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This lecture covers nearest neighbor searching, its applications in various fields like pattern classification, graphics, and machine learning, different similarity measures, fixed radius near neighbor problem, and the use of bucketing and hashing for efficient searching. The algorithm, running time, and its generalization to higher dimensions are also discussed.
Computational Geometry Piyush Kumar (Lecture 2: NN Search) Welcome to CIS5930
Our First Problem • Nearest neighbor searching • Applications? • Pattern Classification • Graphics • Data Compression • Document retrieval • Statistics • Machine Learning • …
Similarity Measure • In terms of Euclidean distance (4,5) (2,3)
Similarity Measure Similar?
Similarity measure • Other similarity Measures
The dimension • Lets assume that our points are in one dimensional space. ( d = 1 ). • We will generalize to higher dimension ( Where d = some constant ).
Fixed radius near neighbor problem Question • Given a set of points S on the real line, preprocess them to answer the following question : • Find all the pair of points (p,q) such that distance of (p,q) < r . q Points in S
Nearest neighbor search Question • Given a set of points S on the real line, preprocess them to answer the following query : • Given a query point q, find the neighbor of q which is closest in S. q nn(q) Points in S
Answers? • Fixed NN Search • NN Search
Answers? • NN Search • O( n ) ? Brute Force [ Trivial ] • O( log n) ? Binary Search Tree • Fixed NN Search • O( n2 ) ? Brute Force • O(nlogn + k) ? Sorting • O(n + k) ? Hashing?
NN Searching : Balanced binary tree q nn(q) Points in S
K-nearest neighbor search • Problem: Given a set of points P on the real line and a query point q, find the k-nearest neighbors of q in P. • O(nlogn) Trivial bruteforce • Do you see how? • Thought Problem: How do we do this in O(n) time? • (Hint: Median finding works in O(n) time).
Brute Force implementation What can we speed up here? How do we speed this up?
Fixed NN Search: By Sorting • Once we sort the points on the real line, we can just go left and right to identify the pairs we need. • Each pair is visited at most twice, so the asymptotics do not change.
Total work done after sorting • ki denotes the pairs generated when visiting pi • With this approach, we need at least Ω(nlogn) (for sorting).
Fixed radius near neighbor searching • How do we avoid sorting? • How do we get a running time of O(n+k) ?
b= -2 b=0 { r 0 Solution using bucketing • Put points in infinite number of buckets (Assume an infinite array B) Interval b is [ br, (b+1)r ] x lies in b = floor (x/r)
Solution using bucketing • Only n buckets of B might get occupied at most. • How do we convert this infinite array into a finite one: Use hashing • In O(1) time, we can determine which bucket a point falls in. • In O(1) expected time, we can look the bucket up in the hash table • Total time for bucketing is expected O(n) • The total running time can be made O(n) with high probability using multiple hash functions ( essentially using more than one hash function and choosing one at run time to fool the adversary ).
The Algorithm • Store all the points in buckets of size r • In a hash table [ Total complexity = O(n) ] • For each point x • b = floor(x/r); Retrieve buckets b, b+1 • Output all pairs (x,y) such that y is either in bucket b or b+1 and x < y and ||xy|| < r x 0
Running Time • Let nb denote the number of points in bucket b of the input pointset P. • Define Note that there are nb2 pairs in bucket b alone that are within distance r of each other.
Observation • Since each pair gets counted twice :
Running Time • Depends on the number of distance computations D. Since : Total Running Time = O(n+k)
Higher Dimensions • Send (x,y) (floor(x/r),floor(y/r)) • Apply hash with two arguments • Running time still O(n+k)
Higher Dimensions • The running time of this algorithm increases exponentially with diemension. • Why?
Introduction: Geometry Basics • Geometric Systems • Vector Space • Affine Geometry • Euclidean Geometry • AG + Inner Products = Euclidean Geometry
Vector Space • Scalar ( + , * ) = Number Types • Usual example is Real Numbers R. • Let V be a set with two operations • + : V x V V • * : F x V V • Here F is the set of Scalars
Vector Space • If (V , +, * ) follows the following properties, its called a vector space : • (A1) u + (v + w) = (u + v) + w for all u,v,w in V. • (A2) u + v = v + u for all u,v in V. • (A3) there is unique 0 in V such that 0 + u = u for all u in V. • (A4) for every u in V, there is unique -u in V such that u + -u = 0. • (S1) r(su) = (rs)u for every r,s in R and every u in V. • (S2) (r +s)u = ru + su for every r,s in R and every u in V. • (S3) r(u + v) = ru + rv for every r in R and every u,v in V. • (S4) 1u = u for every u in V. Note: Vectors are closed under linear combinations A basis is a set of n linearly independent vectors that span V.
