation of actual from expected
Risk Management • Aim of risk management • Knowledge • Ensuring that the risk levels are consistent with corporate objectives • Ensuring that returns adequately compensate for risks borne • If you eliminate risks you eliminate returns • When a corporate undertakes a project, it accepts some risks. Derivatives can be used to mitigate those risks.
Types of Risk • The main types of financial price risk that Indian corporates are exposed to are as follows: • Exchange Rate risk • Interest Rate risk • Commodity Price risk
Risk Management Procedure • Identification • Quantification • Philosophy and strategy • Tools and Technique • Implementation and Control
Explicit v/s Implicit Risks • Explicit Risks • Mismatch between inflows and outflows: Currency, timing, maturity • Changes in values of inflows and outflows due to changes in prices and volumes • Implicit Risks • Relationship between exchange rates and sale prices denominated in local currency - e.g.. courier, airline, hotel companies • Risks arising from competitor strategy • Risks arising from variation in inflation rate
Risk Arising from Competitor Strategy • Japanese Automobile manufacturer • Costs in Yen and revenues in US $ • American Competitors • Costs and revenues in US $ • When Yen strengthened against US $ • Japanese manufacture's costs increased • US producers costs remained the same • Japanese manufacturer was unable to raise prices and even faced price cuts by American competitors • Case of Caterpillar and Komatsu
Indian Base Metal Companies : Dollarised revenues • Base metal companies such as Copper and Aluminum companies price their products off LME • While the freight, duties, etc provide a buffer against the LME prices, the domestic prices display high degree of correlation to LME quotes • Exported products are priced strictly off LME • Thus, Copper and Aluminium companies have dollar denominated revenues and Rupee expenses • This implies that Copper and Aluminium companies have long dollar position
Oil companies : Dollarised revenues • Pursuant to the deregulation of the Administered Price Mechanism, downstream oil products would be priced based on import parity prices • Hence, the oil companies would have dollarised revenues and a natural hedge against USD liabilities
Quantification • Identification of suitable observable proxies • Analysis of proxy behaviour and potential risk impact • Determination of Mean and Variance of future P&L streams
Proxies for Risk Factors • Correlation between proxy and the risk factor should be high • BSE Sensex could be a proxy for an equity portfolio of a firm • US $/Re exchange rate could be a proxy for the cashflows of an export oriented unit • International crude oil price could be a proxy for the cashflows of a petrochemical unit
Approach to Risk Management • Firm-wide Approach to managing risk as opposed to individual transaction based approach • careful study of sensitivity of revenue & expense streams to underlying risk factors • understand correlation among risk factors • reduce hedging costs through internal netting • relate impact of hedging to firm and shareholder value
Approach to risk management:Example • A diversified co with interests in Copper, Steel and Cement • Treasury is centralised, bears financial price risk for each business unit • Centralised treasury and the Business Unit jointly decide the best funding and risk management strategy for the Business Unit • The Treasury funds the Business Units and executes the agreed risk management strategies for them
Approach to risk management:Example • The netting off of exposures among various BUs undertaken by the Treasury • Treasury raises funds required by BUs on terms it deems most profitable • Funds are transferred to BU on terms agreed jointly and at rate appropriate for the business • Treasury manages all the risk on the resources as well as on the open position it may decide to carry
Mild Aggressive Philosophy:Indian PSU • The PSU is exposed to exchange risk due to • USD, JPY and DM liabilities (comprising present and future (projected) liabilities) • revenue streams denominated in INR only • The PSU did a study of the following, • rolling over short-term forward covers versus taking uncovered positions in USD/INR • Covering cross-currency exposures • risk/return profile of a USD interest rate swap versus a cap
Mild Aggressive Philosophy:Indian PSU • Based on this, the PSU adopted a mild aggressive hedging strategy, • partial hedging of Rs-USD exposures based on cost of forward versus the budgeted interest rate differential • study the international currency market continuously to form a view of cross currency movements • view based decisions on cross currency hedges • zero cost collars to reduce hedging costs
Risk-Averse Philosophy: Gold Jewelry Manufacturer • An Indian Gold Jewelry manufacturer analysed the business and deduced that: • the firm has over 2 tones of gold in process • a sharp fluctuation in gold prices while it is being processed may wipe out the entire net worth of the firm • The firm adopted a Risk averse strategy and borrows linked to gold prices • As a result the firm can concentrate on its business and not worry about the gold price movements
Risk Neutral Philosophy:Siam Cement • Siam Cement is a Bangkok based cement producer • It carried USD 4 bn worth foreign currency loans on its books • No hedges were utilised as overvalued Baht implied gain due to higher interest rate differential • First quarter of FY98, Profits : THB 1.69 bn • Baht devalued in July 1998 • Siam incurred THB 7.4 bn as carrying cost of the foreign currency loans • the carrying cost resulted in THB 5.52 bn loss in the second quarter 1998
Strategy • Arrive at an acceptable level of Risk • Maximise returns for given levels of risk
Tools and Techniques • Use of Derivative products (as permitted by RBI) • Forward Exchange Cover • Cross Currency Swaps • Foreign Currency - Rupee Swaps • Cross Currency Options • Forward Forward Swaps • Forward Rate Agreement • Interest Rate Swaps • Interest Rate Caps / Collars