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Cheerleading Rules & Risk Management Clinic Overview

Learn about cheerleading rules, risk management, and return to play protocols. Understand the requirements for appropriate health care professionals and spotting rules. Stay informed on NFHS definitions and WV modifications in stunts and inversions.

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Cheerleading Rules & Risk Management Clinic Overview

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  1. 2018-2019 4 Hour CHEER JUDGES CLINIC

  2. Return To Play (RTP) Protocol An athlete removed from a contest that shows signs/symptoms of a concussion shall be immediately evaluated by an appropriate health care professional. If no appropriate health care professional with training in evaluation of head injuries is available, the athlete shall not be allowed to RTP. 1

  3. Return To Play (RTP) Protocol Appropriate Health Care Professional with training of head injuries Medical Doctor (MD) Doctor of Osteopathy (DO) Doctor of Chiropractic (DC) Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner (ARNP) Physician Assistant (PA-C) Registered Certified Athletic Trainers (ATC/R) 1

  4. Know Your Rule Books Nation Federation Spirit Rules WVSSAC Cheer Manual & Forms

  5. National Federation Rules RULE 1 Terms and Definitions, p.8-11 Terms used to describe stunts and tumbling RULE 2 General Risk Management, p. 12-15 RULE 3 Cheerleading Risk Management, p.15-32 > Divided into Sections and Articles and Situation Rulings > Each Section is followed by Situations that might occur along with the NF ruling, comments and rationale RULE 4 Dance/Drill/Pom Risk management PHOTOGRAPHS Illustrate the rules p.51-81

  6. Cheer Manual & Forms CHEER MANUAL Rules & Regulations Governing All Schools p.3-14 • Section V –WVSSAC Rules Additions and Modifications to NFHS p.9-14 Middle School/Ninth Grade team Specific Rules p. 15-19 Competition Policies p.20-27 • Section II – Regional/State Policies p.23-24 • Section III – Competition Rules p.24-27 Judging Information p. 28-35 Pictures w/Terms p. 36-46 CHEER FORMS -- Listed individually on Cheer page

  7. What Makes a Stunt LEGAL? • Follows the NF rule • Follows the Cheer Manual Modification(s) • Follows all spotting rules


  9. NF Rule 1 - Definitions • Head Spin - A skill in which a person balances on their head while rotating on the performing surface. • Head Springs- A tumbling skill in which a person places both hands and their head on the performing surface, pushes off with the hands while flipping the legs overhead and landing on their feet.  • Headstand - A skill in which a person balances on their head on the performing surface. WV MODIFICATION- Head spin, Head Springs, and Headstands in which the hands are used or not used will beillegal for all cheer squads in WV. www.nfhs.org

  10. Definitions: • Non-release Stunt – A stunt in which contact is maintained between a top person and a person on the performing surface. • Release Transition/Release Pyramid Transition – A top person changes from one stunt to another (including loading positions) during a temporary loss of physical contact with all personnel on the performing surface. • Shoulder stand - A top person stands on a base's shoulders. • Suspended Roll: A stunt in whichbase(s) or post(s) hold a top person's hand(s)/arm(s) while the top person performs continuous hip-over-head rotation. www.nfhs.org

  11. Definitions: • Swedish Fall – A stunt in which the top person in a prone position supports her own upper body by placing her hands on the shoulders of a base while her lower body is supported by another base's extended arms.  www.nfhs.org

  12. Section 1 (Pg 15) 3-1-11 Apparel / Accessories (New) ART. 11 … For religious reasons, in the event there is documented evidence provided to the state association that a participant may not expose his/her uncovered head, the state association may approve a covering or wrap which is not abrasive, hard or dangerous to any other participant and which is attached in such a way it is unlikely to come off during performance.

  13. Section 2 (Pg 17) 3-2-8 STUNTING PERSONNEL ART. 8 … A spotter is required for tosses to single base shoulder stands and single base prep-level stunts in which the foot/feet of the top person are in the hands of the base. www.nfhs.org

  14. 3-2-8 Must have a hands on spotter to be legal in WV. ILLEGAL FOR WV MIDDLE SCHOOL WV Modification-MiddleSchools require a hands on spotter and a free standing spotter www.nfhs.org

  15. Section 3 INVERSIONS (Pg 19) 3-3-5b Braced Flips ART. 5b…There must be three people involved in the toss and catch of the top person either as a base or spotter. (2 bases and a spotter) ILLEGAL FOR WV MIDDLE SCHOOLS www.nfhs.org

