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Learn about diabetes, its symptoms, and the importance of early detection and treatment. Find out how to control the disease and lower the risk of complications. Discover a holistic approach that goes beyond conventional treatments to address the underlying causes of diabetes.
Diabetes Programs & Protocol by Dr. Todd Singleton
Diabetes Mellitus is an ailment that occurs when the Pancreas is unable to secrete enough insulin to maintain a normal blood sugar level, leading to high blood sugar levels. Diabetes can lead to serious complications and premature death. People with diabetes can take steps to control the disease and lower the risk of complication.
From the American Diabetes Association Diabetes often goes undiagnosed because many of its symptoms seem so harmless. Recent studies indicate that the early detection of diabetes symptoms and treatment can decrease the chance of developing the complications of diabetes.
Symptoms of DiabetesType 1 Diabetes • Frequent urination • Unusual thirst • Extreme hunger • Unusual weight loss • Extreme fatigue and irritability
Symptoms of DiabetesType 2 Diabetes • Any of the Type 1 symptoms • Frequent infections • Blurred vision • Cuts/bruises that are slow to heal • Tingling/numbness in the hands or feet • Recurring skin, gum, or bladder infections *Often people with Type 2 Diabetes have no symptoms at all
Diabetes cases are growing at lighting speed. Nearly 14 percent of men and 12 percent of women over 30 in the United States have diabetes, and close to one-third of them don’t know it. In most cases they also have a hard time losing weight.
But even worse are those with pre-diabetes, who are a hair’s breath away from the full-blown disease. Nearly one in four people in the U.S. have pre-diabetes. Many are walking around clueless that they have this illness. This is why having patients take a symptoms assessment is important so they can find out if they are in the danger zone of Diabetes.
Further, in the next twenty-five years the number of people with diabetes is expected to double to over 44 million. • Annual costs for treating those patients are expected to nearly triple from the current $113 billion to $336 billion. • It’s a disease that is becoming so commonplace that it’s easy to overlook the very serious consequences it can have on your health.
But diabetes is not a disease to be taken lightly. It increases your risk of heart disease and brings on fatal and non-fatal heart attacks, strokes and other cardiovascular events 15 years earlier than those without diabetes, as well as significantly shortening your life span.The additional health complications that diabetes fosters are numerous, and quite serious, including: • Heart disease and stroke • High blood pressure • Blindness • Kidney disease • Nervous system disease • Amputations • Dental disease • Pregnancy complications
Unfortunately, the vast majority of physicians are still seriously confused about this issue. Serious Problems with Conventional Diabetes Recommendations • Diabetes is NOT a blood sugar disease like your doctor may have led you to believe. • Type 2 Diabetes is a disease caused by insulin resistance and faulty leptin signaling, both of which are regulated through your diet.
Until the concept becomes well-known in both the medical community and by the public at large, the misconception about what diabetes is and the appropriate way to treat it will continue to be promoted. Conventional treatment that is focused on fixing the symptom of elevated blood sugar, rather than addressing the underlying disease, is doomed to fail in most cases. Treatments that concentrate merely on lowering blood sugar while raising insulin levels can actually worsen rather than remedy the actual problem of metabolic miscommunication, it just trades one evil for another.
Since most treatments for Type 2 Diabetes utilize drugs that either raise insulin or lower blood sugar, the tragic result is that the typical, conventional medical treatment for diabetes contributes to the additional diseases and the shortened lifespan that diabetics’ experience.
Let me assure you, the cure for Type 2 Diabetes has NOTHING to do with giving insulin. Giving someone with Type 2 Diabetes insulin is one of the worst things that can be done. Any physician doing this is suffering from ignorance of insulin physiology.
When your blood sugar becomes elevated it is a signal for insulin to be released to direct the extra energy into storage. • A small amount is stored as a starch called glycogen in your body, but the majority is stored as your main energy supply – fat. • Thus, in this regard insulin’s major role is not to lower sugar levels, but to take the extra energy and store it for future times of need, causing obesity.
