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Use Case Diagram

Use Case Diagram. # 1 Provide Pre-flight Services Actors: Pilot, External Data Providers, FBO, FAA Goal Level: User Level Main Success Scenario Client requests flight plan System requests user information System requests user destination System initiates flight plan Access planning data

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Use Case Diagram

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  1. Use Case Diagram

  2. # 1 Provide Pre-flight Services Actors: Pilot, External Data Providers, FBO, FAA Goal Level: User Level Main Success Scenario • Client requests flight plan • System requests user information • System requests user destination • System initiates flight plan • Access planning data • Access aviation maps • Access weather • Access NOTAMS • Access Aircraft data • Access pilot records • System creates flight plan • Create route • Determine speed and headings • Determine fuel requirements • System assess flight plan feasibility • Evaluate pilot currency • Evaluate maintenance records • Check plan for compliance • Evaluate flight plan with user • Transfer flight plan to user • Review flight plan with user • Update flight plan as necessary • System file flight plan with FAA • Format to FAA standard • Transfer flight plan to FAA • Acquire FAA response • System load flight plan • Format flight plan for aircraft system standard • Transfer flight plan to aircraft system • Acquire aircraft system load plan response • System provide concierge service • Arrange departure services with FBO • Arrange enroute services with FBO • Arrange destination services with FBO • Arrange local support services at destination

  3. #2 Provide Real-Time Condition Monitoring Actors: Pilot, FBO, Aircraft Systems, Associates, External Data Providers, FAA Goal Level: User Level Main Success Scenario • Pilot begins flight • System monitors situation • Monitor Weather conditions • Monitor ATC updates • Monitor flight path • Track location • Track velocity • Track altitude • Track attitude • System monitors Aircraft • Monitor hull loading • Monitor aircraft systems • Monitor oil conditions • Monitor engine conditions • Monitor avionic systems • Monitor control systems • Monitor communications systems • System monitors Pilot physiology • Monitor pilot heartbeat • Monitor pilot respiration • Monitor pilot skin resistivity • System provides notification • Assess routine issue • Identify automatic response • Send automatic notification • Record automatic notification • System communicates with Associates • Telecommunicate with pilot • Contact pilot • Contact ops center personnel • Notify associates • Notify associates of flight status • Pilot completes flight

  4. # 3 Provide Emergency Support Actors: Pilot, FBO, Aircraft Systems, External Data Providers, FAA Goal Level: User Level Main Success Scenario • Pilot begins flight • System monitors situation • Monitor Weather conditions • Monitor ATC updates • Monitor flight path • Track location • Track velocity • Track altitude • Track attitude • System monitors Aircraft • Monitor hull loading • Monitor aircraft systems • Monitor oil conditions • Monitor engine conditions • Monitor avionic systems • Monitor control systems • Monitor communications systems • System monitors Pilot physiology • Monitor pilot heartbeat • Monitor pilot respiration • Monitor pilot skin resistivity • System assesses situational, aircraft or pilot monitoring out of spec • Receive alert • Record alert • Identify alert • Contact ops center personnel • Provide advisory response • Assess the need for advisory response • Identify advisory response • Send advisory response • Record advisory response • System communicates with Associates • Telecommunicate with pilot • Contact pilot • Contact ops center personnel • Notify associates • Notify associates of flight status • Pilot completes flight

  5. #4 Manage Pilot Records Actors: Pilot, System Goal Level: User Level Main Success Scenario • System check pilot currency, pre-flight & post • System review pilot currency, pre-flight & post • System update pilot currency, pre-flight & post • System provide pilot currency notifications, post-flight #5 Manage Aircraft Records Actors: Owner, Aircraft, FBO Goal Level: User Level • Main Success Scenario • System evaluate maintenance records, pre-flight & post • System update database with results of aircraft monitoring • System analyze collected data, provide maintenance notifications, post-flight • System update maintenance records, post-flight

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