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葡萄酒基础知识介绍 WINE BASIC INTRODUCTION. 主讲:荣春华. 葡萄酒基础知识介绍 Wine basic introduction. 1. 什么是葡萄酒 /What is the wine? 2. 葡萄酒的分类和种类 /Type & Style of wine. 3. 形成不同葡萄酒的原因 /What makes wine different. 4. 常见葡萄的品种 /Grape Varieties 5. 如何酿造葡萄酒 /How wine is made 6. 品尝葡萄酒 /Wine tasting

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  1. Present by Grape Plus Wine Cellar Inc. 葡萄酒基础知识介绍WINE BASIC INTRODUCTION 主讲:荣春华

  2. 葡萄酒基础知识介绍Wine basic introduction 1. 什么是葡萄酒/What is the wine? 2. 葡萄酒的分类和种类/Type & Style of wine. 3. 形成不同葡萄酒的原因/What makes wine different. 4. 常见葡萄的品种/Grape Varieties 5. 如何酿造葡萄酒/How wine is made 6. 品尝葡萄酒/Wine tasting 7. 食品与葡萄酒的搭配/Food & Wine Matching 8. 我们三款葡萄酒的介绍/Our three wines introduction Present by Grape Plus Wine Cellar Inc.

  3. 1. 什么是葡萄酒/What is the wine. Present by Grape Plus Wine Cellar Inc.

  4. 1. 什么是葡萄酒/What is the wine. • 葡萄酒是由新鲜的葡萄汁经过发酵而产生了酒精的一种饮料。/The wine is an alcoholic drink made from the fermented fresh juice of grape. • 发酵是由酵母菌起作用的一个自然的过程。/Fermentation is natural process caused by yeast. • 酵母菌的作用是把葡萄汁中的糖转化成了酒精和二氧化碳气体。/The yeast feed on sugar from grape juice, converting it into alcohol and carbon dioxide gas. Present by Grape Plus Wine Cellar Inc.

  5. 2.葡萄酒的分类和种类/Type & Style of wine. • 三种类型的葡萄酒/Three type of wine 葡萄酒 气泡型葡萄酒 强化型葡萄酒 Light wine Sparkling wine Fortified wine • 红葡萄酒,白葡萄酒和玫瑰色葡萄套酒 Red wine, white wine and Rose wine • 干红干白葡萄酒,甜葡萄酒和半干型葡萄酒 Dry red & white, sweet and semi-dry wine • 葡萄酒的评价指标/How wine be judged 含糖量和酒体感,其他如橡树木味,单宁和酸度 Sweetness and body. Other facts such as Oak, tannin and acidity Present by Grape Plus Wine Cellar Inc.

  6. 3. 形成不同葡萄酒的原因What makes wine different. 决定葡萄酒不同的六大因素: 葡萄品种,气候,土壤,湿度, 葡萄园管理和酿酒技术。 Present by Grape Plus Wine Cellar Inc.

  7. 3. 形成不同葡萄酒的原因What makes wine different. • 气候环境,葡萄种植区和葡萄酒生产区 Climate, the grape & wine regions . • 成功的葡萄酒来自葡萄生长在足够的阳光,适当的水分和气温的条件下。 The success of a wine will depend upon the correct balance between sunshine, rainfall and temperature. • 冷热气候/Cool & Hot Climate 冷气候:主产白葡萄酒-酸度高低酒精 Cool: Mainly whites: High in acidity, lower in alcohol 热气候:主产红葡萄酒-高酒精口味丰富 Hot: Mainly Reds: High in alcohol, rich in flavors Present by Grape Plus Wine Cellar Inc.

  8. 4.常见葡萄的品种/Grape Varieties * 葡萄酒老牌世界国家常用地名取得 Old wine world called wine by name of the place * 葡萄酒新派世界国家常用葡萄的种类命名 New wine world called wine by grape variety • 常见的葡萄酒/Popular wines 白葡萄酒:Chardonnay, Riesling, Sauvignon Blanc, Pinot Girgio 红葡萄酒:Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Pinot Noir, Shiraz 红冰酒:Sauvignon Franc, 白冰酒:Riesling Present by Grape Plus Wine Cellar Inc.