Insulin lowers your blood sugar as a side effect of directing the extra energy into storage. • This is why treatments that concentrate merely on lowering blood sugar for diabetes while raising insulin levels can actually worsen rather than remedy the actual problems of metabolic miscommunication.
Vitamin C People with Type 1 Diabetes have low vitamin C levels. Vitamin C lowers sorbitol levels in diabetics. Sorbitol is a sugar that can accumulate and damage the eye, nerves, and kidneys of diabetics. The transport of vitamin C into cells is facilitated by insulin. Due to impaired transport or dietary insufficiency, a vitamin C deficiency exists in the diabetic and may be responsible for the increased capillary fluidity and other vascular disturbances seen in diabetics. Vitamin C can be found in the Multivitamin/Multimineral, Antioxidant supplement and the Solutions4 Nutritional Shake.
Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine) Diabetics with neuropathy have been shown to be deficient in vitamin B6 and benefit greatly from supplementation. Peripheral neuropathy is a known result of pyridoxine deficiency and it cannot be distinguished from diabetic neuropathy. Vitamin B6 supplements improve glucose tolerance in women with diabetes caused by pregnancy. Pyridoxine is also important in preventing other diabetic complications because it is an important coenzyme in the cross-linking of collagen and inhibits platelet aggregation. B6 can be found in the Solutions4 Multivitamin/Multimineral supplement.
Vitamin B12 • Vitamin B12 supplementation has been used with some success in treating diabetic neuropathy. • This may be because it is correcting a deficiency state or normalizing vitamin B12 metabolism. • Vitamin B12 is needed for normal functioning nerve cells. • Vitamin B12 taken orally, intravenously, or by injection reduces nerve damage caused by diabetes in most people. Oral supplementation may be sufficient and can be found in the Solutions4 Multivitamin/Multimineral supplement.
Biotin • Biotin is a B vitamin needed to process glucose. • It has been shown to work in conjunction with insulin as well as independently in increasing the activity of glucokinase. • This enzyme is responsible for the first step in glucose utilization. • Glucokinase is present only in the liver, where, in diabetics its concentration is very low. Supplementation with large quantities of biotin may significantly enhance glucokinase activity, thereby improving glucose metabolism in diabetics. Take 16mg of biotin for a few weeks to see if blood sugar levels will fall. Biotin can be found in the Solutions4 Multivitamin/Multimineral supplement and the shake.
Niacin This vitamin (a form of B3) may help some people with Type 2 Diabetes and can be found in the Solutions4 Multivitamin/Multimineral supplement, the Nutritional Shake, and the Wrap and Maintenance Cream used on the legs.
Chromium • This is a key contributor of the ‘glucose tolerance factor.’ Chromium is a vital nutrient in diabetes. Chromium has been demonstrated to decrease fasting glucose levels, improve glucose tolerance, lower insulin levels and decrease total cholesterol and triglyceride levels, while increasing HDL-cholesterol levels. • Research shows that chromium supplements improve glucose tolerance in people with both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes, by apparently increasing sensitivity to insulin. Chromium improves the processing of glucose in people with pre-diabetic glucose intolerance and in women with diabetes associated with pregnancy. • Niacin given at relatively low levels along with chromium has been shown to be more effective than chromium alone. Exercise increases tissue chromium concentrations. Niacin and chromium can be found in the Solutions4 Multivitamin/Multimineral supplement.
Manganese Manganese is an important partner in the key enzymes of glucose metabolism. A deficiency of manganese was found to result in diabetes in guinea pigs. It also resulted in frequent births of offspring who developed pancreatic abnormalities or no pancreas at all. Diabetics have been shown to have only one-half the manganese of normal individuals. This can be found in the Solutions4 Multivitamin/Multimineral supplement.
