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Parramatta Road Regenerated. Project Brief for Parramatta Road Taskforce September 2004 Version 2. “Is the Parramatta portion of Parramatta Road the beginning or the end of the corridor?”.
Parramatta RoadRegenerated Project Brief for Parramatta Road Taskforce September 2004 Version 2
“Is the Parramatta portion of Parramatta Road the beginning or the end of the corridor?”
It is not surprising that there is ambiguity about the identity and role of Parramatta Road, particularly at its western extremities. But it is not so much a question of which is the beginning and which is the end and what this implies. Rather, it is a question of what constitutes this road, this place - if it is indeed a ‘place’, and what it means for Parramatta and for Sydney. Identity Devoid of legibility, choked by heavy vehicle traffic and scattered with ad-hoc, car-dominated land-uses, the Parramatta portion of Sydney’s major east-west connector is poorly degraded and equally neglected. It acts as a subservient east-west link between the M4 Motorway and the Western Railway Line and the convergence of these and other major urban structuring elements just south of the Parramatta City Centre, has created a significant barrier – a choking point. The proximity of these hard, physical barriers, both to each other and to Parramatta Road has isolated the land in between and subjugates this portion of the Road to little more than a linear corridor to allow movement through the area.
The dominance of east-west movement systems through Parramatta and its neighbourhoods neglects the local road network and the functioning of the City. In particular, the link between Parramatta Road and the Parramatta City Centre is ambiguous and the separation of the Road from the broader system of streets reduces permeability. The opportunity to enhance these links, to reunite Parramatta Road with its local systems and neighbourhoods, such as the Parramatta City Centre and the Granville Town Centre, is critical to its regeneration. This project brief responds to the need for a renewed vision for Parramatta Road and explores the strategic possibilities. Function
Parramatta City Council contains some 1.5kms of Parramatta Road, from Duck River in the east to the intersection of the Western Rail Line in the west. Though relatively short in length, the portion of Parramatta Road in the local government area has significant potential for medium to long term redevelopment. It is strategically important as the southern gateway to the regional centre for Western Sydney and historically significant as a colonial-era linkage established in 1793. Existing land uses adjacent to this section of Parramatta Road include car yards, warehouses, service stations, large office blocks and the FS Garside Park. Much of the area is run down, with several vacant buildings in prominent sites. With the exception of the Park, land directly adjacent to Parramatta Road is zoned Employment 4 to the east of Alfred Street and Mixed Use 10 Zone to the west.
The specific objective for development in the North Granville Mixed Use zone is to encourage buildings that allow for mixed uses, but are predominantly residential. The maximum permitted floorspace ratio is generally 2:1, although this may be increased to 2.5:1 for corner sites. The maximum permitted height is generally five storeys, with an additional storey permitted to the rear of corner blocks. A large range of development is allowed in the Mixed Use zone. Development permissible in the Employment Zone is less diverse and includes uses such as hotels, local shops, warehouses, restaurants, recreation facilities, light industries and commercial premises. The maximum permitted floorspace ratio in the Employment zone is 1:1, with a maximum height of 12 metres.
The strategic future for Parramatta Road also relates to many of the existing objectives of the REP for the city centre. These include: • creating employment opportunities for the Primary Centre to grow to a workforce of 90 000 by 2021, • protecting Parramatta’s rich heritage and promoting it as part of the city’s identity, • creating a new public transport network to complement the existing network, • encouraging new residential communities, and, • providing mixed use centres of transport nodes.
There are significant opportunities to improve the amenity and enhance the character and role of Parramatta Road within the Parramatta local setting and broader regional context. Specifically, the following broad design objectives will guide the local strategic framework: • Enhance and reinforce north-south links • Recognise and respond to the hierarchy of urban systems within the precinct • Enhance adjoining neighbourhood centres and their relationship with Parramatta Road • Create a robust urban structure • Improve the connection between Parramatta Road and the Parramatta City Centre • Improve local permeability and legibility Design Framework
Improve connections with City Centre Enhance north-south links Enhance adjoining neighbourhood centres Explore opportunities for urban systems
The objectives for the Granville design and public domain improvement project are to: • Understand the role and function of Parramatta Road within the Parramatta LGA and its impact upon Granville Town Centre and relationship to the Parramatta City Centre. • Identify the social, land use, transport and design issues that may be constraints to the development of a vibrant, safe, accessible and inviting place. • Develop a place-based planning and design approach for the area. • Encourage collaboration between neighbouring Councils. • Provide a transparent framework that captures development opportunities by the private sector which contribute to the vision for Granville in a cohesive manner. • Strengthen the relationship and links between Granville Town Centre and the Parramatta City Centre. • Providing a connection between three major strategic projects currently being undertaken in the vicinity of Parramatta Road. Objectives
The project will deliver the following: • A Structure Plan that provides the broad vision and identifies the key elements to achieve that vision. • Place based design guidelines for the private domain. • A public domain strategy. • An implementation plan which includes timing, prioritising and funding options and strategies for delivery of public domain, safety and accessibility improvements. Consultation Deliverables Social Issues Urban Design Economics Traffic & Transport Structure Plan Place Based Design Guidelines Public Domain Strategy Implementation Plan
The following key steps will deliver the desired project outcomes: • Literature review including all existing applications and approvals for development, local and regional planning policies and other base data available. • Site analysis including site visits, documenting and mapping the existing situation. • Collaboration with Auburn Council and Parramatta Road Task Force throughout the project. • Transport studies (assessment of existing conditions, connections and accessibility/connecting the railway to surrounding land, impact of Parramatta Road on adjoining land uses, traffic analysis and recommendations). Methodology
Urban Design (analysis of the structural elements of the area, connectivity to surrounding neighbourhoods, block by block design of future development scenarios). • Urban Planning (translate the vision and findings of previous work and formulate development controls and implementation and funding plan). • Provide for an iterative process that develops the vision whilst collecting data and providing for design guidelines. • Comprehensive community and stakeholder consultation both early in and throughout the process.
