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Final Exam

Prepare for your final exam on the American Revolution with this comprehensive study guide. Learn about key events, important figures, and significant documents that shaped the birth of the United States. Get ready to ace your exam and deepen your understanding of this pivotal period in history.

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Final Exam

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  1. Final Exam Study Guide Part I

  2. Mayflower Compact • Set up a self-governing colony based on the majority rule of male church members.

  3. Fundamental Orders of Connecticut • Considered to be the world’s first written constitution. • Called for a separation of church and state.

  4. Toleration Act • Set up in order to protect the rights of Roman Catholics in Maryland.

  5. Who founded Maryland? • Cecilius Calvert

  6. Who founded Georgia? • James Oglethorpe

  7. What religion were the Pilgrims? • Puritans

  8. Who is John Winthrop? • First Governor of Massachusetts Bay Colony.

  9. Name two problems settlers in Maryland faced. • 1. Not enough Women • 2. High Death Rates

  10. What cash crop was grown in Virginia and Maryland? • Tobacco

  11. What is the difference between a Loyalist and a Patriot? • Loyalist wanted to stay loyal to the king. • Patriots wanted independence.

  12. Battle of Trenton • Battle associated with Washington’s crossing of the Delaware River.

  13. Sons of Liberty • Radical group that protested English rule.

  14. What battle effectively ended the American Revolution? • Yorktown

  15. Who wrote the Declaration of Independence? • Thomas Jefferson

  16. Guerilla Warfare • Hit and Run battles, ambush

  17. Treaty of Paris • Ended the American Revolution

  18. Stamp Act • Placed a tax on all printed material.

  19. Proclamation of 1763 • Barred settlement west of the Appalachian mountains.

  20. Quartering Act • Required colonists to house and feed British soldiers.

  21. Olive Branch Petition • Last attempt at peace before the American Revolution.

  22. Intolerable Acts • New Quartering Act • Revoked the Massachusetts charter • Closed the port of Boston • Royal officials charged with a crime in the colonies will be tried in England.

  23. Virginia Plan • Drafted by James Madison

  24. Daniel Shays • Led farmers in a rebellion in western Massachusetts

  25. Northwest Territory • Contained Michigan, Wisconsin, Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois

  26. Which was the first state to ratify the Constitution? • Delaware

  27. The Last? • Rhode Island

  28. Give three examples of a concurrent power. • Taxes • Courts • Banks

  29. Who has reserved powers? • The states

  30. Impeachment • The most powerful restraint on presidential authority.

  31. Veto • Allows the president to strike down a law.

  32. Who drafted the Articles of Confederation? • Ben Franklin

  33. Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom • Called for a separation of church and state.

  34. Republican Motherhood • Women could change the world through their work at home.

  35. Did Washington want to be president?

  36. Bill of Rights • First 10 Amendments to the Constitution • Guaranteed civil liberties.

  37. Judiciary Act of 1789 • established a federal court system

  38. Capitalism • an economic system based on free trade and private ownership of business

  39. How did Alexander Hamilton feel about the National Bank? • He wrote it love letters.

  40. Strict Construction • The government can only do what is specifically stated in the Constitution.

  41. Whiskey Rebellion • protest against whiskey taxes

  42. Treaty of Greenville • gave the United States much of the land in Ohio and Indiana

  43. Washington’s Cabinet • Secretary of State • Secretary of War • Secretary of Treasury

  44. What is the role of the Attorney General? • advises the President on legal matters

  45. Nationalism • national pride and loyalty

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