Magnesium • Magnesium levels are significantly lowered in diabetics. Studies suggest that a deficiency I magnesium may worsen the blood sugar control in Type 2 Diabetes. Scientists believe that a deficiency of magnesium interrupts insulin secretion in the pancreas and increases insulin resistance in the body’s tissues. • Supplementation with magnesium leads to improved insulin production in elderly people with Type 2 Diabetes. Elderly people without diabetes may also produce more insulin as a result of magnesium supplements. Insulin requirements are lower in people with Type 1 Diabetes who supplement with magnesium. • Diabetes-induced damage to the eyes is more likely to occur to magnesium-deficient people with Type 1 Diabetes. Low magnesium levels appear to be a significant risk factor in the development of cardiovascular disease. Many doctors of natural medicine recommend that diabetics with normal kidney function supplement with magnesium. Magnesium can be found in the Solutions4 Multivitamin/Multimineral and Calcium supplements.
Vanadium Vanadium is a compound found in tiny amounts in plants and animals. Early studies showed that vanadium normalized blood glucose levels in animals with Type 1 and 2 Diabetes. A recent study found that when people with diabetes were given vanadium, they developed a modest increase in insulin sensitivity and were able to decrease their insulin requirements. This can be found in the Solutions4 Multivitamin/Multimineral supplement.
Potassium Potassium supplementation yields improved insulin sensitivity, responsiveness and secretion in diabetics. Insulin administration often causes a potassium deficiency. Potassium can be found in the Solutions4 shake supplement.
Zinc • Zinc deficiency has been suggested to play a role in the development of diabetes in humans. Zinc is involved in practically all aspects of insulin metabolism: synthesis, secretion and utilization. Zinc also has a protective effect against beta cell destruction, and has well-known anti-viral effects. • People with Type 1 Diabetes tend to be zinc deficient, which may impair immune function. Zinc supplements have lowered blood sugar levels in people with Type 1 Diabetes. People with Type 2 Diabetes also have low zinc levels, caused by excess loss of zinc in their urine. Zinc can be found in the Solutions4 Multivitamin/Multimineral and Nutritional Shake supplements.
Inositol Inositol is needed for normal nerve function. Diabetes can cause nerve damage, or diabetic neuropathy. Some of these abnormalities have been reversed by inositol, which can be found in the Solutions4 Multivitamin/Multimineralsupplement.
ALA and GLA • Alpha-lipoic acid (ALA) is a powerful natural antioxidant. It has been used to improve diebetic neuropathies and has reduced pain in several studies. • Gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), found in evening primrose oil, has been shown to be helpful for improving damaged nerve function, which is common in diabetes. These essential acids can be found in the Solutions4 shake mix, evening promrise oil, flax seed oil and salmon oil supplements.
Carnitine Carnitine is a substance needed for the body to properly use fat for energy. One study showed that when diabetics were given carnitine, high blood levels of fats – both cholesterol and triglycerides – dropped 25-39% in just ten days. In addition, carnitine improves the breakdown of fatty acids, possibly playing a role in preventing diabetic ketoacidosis. This substance can be found in the Solutions4 Nutritional Shake.
Taurine Taurine is an amino acid found in protein-rich food. People with Type 1 Diabetes have low taurine levels, that leads to “thickened” blood – a condition which increases the risk of heart disease. Supplementing taurine restores the levels to normal and corrects the problem of blood viscosity within a few months. This amino acid can be found in the Solutions4 Nutritional Shake.
There may be changes in the cells that contribute to the diabetes condition. Yeast by-products and exhaust are two very toxic substances: ethanol and acetaldehyde. These two toxins in turn alter the ability of our cells in the following ways: • Sugar has difficulty passing through cells. Insulin cannot do its job properly, causing low blood sugar and often weight gain. • Enzymes are destroyed. Enzymes are the chemical helpers in the body that help build, break down, and produce energy and heat. Yeast toxins can inactivate or destroy some of the enzymes, and can result in slowing all the functions of the body. Example: enzymes help break down sugar stores to help keep the blood sugar at ideal levels; when yeast overgrowth destroys enzymes, abnormally high or low blood sugar levels may develop.