Timeline The following timelines provide an indication of the expectations of the project team and associated consultancies. Week 1 Establish an internal working group. Weeks 1-3 Draft briefs for specialist studies. Undertake literature review and collection of base data. Undertake site analysis. Collaborate with Auburn Council on direction. Week 5 Appoint consultants to undertake specialist studies. Weeks 6-14 Draft consultancy work completed. Weeks 7-9 Community and stakeholder consultation. Weeks 14-17 Formulate draft plans. Weeks 17-20 Community and stakeholder consultation. Week 21 Council adoption.
Budget The following is an indication of costs associated with the project. Project Management In House including management of consultancies, liaison with neighbouring Councils and integration of work. Initial Research In House including literature review, site analysis and initial concept planning. Detailed Transport Planning $20 000 including traffic analysis, examination of pedestrian accessibility and integration with Corridor level work. Urban Design $40 000 including development of a vision, structure planning and block-by-block design. Urban Planning $20 000 including translating the vision into preparation of Development Controls and Implementation Plan. Community Consultation $5 000 including comprehensive engagement with local residents, land owners and stakeholders. TOTAL $85 000
The project will be managed by a Project Team comprising multi-disciplined staff within Council. The Project Management Team will collaborate particularly with Auburn and Strathfield Councils Project Control Groups. External consultants are likely to be contracted for specialist studies and investigations. Project Management Parramatta Staff: Marcelo Occhuzzi – Manager, Land Use & Transport Planning Rachel Trigg – Place Manager, Outcomes & Place Kelly van der Zanden – Project Officer, land Use & Transport Planning
Appendix Related Projects Parramatta City Council is currently undertaking three major projects which link strategically to the Parramatta Road Project. A short overview of these projects is provided below. Civic Place The Civic Place Master Plan, which was gazetted in June 2003, envisions a major redevelopment in the heart of Parramatta central business district. The three hectare area covered by the Civic Place Master Plan is located approximately one kilometre north of Parramatta Road. The site currently incorporates a tired mixture of retail and commercial uses. It is also a centre of community activities and facilities, containing Council's administrative building, Council chambers, the town hall and library buildings. The vision for this development is to breathe life into the city through stylish, high quality development and attract additional jobs to Western Sydney. It will also provide the platform to attract long term investment. Building on the NSW Government's $100 million public transport infrastructure investment, the city will be enhanced at the arrival from the rail/bus transport interchange into the bustling vista of modern commercial buildings and public enterprise built around public squares and plazas.
Residential Development Strategy In 1998, Parramatta City Council adopted a Residential Development Strategy (RDS) as the basis for the establishment of residential zones throughout the local government area. Since the gazettal of the LEP in late 2001, Council has been approached by numerous parties seeking to amend the various controls that apply to residential land. For example, in December 2003 Council resolved not to support a preliminary proposal for two residential towers with heights of 28 and 22 storeys in the Mixed Use zone on Parramatta Road. Over the last five years, transport infrastructure changes and high levels of residential development have also taken place. Development applications for residential development continue to be approved at high rates. A review of the RDS is currently being undertaken to ensure that the basis of Council’s residential development is logical, sensible and sustainable from a planning perspective. This work will set the framework for any change to the existing planning controls on Parramatta Road, particularly in relation to redevelopment for residential and mixed use purposes.
The Greater Granville Regeneration Project The Greater Granville Regeneration Plan is a partnership initiative between Parramatta City Council and the Department of Housing. The Plan will take a holistic approach to increasing the social, economic and environmental well-being of the Greater Granville area. This area includes the suburbs of Granville and South Granville, as well as parts of Guildford, Sefton and Chester Hill. Parramatta Road is the northern boundary of the study area, with the eastern boundary being Duck River. The Plan will include guidance for the redevelopment of Department of Housing owned stock, as well as the provision of community facilities and services by a range of providers. It will also include initiatives for the Granville town centre, including guidance for the regeneration of Good Street, South Street and Parramatta Road. Work on the Greater Granville Regeneration Plan commenced in March and is due for completion by December 2004. Extensive community engagement is currently being undertaken, including consultation with young people and children.