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AIST Program Sensor Web Meeting Summary of Results

AIST Program Sensor Web Meeting Summary of Results. Working Group Middleware II Phil Paulsen April 3, 2008. Use Case Brainstorming Summary. Coastal Ocean Modeling, Data Assimilation and Prediction (Yi Chao) Dynamic Soil Sampling (Wei Ye) Dynamic Plant Monitoring (Wei Ye)

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AIST Program Sensor Web Meeting Summary of Results

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  1. AIST Program Sensor Web Meeting Summary of Results Working Group Middleware II Phil Paulsen April 3, 2008

  2. Use Case Brainstorming Summary • Coastal Ocean Modeling, Data Assimilation and Prediction (Yi Chao) • Dynamic Soil Sampling (Wei Ye) • Dynamic Plant Monitoring (Wei Ye) • Water Quality Monitoring (Wei Ye) • Lightning (Prasanta Bose) • Wildfire Sensor Web (Dan Mandl) • Seamlessly Download Data(Mohammed Atiquzzaman) • Dynamically taskable sensors (Phil Paulsen) • Operationally Responsive Space Element Tasking (Phil Paulsen) • Collaborative Science Resource Allocation (Phil Paulsen) • North American Net Primary Production comparison using automated workflow generation (Robert Morris) • Data Mining and Automated Planning for Mobile Instrument Operation (Nikunj Oza) • Hurricane Workflows (Stuart Frye) Sensor Web Meeting, Working Group Middleware II

  3. Fire Workflow Primary Use Case Overview • Workflows, Dan Mandl, Sensor Coordination • Abstract steps needed to produce final data product from an ad hoc set of sensors • Discovery • Instantiation of model • Workflow specification and generation • Workflow execution • Summary • Graphical composition of of reusable workflow elements (mashups) • Highlights • Hides details of manipulating sensor web for user • Reduces entry barrier making is more accessible • Increases efficiency and reduces cost • Increases science value Sensor Web Meeting, Working Group Middleware II

  4. Workflows Mandl/Frye Sensor Web Meeting, Working Group Middleware II

  5. Workflow Use Case:Automated Product Generation Theme Based Tasking Request Theme: Loc: Priority: First responder Geo-Emergency • Emergency • Discover available sensor assets over Internet • Wizard assembles possible workflows • Workflow engine controls creation of multi-sensor products, processing and delivery to user desktop Wizard Witch Fire (SoCal) Oct 23, 2007 Workflow Engine Result: Efficient / timely use of assets Sensor Web Meeting, Working Group Middleware II

  6. EO-1 Fire Sensor Web Workflow • Potential savings • Originally, USGS charged $2000 to task EO-1 and perform L0 and L1G data processing for customers ($1250 now) • Potential cost reduced to under $100 since tasking EO-1, L0 and L1G data processing automated Alexander/GSFC Tran, Chien/JPL Tran, Chien/JPL Level 0 Science Process Tran, Chien/JPL EO-1 Satellite Level 1G Process Sensor Planning Service (SPS) Classify hot pixels Pixels and heat values Level 0.5 Process Cappelaere/Vightel 1 Sensor Observation Service (SOS) Web Processing Service (WPS) Web Coverage Service –Transformation (WCS-T) 2 Level 1G or Level 0.5 BPEL Workflow Engine Cappelaere/Vightel Tran, Chien/JPL Zhao/GMU 3 JPEG 4 5 Publish composite JPEG map with data overlay (map with fire locations) Community Map Builder client (on eo1.geobliki.com) Web Map Service (WMS) L. Di, Zhao/GMU 6 Sensor Web Meeting, Working Group Middleware II Cappelaere/Vightel JPEG Map

  7. A WfCS Implementation User/ Other Service WfCS Atom Publication Message (Entry) Near Immediate Response with Process ID URL Process 1 Process 2 … Process N Asynchronous Communication Clearwater 1.0 HTTP GET to Process URL Returns current status Workflow = SensorML Process Chain Murkywater 1.0 Workflows are uploaded and stored in WfCS database Workflows are versioned automatically and assigned Definition numbers An Atom/XML message is sent to the WfCS with the appropriate parameters to execute the corresponding Workflow/Definition Asynchronous messaging can occur while a workflow is being executed, providing current status A notification message can be sent upon completion Muddywater 1.0 Sensor Web Meeting, Working Group Middleware II Workflow Database

  8. Sensor Web System Space, In-Situ (Oceans) Data Assimilation Adaptive Sampling Predictive Models Supercomputing Virtual Space Coastal Ocean Use Case Overview • Name, POC: Coastal Ocean Modelling, Data Assimilation and Prediction, Payman Arabshahi • Goal: To improve ocean modeling in coastal regions by making sustained measurements with increased accuracy and spatial/temporal resolution. • Summary: Provide ocean and climate change scientists with improved climate change model outputs (ROMS outputs) by including integrated in-situ and space based sensor data, thus increasing accuracy and spatial/temporal resolution of model outputs. • Highlights: future contributions to Earth science • JASON-1 - measures the ocean surface topography (current) • QuickSCAT - measures wind speed and direction information over oceans (current) • Part of AIST demonstration • OSTM - measures sea surface height (future) • Aquarius - measures global sea surface salinity (future) • Missions in NRC Decadal Survey in the 2013-2016 time frame • SWOT- Measures ocean, lake and river water levels - Ka band wide swath radar, C band radar • XOVWM - measures sea surface wind vectors for weather and ocean ecosystems Sensor Web Meeting, Working Group Middleware II Sensor Web Meeting, Working Group Middleware II 8

  9. Ocean Arabshahi Sensor Web Meeting, Working Group Middleware II

  10. Plant Monitoring Use Case Overview • Multimodal Plant Monitoring • POC: Wei Ye, Categorization: sensor management • Goal: • Multimodal sensing of plants bloom in response to precipitation. • Summary • Capture the dynamic response of plants to rainfalls • Sap flow sensors, imaging sensor, weather station • Dynamically adjust sampling rates of sensors when relevant environmental events are detected • Day time (regular rates) and night time (power down), detected precipitation (high rates) • Highlights • Event-triggered reconfiguration of in-situ environmental sensors Sensor Web Meeting, Working Group Middleware II

  11. Wei Ye Plant Monitoring Sensor Web Meeting, Working Group Middleware II

  12. Use Case Lessons Learned • Identify “collective results” of looking at several use case • Communications system management • Sensor management • Work flow management • Implications for next steps • The majority of the cases related to workflow management – this area appears to be offer more opportunity for development • Suggestions on how to promote use cases • Use the “value chain” analysis (more science? Better science? Cheaper science?) • Emphasis on simplification through abstraction… • Use animation / DVD • Live demonstration • Provide feedback to ESTO AIST team • The use case work should not wait another year – this should be an ongoing area of interest Sensor Web Meeting, Working Group Middleware II

  13. New Sensor Web Features, Needs • Identify new features or benefits • Inclusion of a broader discussion of interoperability • List any new AIST needs Sensor Web Meeting, Working Group Middleware II

  14. Recommendations • Suggestions for ESTO next steps • Continue to refine use cases • Closer look at decadal survey relevance • Perform value chain analysis • Perform mashups of cross cutting use cases • Crosscutting PI teams • Identify specific individuals for sensor web follow up • How can AIST or info systems in general, influence planning for Decadal Survey missions • Bring John Garstka to the “big” meeting with the HQ mission managers Sensor Web Meeting, Working Group Middleware II

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