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Project: Fast Food

Project: Fast Food. Bushmanov A 6B Cadet Corps 5 Teacher: Ibragimova Goulnara. Introduction.

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Project: Fast Food

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  1. Project: Fast Food Bushmanov A 6B Cadet Corps 5 Teacher: Ibragimova Goulnara

  2. Introduction I choose this theme as a single project, because it is a real problem today. Everybody try to look after themselves and they want to lead a healthy way of life. Fast Food has a bad influence on people’s health. As researchers show many people suffer from fatness if they eat Fast Food. Also people attain gastritis and other stomach diseases. I will show by means of my project how people change eating Fast Food.

  3. Introduction Certainly, Fast Food is for those who is always in a harry. As you know you can eat Fast Food without going out of your car or you can order it to your apartment. I will carry out researchers in my class which will show who, how often and when eat Fast Food.

  4. Fast Food: Main Goal This project was chosen to reveal the problems of Fast Food. That is really a National Problem nowadays.

  5. Problem Fast Food and it’s influence to people’s health

  6. “Fast Food”: Thesis Define the meaning of “Fast Food” Understand whether “Fast Food” is good if you eat it every day. Fats and oils in “Fast Food”. Fast Food restaurants. “Fast Food”: dangerous or not.

  7. “Fast Food”: Open the main goal 1. What is Fast Food 2. What happens if you eat fast Food every day 3. How many fats are in Fast Food? 4. What kind of Fast Food restaurants do exist 5. Photos of those who eat “Fast Food”

  8. Photo N1 Fast Food – is a food which you can cook very quickly. For example see the photo:

  9. Photo N 2 Fast Food – Fish and Chips: Looks tasty

  10. Photo N 3 Anti Fast Food sign. Let’s stop eating Fast Food

  11. Photo N4 Chinese Fast Food

  12. Photo N 5 See what happens when a child eat Fast Food

  13. Photo N 6 Overweight

  14. Photo N 7 Fast Food Pizza: want to eat it at once

  15. Photo N 8 Advertisement: Fast Food - Fast Life

  16. Photo N 9 Fast Food: Eat without going out

  17. Photo N 10 Do you like Fast Food? Are you crazy about it?

  18. Photo N 11 Fast Food Nation

  19. Photo N 12 Different Fast Food Advertisement

  20. Photo N 13 See this danger sign! You should understand how bad it influence your health

  21. Photo N 14 Fast Food is on the top of this photo

  22. Picture N 14 Well known Fast Food restaurants: Pizza Hut, Domino Pizza, McDonalds, KFC, Subway, Burger King, Eat Fresh

  23. Photo N 16 This table shows the position of well known Fast Food restaurants: “McDonalds”, Hot Dog Kiosks, Kiosks with Shaurma, Rostics, Chicken Grill, “Elki-Palki”, “Pizza Hut”, “Kroshka Kartoshka”, Stop Top, Restaurant Yards, Russian Bistro, Russian Pancakes, Metro Ekspress, “Sbarro”, “Drova”, “KFC”

  24. Photo N 17 This table shows it in percents: Subway, Kroshka Kartoshka, McDonalds, Teremok, Rostics and KFC, Sbarro

  25. My own research I carried out my own research which showed that: a lot of cadets from my class eat Fast Food. It happens quite often. Sometimes they go there with parents. They attend such restaurants of Fast Food as: Kroshka Kartoshka, Sbarro, Rosticks KFC, McDonalds, Teremok. Fast Food is ready very fast: you can eat it immediately.

  26. Photo N 18 Let’s create a Nation without Fast Food

  27. Resume As a resume of this project it is clear that Fast Food is no good for people’s health though it is very tasty and you want to eat it every day. It is known that Fast Food has a special ingredient that provokes appetite.

  28. Conclusion In the conclusion I think that the goal of my project is reached. I showed that Fast Food has a bad influence on person’s health. The researchers show that some parents give their small children Fast Food. I carried out my own research. I found out that my classmates eat Fast Food very often. It is certainly very bad for their health. Fast Food has a very unhealthy influence on child’s organism. Fast Food has a very unhealthy influence on child’s organism.

  29. Conclusion Fast Food has ingredients that provoke appetite. You want to eat it every day. After that you definitely gain weight. I found photos which show how people (children) look like if they overeat Fast Food. It is known that if you gain weight. You will have difficulty in loosing it.

  30. Literature 1. «Секреты долголетия». Поль С. Брэгг, Герберт Шелтон. Сыктывкар, 1992 2. «Питание и здоровье». Р. И. Воробьев. Москва «Медицина», 1990 3. Михайлов В.С. и др. «Культура питания и здоровье семьи» 4. Левашова Е. Н. «Вкусно и быстро»

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