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This symposium paper presentation discusses the impact of an intervention on grandmothers' self-reported stress and satisfaction with social support. The study explores the effects of a 4-week empowerment intervention and examines the influences that may affect the strength and value of these effects.
Marshalling Social Support for Grandmothers Raising Grandchildren Southern Gerontological Association Meetings Friday April 7, 2017 - Asheville, NC The Impact of the Intervention on grandmothers’ Self-Reported Stress and Satisfaction with Social Support Symposium Paper Presentation Julian Montoro-Rodriguez, Ph.D. Bert Hayslip Jr., Ph.D.
What effects did we find across the 4 week empowerment intervention? • In understanding and interpreting these findings, the following influences bear on the strength and value of these effects: • Smallness of the sample (n =16) influencing the statistical power of our analyses • The selective nature of the sample; sampling bias in terms of SES, gender, level of education, ethnicity (see Table 3) • Generalizability of findings? • As a demonstration project, we lacked a control group against which to compare the intervention • Only immediate post program findings are available • Goal setting may be but one avenue toward grandparent empowerment • Other foci vs. improving communication, stress management, goal setting as a means of empowerment • Goal setting vs. goal implementation as program content
Major Findings (see Tables 1 and 2)Program Impact over 4 Sessions • Improved self-rated stress (p < .05) • Lessened positive affect regarding relationship with GC (p< .05) • Lessened positive beliefs about changing aspects of caregiving for the GC (p < .05): • GMs did report lessened stress as a function of goal setting (empowerment) and the development of assertiveness training in getting social support • The nature of the goal setting process as well as the nature of the goals themselves disrupted the GM-GC relationship, decreased stability/predictability, introduced new routines/time constraints • Lessened stress as a function of goal-setting comes at the cost of restructuring the GM-GC relationship, to which GC react negatively • This argues for a more comprehensive understanding of empowerment in light of the GP-GC dynamic • Greater emphasis on goal implementation, the setting of more realistic goals, differentiating short term vs. long term goals, goals for self vs. GC, relationship goals
Program Impact • Slight increases in social support satisfaction • Findings for goal attainment confidence unchanged, but positive • Goal attainment estimate of success, satisfaction with effort, helpfulness of goal setting in getting social support all evidenced slight declines over 3 sessions • Suggests that goal implementation was not successful and/or estimates of goal setting parameters over 3 sessions need to be examined over a longer time frame • More emphasis in the future on goal implementation, the nature of the goals themselves • Many of the goals set revolve around respite, self-improvement, reducing isolation- these likely take time to implement and are subject to a variety of barriers that need to be ID’d and overcome • Underscores need to manage the demands of caregiving • All estimates of program satisfaction are positive
Program Impact Benefits: • Physical health and social relationships aspects of caregiver strain improved as did positive affect; anxiety lessened, ability to turn off negative thinking increased • Negative interactions with others declined-could reflect benefits of assertiveness training • Intrapersonal and interpersonal gains as a function of program participation Costs: • Contact with friends and kin declined- could reflect increased demands of caregiving/GC relationship management • Satisfaction with caregiving unchanged, as were time dependency and life development aspects of caregiver strain • Confidence in getting respite declined-could reflect lack of implementation training and/or greater demands of caregiving • Distinction between goal setting and goal implementation is necessary- this might produce more positive short term benefits for GM • Emphasis on goals that do not undermine the quality of the GM-GC relationship
Marshalling Social Support for Grandmothers Raising Grandchildren Final Thoughts: • Program Effectiveness • Program Impact: Caregiver versus Grandparent Role • Rethinking Goal Setting and Goal Attainment • Future Research: Pilot Study with Control Group
TABLE 2 Positive Beliefs about Change 63.21 58.77 p<.05