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Chaplaincy Review – Patient Satisfaction Survey 2014 ( Huddersfield Royal Infirmary)

Chaplaincy Review – Patient Satisfaction Survey 2014 ( Huddersfield Royal Infirmary). Introduction. We wanted to canvass the views of all patients on their experience of the chaplaincy service. This would form part of our review and forward planning for the service. Method.

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Chaplaincy Review – Patient Satisfaction Survey 2014 ( Huddersfield Royal Infirmary)

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  1. Chaplaincy Review – Patient Satisfaction Survey 2014 (Huddersfield Royal Infirmary)

  2. Introduction • We wanted to canvass the views of all patients on their experience of the chaplaincy service. • This would form part of our review and forward planning for the service.

  3. Method • A broad cross section of patients on various wards at HRI were visited by the Chaplains of different faiths and denominations. • Names of patients visited were forwarded to volunteers experienced in interviewing patients. Patients in advanced stages of illness, severe pain or with cognitive difficulties were excluded from the survey. • Otherwise, the survey was undertaken irrespective of faith standpoint. • Consent to survey was requested of the patient. • Total number surveyed at HRI = 46 and CRH = 41

  4. Results 1. Did the chaplain introduce themselves and gain consent to visit?

  5. Comments CRH • Always known from previous hospitalisation • I loved the visit, it takes off the boredom HRI • I am Baptist from age 93, very pleased to see, even offered to make arrangements to take me to a service • I knew him. • Very nice man. Very interested in my life

  6. Results 2. Was the length of the visit appropriate?

  7. Comments CRH • Would have liked longer HRI • Just right - I was tired • Not long enough • Sorry to see her go • Wished the visit was longer

  8. Results 3. Did the Chaplain communicate with you well?

  9. Comments CRH • He did me a lot of good. I was really, really low (he listened well and then said a lovely prayer. Very important) I've been in 6 weeks. • We had a good chat. HRI • Chatted away • Didn't understand all • Really Nice • Very Clear • Very sociable

  10. Results 4. If you didn’t want the Chaplain there, did they leave with good grace?

  11. Comments HRI • I did not want him there • I did not want him to go, very interested him talking with me.

  12. Results 5A. It was good to see someone who was not a doctor or nurse to talk about things.

  13. Results 5B. The chaplain gave me an opportunity to say what I wanted to say

  14. Results 5C. The chaplain made me feel more at ease with my situation

  15. Results 5D. The chaplain’s visit was helpful

  16. Results 5E. The chaplain’s visit was comforting

  17. Results 5F. I liked the way the chaplain was willing to chat to everyone

  18. Results 5G. I would describe myself as a person of faith

  19. Results 6. How much support do you feel you have received in respect of your faith and culture?

  20. Results 7. Would you welcome further input or support from the chaplaincy in any further admissions to hospital you may have?

  21. Comments CRH • Always you can never have too much of them. • Don't think so, wasn't aware that the chaplaincy came round to visit. • Enjoyed the chaplain ward visit • Good visit but needs more help, more prayer. Asked for chaplain to visit again. • Helpful conversation about health/family issues. Able to explore some issues can't sort out in family or talk to relatives about. • I am amazed at what chaplains have to cope with - needs great patience. From angry relatives to bewildered patients. Well done! • It was nice to talk to someone who was not a nurse. She was very nice • It would be helpful to have an advocate sometimes • Nice man • Not Really. Improving is a bit awkward with a lot of patients. This hospital has changed, that is quite good if you want to attend.

  22. Comments • Own minister visits so not vital • Pleasant visit from stranger who was interested in me. • Question 6 difficult to answer. Difficult to say how it could be improved as the number of people you have to see. From a personal point of view you have supported me, and I don't know how that could be improved. The fact that there are more than one ?? and teams that my needs are met very well by a variety of input. • Service on a Sunday helped build me up - enjoyable. Enjoyed the music and they played • The chaplains visit was timely spiritually. Helped cope with situation • The news that illness is treatable was the most helpful and comforting thing but chaplain visit allowed expression of fears • This lady was very anxious because she had been referred to Overgate Hospice. The visiting chaplain was able to refer her to Overgate chaplain who spent time talking to her, reassuring her and exploring her fears. A useful piece of networking. • Would ask if in trouble • xxx a lovely person, kind and helpful. Grateful for his visits.

  23. Comments HRI • I couldn't care less • I think they are doing a good job • I was so tired and wanted to sleep • I would love a visit everyday • I would welcome another visit anytime • I wouldn't be against it • It is nice to see someone to talk to • It was lovely to chat to someone because I was isolated

  24. Further Comments/Recommendations CRH • Bit of normality, living in the world as it is • Don't think so, no improvement on behalf of chaplaincy. Happy to receive support from any one church, as well every 3 weeks. • Even though Anglican, felt there was no difference between us. Prayed together • Felt better for visit, enjoyed it. • I don't see how the whole of the chaplaincy service so I cannot make any comments on improvements • Prayed with me. A lot in CRH but also from my own parish. • Though short visit, discussed a few topics and this helped take my mind off what was going on. Religion not mentioned. RC but didn't need priest.

  25. Further Comments/Recommendations HRI • Carry on as you are - no short comings • Delightful person. Enjoyed company. Sorry when she went. • He is very hard to criticise - doing a good job • He was interested in my church and my faith. He was very caring and compassionate • He would be very welcome • Him as a person supports anybody from any walk of life regardless of faith or culture. • He could do with more support. • I felt it is most helpful as a Christian to be able to talk to a chaplain and I found his visit very comforting. • I like the fact that everyone is important in spite of religion. I would really appreciate another visit. • I think all patients should be aware that there is a church service.

  26. Further Comments/Recommendations • I was ready to go to mass, wanted to go very much, then she (doctor) was only here for 10 seconds. • Identification e.g cross • Initial approach by chaplain was slightly alarming. It would have been more assuring if he had introduced himself with 'this is merely a social visit'. • It was nice to see him. • Lovely service on a Sunday • More involved; more frequency of contact; more regular visits would be appreciated. Been in hospital 10 months seen chaplain twice. • Nice to know there are such people. Presented himself very well. • Quite happy that there was someone who could speak to me about faith at that time • The chaplain was very good • Very pleased with visit. Another patient mentioned she would like to know how to get in touch with • the Catholic Chaplaincy - helpful to have information on visit.

  27. Final Recommendations • Encouraging generally – chaplaincy positively received and further visits would be welcomed – in both current and any future admission. • Helpfulness of visit and support in helping people to cope emphasised. • Human qualities of the chaplain is important. • Seen as being someone both outside the ward system but in the real world. • Fortuitous nature of the visit – just happened to be at a time of crisis. • Should we be surprised as to how many people described themselves as “of faith”? • Difficult to be clear about why some questions met with negative response or uncertainty as the comments are very positive and do not describe these responses. • Need to gauge appropriateness of visit, person’s tiredness or interest.

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