Affine Geometry • Geometry of vectors • Not involving any notion of length or angle. • Consists of • A set of scalars • Say Real numbers • A set of points • Position specification • A set of free vectors. • Direction specification
Affine Geometry • Legal operations • Point - Point = Vector • Point +/- Vector =Point • Vector +/- Vector = Vector • Scalar * Vector = Vector • Affine Combination • ∑Scalar * Points = Point • such that ∑Scalar = 1 • Note that scalars can range from –Infinity to +Infinity
Affine Geometry Affine Combination Convex Combination
Affine Combinations • [ Affine Span or Affine Closure ] The set of all affine combinations of three points generates a plane. • [ Convex Closure ] The set of all convex combinations of three points generates all points inside a triangle.
Euclidean Geometry • One more element added • Inner Products • Maps two vectors into a scalar • A way to `multiply’ two vectors
Example of Inner Products • Example : Dot products • (u.v) = u0v0+ u1v1+…+ ud-1vd-1 • Where u,v are d-dimensional vectors. • u = (u0,u1,…, ud-1); v = (v0,v1,…, vd-1) • Length of |u| = sqrt(u.u) (Distance from origin) • Normalization to unit length : u/|u| • Distance between points |p - q| • Angle (u’,v’) = cos-1(u’.v’) • where u’=u/|u| and v’=v/|v|
Dot products • (u.v) = (+/-)|u|(projection of v on u). • u is perpendicular to v (u,v) = 0 • u.(v+w) = u.v + u.w • If u.u not equal to zero then u.u > 0 • positive definite
Some proofs using Dot Products • Cauchy Schwarz Inequality • (u.v) <= |u||v| • Homework. • Hint: For any real number x • (u+xv).(u+xv) >= 0 • Triangle Inequality • |u+v|<=|u|+|v| • Hint: expand |u+v|2 and use Cauchy Schwarz. v u
Next Lecture • Orientation and Convex hulls Optional Homework: (Programming) Play with dpoint.hpp and example.cpp (Implement orientation in d-D). Implement your own dvector.hpp, dsegment.hpp using metaprogramming Make sure you understand how things work. Due Monday Homework: (Theory) Cauchy Schwarz Triangle Inequality dot n cross prod. Reading Assignment: Page 1-5, Notes of Dr. Mount Lecture 33 and Section 1.3 of the text book.
Crash course on C++“dpoint.hpp” • Namespaces • Solve the problem of classes/variables with same name • namespace _cg {code} • Outside the namespace use _cg::dpoint • Code within _cg should refer to code outside _cg explicitly. E.g. std::cout instead of cout.
Object Oriented Programming • Identify functional units in your design • Write classes to implement these functional units • Separate functionality for code-reuse.
Class membership • Public • Private • Always : Keep member variables private • This ensures that the class knows when the variable changes • Protected
Inheritance • ‘is a’ relationship is public inheritance • Class SuperDuperBoss : public Boss • Polymorphism : Refer an object thru a reference or pointer of the type of a parent class of the object • SuperDuperBoss JB; • Boss *b = &JB; • Virtual functions
Templates • Are C macros on Steroids • Give you the power to parametrize • Compile time computation • Performance “The art of programming programsthat read, transform, or write other programs.” - François-René Rideau
Generic Programming • How do we implement a linked list with a general type inside? • void pointers? • Using macros? • Using Inheritance?
Templates • Function Templates • Class Templates • Template templates * • Full Template specialization • Partial template specialization
Metaprogramming • Programs that manipulate other programs or themselves • Can be executed at compile time or runtime. • Template metaprograms are executed at compile time.
Good old C • C code • Double square(double x) { return x*x; } • sqare(3.14) Computed at compile time • #define square(x) ((x)*(x)) • Static double sqrarg; #define SQR(a) (sqrarg=(a), sqrarg*sqrarg)
Templates • Help us to write code without being tied to particular type. • Question: How do you swap two elements of any type? How do you return the square of any type?
Function Templates • C++ • template< typename T > inline T square ( T x ) { return x*x; } • A specialization is instantiated if needed : • square<double>(3.14) • Template arguments maybe deduced from the function arguments square(3.14) • MyType m; … ; square(m); expands to square<MyType>(m) Operator * must be overloaded for MyType