  16. Section 3 INVERSIONS REMINDER: WV MODIFICATION: 3-5-5 In braced pyramid flips, the bracers may only brace one top person who is flipping. ILLEGAL FOR WV MIDDLE SCHOOLS www.nfhs.org

  17. Section 3 INVERSIONS (Pg 19) 3-3-5g (New) ART. 5g… When the catchers are not the original bases, the new catchers are in place when the flip is initiated, remain close to the original bases and are not part of any other skill. NOTE: This stunt requires 14 participants so this skill could not be used in our regional or state or stand alone competitions. This may be used in situations where 14 or more participants are used with the exception of a foldover which would only require 8 participants for this. ILLEGAL FOR WV MIDDLE SCHOOLS www.nfhs.org

  18. Section 3 (Pg 19) 3-3-6a1 a. Inversions may release to the following provided there is a spotter: ART. 6a1… Non-inverted dismounts with no more than a ½ turn. Clarifies that inversions may release into non-inverted dismounts. www.nfhs.org

  19. www.nfhs.org

  20. Section 3 (Pg 19) 3-3-6b Inversions ART. 6b… In inversions where the base of support begins and remains below prep level at least one person shall maintain contact with the top person until the top person is no longer inverted or his/her hands are on the performing surface. ILLEGAL FOR WV MIDDLE SCHOOLS www.nfhs.org

  21. 3-3-6b Section 3 (Pg 19) ILLEGAL FOR MIDDLE SCHOOLS Inversions NF 3-3-6b WV MODIFICATION- participants may only perform one cartwheel on the performing surface (no double cartwheels allowed) www.nfhs.org

  22. 3-3-6B ILLEGAL FOR MIDDLE SCHOOLS NF 3-3-6B-WV Modification – Top persons feet performing the straddle roll must be below knee level before the roll is initiated. www.nfhs.org

  23. 3-3-6b Reminder: WV Modification in pictures one and two the assist must be above the bra line. ILLEGAL FOR MIDDLE SCHOOLS www.nfhs.org

  24. WV ADDITIONS CHEER MANUAL • Uniforms shall be functional and meet the school’s approval. Uniforms and practice apparel must also be safe and conducive to safe physical activity. All midriffs and torsos (front and back) must be covered. Uniforms must have a standard front and back neckline (v-neck, scoop or square). One cutout is permitted as long as it is above the legal neckline. Sheer material is not permitted on the torso. See pictures pg. 47 (Uniforms and appearance).

  25. WV ADDITIONS CHEER MANUAL 2. Note: Beginning 2019-2020 school year, all schools will only be permitted to wear boy briefs. The skirt must fully cover the hips and fall a minimum of 2” below the boycut briefs. When skorts are worn the inseam must be a minimum of 3”. No lycra shorts or capris are permitted as part of the uniform.

  26. WV ADDITIONS CHEER MANUAL 3. hairties,hairbows(patches and lettering must be attached with stitches that completely encompass the edges of the patch or lettering),

  27. WV CHEER MANUAL DEFINITIONS MODIFICATIONS • Bracer NF Definition WV Modification - A top person who stabilizes and/or assistsanothertoppersonandmustnotbehigherthanpreplevel. • FlatbackDefinitionWVModification-astuntinwhichatoppersonisinaface- up,horizontalpositionwithhipsandshouldersinalignment. • Sponge Definition WV Modification - The base(s) absorb(s) a top person’s downwardmomentumtopush/liftthetoppersonintopositionforthenextstunt/ skill. • SwanDiveDefinitionWVModification-Atoppersonreleasedfromastuntby base(s)andiscaughtinaproneposition. This includes cradles on the stomach and side. WVModification-Illegal. • FlatbackandSupermanstuntsmayoriginatenohigherthantheprepposition. Transitions to Superman may not pass through the extended level.


  29. WV CHEER MANUAL DEFINITIONS MODIFICATIONS • Head spin NF Definition WV Modification-A skill in which a person balances on his or her head while rotating on the performing surface. WVModification-Illegal. • Headspring NF Definition WV Modification-a tumbling skill in which a person places both hands and his or her head on the performing surface, pushes off with hands while flipping the legs overhead and landing on his or her feet. WVModification-Illegal. • Headstand NF Definition WV Modification -A skill in which a person balances on his or her head on the performing surface. WVModification-Illegal. • Release Transition/Release Pyramid transition NF Definition WV Modification- A top person changes from one stunt to another (including loading position) during a temporary loss of physical contact with all personnel on the performing surface, WVModification- transitions must have a hands-on back spotter for the top person(s), unless the transition doesn’t pass through the extended level.

