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Exploring the experiences of Master’s students in a digital age

This research project investigates the experiences of Master's students in adapting to digital technologies and how it affects their learning and social interactions. The study utilizes a mixed-methods approach, including surveys, case studies, and interviews, to gather insights into students' perceptions and behaviors. The results highlight the importance of technology in postgraduate study while also recognizing the need for structure and guidance. It also explores the use of technology in peer communication, with Facebook being the dominant medium, but with respect for individual preferences for privacy. The findings also reveal that students' self-perceived "tech-savviness" may not align with their actual behaviors.

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Exploring the experiences of Master’s students in a digital age

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  1. Exploring the experiences of Master’s students in a digital age Project team:Liz MastermanJane Alexen ShuyskaFawei Geng 26th March 2009 With special thanks to the students who have contributed to the project

  2. 2 surveys of participating cohorts (qual & quant data): 50 responses (target) 10-12 case studies (target) University-wide “baseline” survey (quant data): 1100 responses (actual) Actual participants: PT courses (Archaeology, Intl’l Hum Rights Law)6 pen-pals16 responses to initial survey11 responses to reflective survey FT courses (5 Education, 2 MSD)16 pen-pals (+ 1 incomplete)61 responses to initial survey50 responses to reflective survey Thema methodology: mixed-methods approach

  3. “Pen-pal” technique Basic principle: Maximise sustained participation through individualised messages and questions that address individual experiences Process capture to build up individual portraits, identify future questions 4 rounds Oct-May (Oxford-based students) 3 rounds Jan-Sept (IHRL)Interviews June-Sept Collaborative approach to designing questions

  4. Taught postgraduates: an under-researched population • Adaptation to autonomous learning & analytical thought • Continued need for structure and guidance in taught component

  5. Master’s students & digital technologies • Technology plays an important, but not privileged, role in postgraduate study… • …but technology can lead to cognitive shifts • Students know when to “e-” and when not to “e-” • Students’ perceptions of their “tech-savvyness” is often at variance with their behaviours

  6. Academic and social literacies • Maturity in use of online resources • Facebook the dominant medium of peer communication… • …but individuals’ preferences for a more private lifestyle are respected • Technology can even be used to discriminate between “levels” of friendship

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