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The PSMF Diet or protein sparing modified fast is a ketosis way of eating designed to invoke rapid weight loss with minimal exercise.
What is a protein sparing modified fast? The protein sparing modified fast is a ketosis way of eating that is really designed to help people lose a lot of weight in a short period of time without much exercise. It's not a long-term way of eating, but it's a scientifically proven short-term solution for rapid weight loss. The psmf diet was created with the intention of helping morbidly obese patients. these patients typically had a BMI that was greater than 30. How does the protein sparing modified fast work? The psmf diet is a form of fasting. Fasting means that you are restricting yourself from food and drinks for a set period of time. With this diet you will only be eating calculated amounts of macros. A useful tool such as a psmf calculator is very helpful in determining your target values. Vegetables are a key to this diet because they help you stay full and give you plenty of fiber. Vegetables are also a great source of nutrients for the body. Vegetables that contain high amounts of protein are encouraged. All starchy vegetables should be avoided. You are also encouraged to eat more beans peas and lentils. This diet involves eating nearly zero carbohydrates and eliminating fat intake. A protein sparing modified fast usually involves a total caloric intake of a round 800 to 1200 calories per day. To make up for deficiencies, patients are advised to take supplements such as minerals vitamins and electrolytes. The diet is set up to get your body to the point that it reaches ketosis. When your body is in a state of ketosis, you will start to lose weight quickly. When in this state, your body starts to eat it's own fat for energy. The high protein intake helps patients spare their lean muscle mass Protein is very important with the diet. Protein helps you to feel fuller and to consume less calories. It is a major fuel for fat burning. Eating protein helps promote and repair muscles and
their growth. Lean protein sources include minced beef, eggs, turkey, roast beef, venison, lamb, trim pork, bacon rashers, egg whites, chicken, and cottage cheese. Exercise is not recommended on this diet. In fact, many people that do the diet do not exercise at all. You do have the option of weight trainingduring this diet, but minimal exercise is recommended for the best results. Refeedsare an important part of the diet as well. Refeeds help you restore depleted leptin levels. They also can help you jumpstart your metabolism and reduce Cravings before you go back to cutting days. Refeeds also help to regulate your system. Carbs such as potatoes, starchy vegetables,fruits, pancakes, and pasta are all encouraged. Free meal days are also part of the program. Free meal days are important because they are a mental and psychological boost during the diet. You are free to eat whatever you like on your free meal days according to when they fall on your plan. . This can vary depending on what category you fall in the diet. Because the psmf diet is a form of starvation, you may experience side effects. The side effects include muscle cramps, cold intolerance, halitosis, fatigue, hair thinning, headaches, constipation, and diarrhea. Some other side effects could include anxiety and depression, but are not as common. The protein sparing modified fast can be a very challenging diet both mentally and physically, but has proven to be a safe scientifically proven method for rapid fat loss. As with any diet, you are advised to consult with your physician.