  30. NF RULES WV MODIFICATIONS • NF3-2-1(b)WVModification-Abasemustnotholdobjectsorprops. • NF3-2-5SpottingWVModification-Instuntsthatrequireaspotter,thespotter must be a hands on spotter. (see D. Spotting pages 12 and13) • NF 3-2-7 WV Modification-the spotter is required for all extended stunts and transitionsthatpassthroughtheextendedlevel. • NF3-3-3(a)WVModification-Ifthetoppersonisreleasedfromthebases,the bracer(s) must have two bases. • NF 3-3-4(b) WV Modification-The bracer(s) have two bases and a spotter. Exception: braced foldover. • NF 3-3-5 WV Modification-In braced pyramid flips, the bracers may only brace a one top person who is flipping. • NF 3-3-6 WV Modification - Suspended rolls may not be performed over a post, base or spotter. Suspended rolls or Chorus line flips may not be initiated from the back of another participant. Suspended rolls or Chorus line flips may not land in a seat drop. • NF 3-3-6B – WV Modification- participants may only perform one cartwheel on the performing surface (no double cartwheels allowed) • NF 3-3-6B-WV Modification – Top persons feet performing the straddle roll must be below knee level of bases before it is initiated.

  31. NF RULES WV MODIFICATIONS • NF3-3-7WVModification-Aninvertedtoppersonshallnotholdanyobjects. • NF 3-4-2 WV Modification - A participant may not move under or be under a partner stunt or pyramid. Noexceptions. • NF3-4-3WVModification- Inbracedstuntsandpyramidsthatdonotflip,atleast onebracermustbeatshoulderheightorbelow.Oneextendedstuntmaynotbraceor connectwithanotherextendedstunt.[Exceptions:1.Thefollowingextendedstunts maybraceanyotherextendedstunt,exceptduringreleasetransitions(Chair,Multi- basedflatback,Multi-basedstraddlelift),2.Double-basedextensionsmayonlybrace other double-based extensions. • NF3-4-9WVModification-”Up&Overs”musthaveacontinuoushands-onback spotterif/whenthetoppersonpassesthroughtheextendedlevel.

  32. NF RULES WV MODIFICATIONS • NF3-5-3WVModification-BasketTossesperformedonanysurfaceareillegal forallcheersquadsinWV.Anytossfromastuntbelowpreplevelisconsidered a baskettoss. • NF3-5-5(c)WVModification-Exception:FlapJackandlikestuntsmusthave double based preps with a spotter asbracers. • NF 3-8-2 WV Modification- Tumbling while holding props is not permitted N0 Exceptions. • NF3-8-6AirborneTwistingTumblingSkillsWVModification-Withtheexception ofaerials,cartwheelsandround-offs,allareillegalinWVonanysurface. • 3-8-8 WV Modification-Headstands, headsprings and head spins in which the hands are used or not used will be illegal for all cheer squads in WV.

  33. NF RULES WV MODIFICATIONS • NF 3-9-1 Knee Drops WV Modification - Drops that go directly to the thighs, splits, knees, or seat on the performing surface are illegal unless most of the weight is first borne on thehands. • Itishighlyrecommendedthatanystuntthatmaybequestionableastolegality ORanystunttowhichacreativeelementhasbeenadded,bevideoedandemailed toCarol Hostuttler foraninterpretation.Dothispriortoitspracticeorperformance.

  34. Middle/ 9th Grade CM ADDITIONS • II-D Allstuntsinapyramidwiththebaseofsupportabovepreplevelthatisbracedbyadoublebase,spottedpreprequireonlyabackhands-onspotter. (no free standing spotter) • II-F All one-man stunts require a hands-on back spotter and a free standing spotter (4) AND if cradled require 2 catchers, a back hands-on spotter and a free standing spotter (5).

  35. Middle/ 9th Grade CM ADDITIONS H. DISMOUNTS • All cradles from a two legged prep that DO NOT include any skill require two catchers and a back hands-on spotter. [No free spot needed] 2. All other cradles require 2 catchers, a head and shoulders back hands on spotter AND a free standing spotter. [5 participants] 3. All twisting cradles from any height must have a back hands-on spotter and a free standing spotter. [5 participants] 4. Allstraightdowndismountsfrompreplevelorabovemusthave2peopleassisting.

