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This three-year strategic plan outlines the goals and initiatives of the Department of Water and Forestry, covering water resources management, water services, forestry, international affairs, administration, and financial resources.
````````````````````` `````````` DWAF STRATEGIC PLAN 2007/8-2009/10 & BUDGET 2007/8 JI Sindane Director-General 3 May 2007 Old Assembly Chamber, Parliament
Structure of Presentation • General Overview • Water Resources Management (Programme 2) • Water Services (Programme 3) • Forestry (Programme 4) • International Affairs • Administration (Programme 1) • Financial Resources (Budget)
General Overview • This is a three year strategic plan, covering the MTEF period 2007/8-2009/10. • We have placed the achievement of gender equality and equity at the centre of the strategic plan. • The aim is to rally the staff of DWAF and our public entities to join hands to implement government policies falling within the mandate of the DWAF. • The plan covers Water Services, Water Resources Management and Forestry, as well as the support services of Corporate Services and Finance. • Water Resources Management includes National Water Resources Infrastructure, which will soon be incorporated into an infrastructure agency.
General Overview (cont.) • Our role is to support and strengthen the capacity of municipalities to meet the water and sanitation targets. • Effectively, our role is to create an environment in which municipalities are better able to fulfill their constitutional and legislative mandates. • We will continue to assist municipalities in the planning, operation and maintenance of infrastructure to ensure sustainability of water services. • As regulator, we must ensure that municipalities adhere to minimum standards and norms for service delivery that we have set.
General Overview (cont.) • We will continue to plan the development of our water resources to support economic growth and provide water for basic needs. • Redistribution of access to water resources is a necessity and we will collaborate with Land Affairs and Agriculture. • We will drive the transformation agenda of the forestry sector through legislation and the Forestry BBBEE Charter.
Water Resources Management(Programme 2) • Supply of water is a critical input for the achievement of the aims of AsgiSA and State of the Nation Address (SONA). • The building of new water resources infrastructure and the involvement of beneficiary communities during planning, implementation and management of infrastructure benefit directly both the first and second economies. • Reallocation of water is central to bring about equality and as a direct input to the alleviation and eradication of poverty as referred to in SONA.
Water Resources Management (cont.) • We will continue with our major projects like De Hoop Dam in Limpopo; Nandoni Distribution Works; Hluhluwe Regional Water Supply; Mdloti River Resource Project (raising of Hazelmere Dam) • Berg Water Project will be commissioned this year. • We will continue to implement measures to ensure the protection of our water resources through, amongst others, the Working for Water Programme.
Water Resources Management (cont.)- Institutions • Our project for the establishment of a national water resource infrastructure agency is underway, with legislation to be introduced in 2007. • As regards our public entities, we plan to formulate and implement a governance framework to ensure both their proper governance and provision of support, and leadership to our public entities. • To promote local management of water resources, we are continuing with the establishment of CMAs and the promotion of the involvement of local government.
Water Services (Programme 3) • With experience, we now know we need to accelerate the service delivery in order to meet our water and sanitation targets – Siyenza Manje-DBSA. • Cabinet approved our Service Delivery Acceleration Plan in January 2007 to provide hands-on support to affected municipalities – working with DPLG. • Capacity building- Our comprehensive local government support plan is in line with Local Government Five Year Strategic Agenda. • We will continue to support municipalities to ensure the high quality of drinking water. • New infrastructure – operation and maintenance of existing infrastructure.
Water services (cont.) - IGR • Promote a closer relationship between water boards and municipalities. • Greater collaboration with provincial departments of local government. • Greater collaboration with provincial departments of health ( drinking water quality). • Greater collaboration with SALGA.
Forestry (Programme 4) • Implement detailed programmes to ensure broad-based black economic empowerment (SONA)--Forestry Charter completed, it addresses many of the other elements below the SONA. • Finalise practical programmes for forestry and paper--Charter is both a transformation and a practical growth and development strategy for the sector. • Key elements have an accompanying strategy e.g. skills development, new afforestation, R+ D and forest enterprise development.
Forestry (cont.) • To raise the rate of investment in the First Economy--Charter details concrete roles and resources for Government and Private sector to achieve higher rates of investment. • To reduce the cost of doing business in our country--Have already almost halved the time to get an afforestation licence and plans in place for 2007/2008 to use general authorizations to reduce cost and time further. • Applications risen from 800ha in 2004 to 5500ha last year
Forestry (cont.) • Plan to process 15 000ha of forestry licence applications to • ensure a net increase of 10 000 ha per annum by small and • medium black growers. • Transfer of DWAF Cat B and C plantations, 2007/2008 plan to • transfer largest plantations of Manzengwenya and Mbazwana • and possibly Injaka too pending the finalization of land claim by • RLCC.
Forestry (cont.) • To increase spending on Scientific Research and Development--Will finalise the proposal for Forestry Science Technology and Innovation strategy, develop capacity and approach Treasury for funding for implementation. • To speed up the process of skills development--Key element of the Charter – Skills development strategy has been approved • Bursaries for people in forestry granted last year for first time in many years and plans to increase the number in 07/08. • Plan in 07/08 to integrate forestry into national school curriculum and input further into all tertiary institutions offering forestry qualifications
International affairs • Involvement in forestry and water activities in SADC to achieve regional integration. • Management of cross-border relations (shared watercourses). • Participation in post conflict reconstruction in Africa. • Participation in NEPAD structures and international fora, such as World Water Forum and UN Forum on Forestry.