  9. 4.常见葡萄的品种/Grape Varieties Riesling Chardonnay Gewürztraminer Merlot Shiraz Cabernet Sauvignon Present by Grape Plus Wine Cellar Inc.

  10. 5. 如何酿造葡萄酒/How wine is made • 秋季丰收葡萄/Grapes are harvested in the autumn • 普萄酒加工过程/The winemaking process 从古到今/ From old time to present: : 采摘--压榨--过滤取汁--发酵--装瓶 Harvest—Crush—Press—Ferment—Bottling 白葡萄酒:白或红葡萄压汁去皮发酵, 静化成熟, 装瓶 Whites: Press, ferment (without skin), mature and bottle 红葡萄酒:红葡萄带皮发酵, 去皮渣取汁, 静化成熟, 装瓶 Red:Crush, ferment with skin, press, mature and bottle Present by Grape Plus Wine Cellar Inc.

  11. 6. 品尝葡萄酒/Wine tasting • 如何职业化的品尝葡萄酒 How to taste wine like professionals 看,问, 尝 / look, smell and taste 看酒液体色/Look appearance by eyes 问酒香浓度/Smell aromas by noses 尝酒质特点/Taste wine characters by palate Present by Grape Plus Wine Cellar Inc.

  12. 6. 品尝葡萄酒/Wine tasting 看/Look 看酒清晰还是混浊,从色质上分酒年龄,从挂杯上看浓度。 Look wine is clear or cloud, see wine age & body by its color & legs. Present by Grape Plus Wine Cellar Inc.

  13. 6. 品尝葡萄酒/Wine tasting 闻/Smell 闻酒香气的浓度和气味的种类/Smell intensity and types of wine aromas & flavors Present by Grape Plus Wine Cellar Inc.

  14. 6. 品尝葡萄酒/Wine tasting 尝酒/Testing Wine 品出酒体的厚薄和各类果味植物味等等,余味的长短,及酒中的酸甜涩度 Test H/L body & type of aromas from fruit or plant , intensity of flavors and The balance of acidity, sweetness and tannin in the wine Present by Grape Plus Wine Cellar Inc.

  15. 7. 食品与葡萄酒的搭配Food & Wine Matching • 不同食品与合适的葡萄酒搭配的重要性 The importance of different food matching different wine • 食品:酸,甜,咸,辣 和 烟熏 Food flavors: sour, sweet, salty, spicy and smoky • 葡萄酒:酒体,糖量,酸度 和单宁 Wine flavor and textures: body, sugar, acidity and tannin 食品葡萄酒搭配的基本要素 Basic principles of food and wine matching 酒和食物完美的搭配和截然相反的搭配。 Wine & Food Marriage and Contrast approach Present by Grape Plus Wine Cellar Inc.

  16. 7. 食品与葡萄酒的搭配Food & Wine Matching 通常来说:红葡萄酒配红肉,白葡萄酒配海鲜,甜酒配糕点和水果。 Common senses: Red wine for red meat, white wine for seafood and Sweet wine for desert and fruits. 举例:解百纳(Cabernet Sauvignon) 红酒配味重的红烧牛肉,烤羊排等。 美乐(Merlot) 红酒配北京的大烤鸭特好。 夏多利(Chardonnay)配红烧鱼,如果是清蒸的河鱼用(Pinot Girgio) 餐前酒:香槟酒,鸡尾酒,清淡的白葡萄酒。 餐中酒:白葡萄酒和红葡萄酒 餐后酒:甜葡萄酒 Present by Grape Plus Wine Cellar Inc.

  17. 8. 我们三款葡萄酒的介绍Our three wines introduction • 加拿大红白冰酒/Canada Red White Ice-wine • 冰酒葡萄生长的环境/The grown grapes for Ice wine • 手工摘冰酒葡萄的时间/Hand-pick up time for Ice wine • 冰酒的特点/Ice wine characters • BC 省的彼诺干红葡萄酒/ BC Pinot Noir Dry Red • 彼诺干红葡萄酒特点/ Pinot Noir Characters Present by Grape Plus Wine Cellar Inc.

  18. 葡萄酒基础知识介绍Wine basic introduction 谢谢光临本讲课/Thanks for coming to class Present by Grape Plus Wine Cellar Inc.

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