  36. Middle/ 9th Grade WV MODIFICATIONS • NF 3-3-1 thru 3-3-8 Inversions-WV MODIFICATION- NO STUNT INVERSIONS WILL BE PERMITTED. NO EXCEPTIONS No backwalkovers out of cradles….No handstands to load or shoulder sit… No Forward suspended rolls

  37. Situations affected by WV Modifications 3-1-1 B – (c) Uniforms and Appearance 3-1-4 – (e) Uniforms and Appearance 3-1-7 – (b) Uniforms and Appearance 3-2-1 – (b) Spotting 3-2-5 A – Spotting 3-2-5 C -- Spotting 3-2-7 – (b) Spotting 3-3-1 – Basket Toss • 3-3-4 B –(b) Bracers in a flip pyramid • 3-3-6 A – Forward Suspended Roll (FSR) • 3-3-6 B- Shall maintain contact until no longer inverted

  38. Situations affected by WV Modifications • 3-3-6 D-Only 3 people may execute a chorus line flip • 3-3-6 E – Spotting • 3-3-7 A – Holding Signs • 3-3-7 B – Holding Signs • 3-4-3 A – (c,d) Connected/Braced Extended Stunts • 3-4-4 B – (b) Fall from extension to Superman • 3-5-2 – Basket Toss • 3-8-2 – (e) Holding Poms • 3-8-8-headstands, head flips and head spins • 3-9-1 B – (a) Drops

  39. NF Picture Pages/ WV Modifications • 52 Holding pom (picture 3) • 53 No Hands-on spot (picture 5) • 54 No Hands-on spot (picture 4) • 55 Spot not above bra line (picture 5) • 57 No Hands-on spot (picture 5) • 58 bottom pictures WV- bracers need a spotter (picture 4-5-6) • 59-bottom pictures WV-bracers need a spotter (picture 4-5-6) • 60 Bracing two tops flipping WV-allows only one top flipping (p1-5) • 64 Spot not above the bra line (picture 1-2-3) • 68 Single legged extended stunt connected/bracing other extended stunts (pictures 4-5-6-7) at bottom only extended extensions allowed • 70 Back spot needed at extended position (picture 2) top • 77 Back spot needed on one-man cradles (picture 4) bottom • 79 No tumbling while holding objects (bottom pictures) • 80 All illegal WV modification headstands, headspin and headspring

  40. COMPETITION Cheer Manual portion

  41. SAFETY JUDGE EQUIPMENT CHECKLIST _____ BINDER (HEAD SAFETY JUDGE) _____CHEER MANUAL (tabbed) _____ NF SPIRIT RULES BOOK (tabbed) _____ PENALTY POINTS CARD _____ OUTLINES _____ ROUTINE/TEAM CHECKLISTS (filled out w/preliminary info) _____ SCORE SHEETS (filled out w/preliminary info) _____SCORE SHEETS (safety judge’s copy) _____ SCRIPTING SHEETS (filled out w/preliminary info) _____ STOP WATCH _____ SIGNAL PROP _____ PENCILS _____ CLIP BOARD

  42. COMPETITION -- Outlines • High School Regional/State - Form C2A (Contact Info), p.6 and Form C2B (Narrative) CF p.7 • Other Competitions for High School and Middle School – Form C3 p. 8 and Form C2B, p.7 • Follow format of the Cheer Narrative SampleCF p.3. Include the words to the technical cheer • Use terminology found in Rule 1 of NF Rule Book and Cheer Manual (pictures) • Send videos to Carol not Cindy

  43. FORM C2A

  44. FORM C2B

  45. PENALTIES • Violation of ANY rule from the NF Spirit rule book or WV Cheer Manual = 20 point deduction • Pom/Hair Piece Rule EXCEPTION • Incidental Touch Rule EXCEPTION • Two Jump Rule EXCEPTION • Stunt or Tumbling Bobble 1-5 • Stunt or Tumbling Falls 6-10

  46. TECHNICAL/SAFETY JUDGE DEDUCTIONS THE FOLLOWING PENALTY POINTS SHALL BE DEDUCTED FROM THE TOTAL SCORE: Stunts Bobbles 1-5 points Early out 5 points Falls 6-10 points Base to knee(s) 6 points Base to seat 8 points Base to back 10 points Flyer (free) falls 10 points Time violation 20 points (per violation) Rule violation 20 points (per violation) Pom/hair piece/device violation 5-10 points Step on w/no slip/fall 5 points Step on w/slip 6-9 points Step on w/fall 10 points Technical Cheer One jump omitted 5 points Two jumps omitted 10 points Incidental Touching Rule 1-10 points Touch 1-5 points Touch w/fall 6-10points




  50. Rules of Emphasis • Entering/exiting the performance area during any part of the performance of other squads is illegal. P. 22 • Moves that involve pelvic thrust(s) are illegal. P.23 • Mention of past honors/awards either audible or visually for the entire routine is prohibited. P.23

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