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Jonathan's Faith and Saul's Fall - Lessons from 1 Samuel 14-15

This lesson explores the faith of Jonathan and the folly of Saul as seen in 1 Samuel 14-15. It highlights Jonathan's courage and trust in God, while showcasing Saul's impulsive decisions and disobedience. The lesson also delves into the consequences faced by both men and the lessons we can learn from their experiences.

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Jonathan's Faith and Saul's Fall - Lessons from 1 Samuel 14-15

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  1. Lesson 4 Jonathan’s Faith Saul’s Fall 1 Sam 14-15

  2. Jonathan’s Faith-Saul’s Folly (Part 2) Ch. 14 -Saul’s Folly (Part 3) Ch. 15

  3. Jonathan’s Faith Ch. 14 • Jonathan Decides Action vv. 1-3 • Jonathan and armor bearer decide to do something about the Philistine threat • He didn’t tell father, nor others • Saul outside Gibeah under pomegranate tree, 600 men accompany Saul • Ahijah the priest is there wearing the ephod

  4. Jonathan’s Faith Ch. 14 • The Terrain vv. 4-5 • A pass to the Philistine stronghold • Two sharp rocks on either side • Bozez and Seneh • One faces north towards Michmash,the other south towards Gibeah

  5. start 7:30, stop 10:40 just after reading from 1 Sam 14

  6. Jonathan’s Faith Ch. 14 • Jonathan’s Plan and Faith vv. 6-10 • Jonathan tells young armor bearer the plan to go up against Philistines • “… it may be that the Lord will work for us. For nothing restrains the Lord from saving by many or by few.” • Jonathan knew power of God and had faith in Him • The young armor bearer likewise

  7. Jonathan’s Faith Ch. 14 • Jonathan’s Plan and Faith vv. 6-10 • The decision:Show themselves and Philistines say…- Wait until they come to them; stay in place- Come on up; a sign the Lord has delivered the Philistines into their hands

  8. Jonathan’s Faith Ch. 14 • Jonathan attacks vv. 11-14 • Jonathan and young armor bearer show themselves to the Philistines • Philistines scoff that the Hebrews are coming out of hiding (13:5-6) • They climb up on hands and knees • Jonathan fells; armor bearer kills • ~20 men perish in ½ acre of land

  9. Jonathan’s Faith Ch. 14 • Philistines are routed vv. 15-23 • Great trembling in the camp, in the field, and among all Philistines even the raiders and garrison; earth quaked • Saul’s watchmen see the panic and flight of the Philistines • Saul has a roll call to see who has gone out • Jonathan and armor bearer not there

  10. Jonathan’s Faith Ch. 14 • Philistines are routed vv. 15-23 • Saul calls for Ahijah the priest to bring the ark • The Philistine panic increases • Saul cancels the request for the ark • Saul rallies the Israelites; the Philistines kill each other in the melee

  11. Jonathan’s Faith Ch. 14 • Philistines are routed vv. 15-23 • Hebrew traitors rejoin Israelites, those hiding join in the attack • The Lord saves Israel that day • The battle shifts west of Michmash to Beth Aven, thus the Philistines are in hasty retreat Why are Philistines giving Israel all this trouble?

  12. Jonathan’s Faith Ch. 14 • Saul’s Rash Oath vv. 24 • Men of Israel were hard pressed that day • Saul’s oath, “Cursed be the man who eats food until it is evening and I have avenged my enemies.” What is Saul’s situation before God at this point?

  13. Jonathan’s Faith Ch. 14 • Jonathan Violates Order vv. 25-30 • Israelites come into forest and find plenteous honey, but none eat • Jonathan puts end of staff in honeycomb, eats and is refreshed • Jonathan informed of Saul’s order • Jonathan regrets Sauls order because Philistine rout could have been greater

  14. Jonathan’s Faith Ch. 14 • The Israelites are famished vv. 31-35 • Philistines driven back to Aijalon • Israelites very faint; rush in on spoil to kill animals and eat, but they are not bled • Saul informed of sin, requests a stone stage to direct proper slaughter • Saul builds his first alter to the Lord

  15. Jonathan’s Faith Ch. 14 • The Reckoning vv. 36-46 • Saul and men wish to plunder and kill Philistines overnight • The Priest said to draw near to God there • Saul asks counsel of God but no answer • Saul calls for leaders to find out the sin • Even if Jonathan, he shall surly die • No one answers

  16. Jonathan’s Faith Ch. 14 • The Reckoning vv. 36-46 • Men put on one side / Saul and Jonathan on the other • Saul inquires of the Lord, Urim is given indicating Saul and Jonathan • Another lot is cast, it’s Jonathan • Jonathan tells of his tasting honey

  17. Jonathan’s Faith Ch. 14 • The Reckoning vv. 36-46 • Saul intends to kill his son • The people intervene Jonathan because of the salvation of Israel • Saul turns back from pursuing, and the Philistines return to their own place

  18. Jonathan’s Victory Ch. 14 • Saul’s Continuing Wars vv. 47-52 • Saul fights enemies on every side:Moab - EastAmmon - EastEdom - SouthZobah - NorthPhilistia - WestAmalek – Southwest • Saul takes strong and valiant men into the army

  19. Saul’s Folly Ch. 15 • Mission Against Amalekitesvv. 1-9 • Samuel brings Saul words of the Lord • God will punish Amalek for the Israelite ambush as they came from Egypt See Exod. 17:8-16 • Saul to go and utterly (i.e. man, woman, child, livestock) destroy the Amalekites

  20. Saul’s Folly Ch. 15 • Mission Against Amalekitesvv. 1-9 • People mustered at Telaim200,000 foot soldiers10,000 men of Judah • Saul comes to Amalek and waits in valley • Kenites warned - had shown favor to Israel as they departed Egypt

  21. Saul’s Folly Ch. 15 • Mission Against Amalekites vv. 1-9 • Saul attacks Amalekites from Havilah (Hb. sand-land, perhaps S. Arabia) to Shur (E. of Egypt) • Agag the king taken alive • Other people utterly destroyed by sword • The best livestock and good things spared

  22. Saul’s Folly Ch. 15 • Saul Rejected As King vv. 10-29 • Word of the Lord comes to Samuel • God regrets:Having made Saul KingSaul turned back from following HimSaul has not performed His commands • Samuel grieved, calls out to Lord all night

  23. Saul’s Folly Ch. 15 • Saul Rejected As King vv. 10-29 • Samuel rises early to meet Saul • Saul first in Carmel and sets up a monument for himself, then returns to Gilgal • Samuel goes to Saul; Saul says, “…I have performed the commandment of the Lord.”

  24. Saul’s Folly Ch. 15 • Saul Rejected As King vv. 10-29 • Samuel, “What then is this bleating of the sheep in my ears, and the lowing of oxen I hear?” • Saul blames the people, “They have brought them… to sacrifice to the Lord your God…” • Samuel, “Be quiet! …”

  25. Saul’s Folly Ch. 15 • Saul Rejected As King vv. 10-29 • Samuel relates the Lords discussion • The hard question, “Why then did you not obey the Lord? …” • Saul responds, “But I have obeyed the voice of the Lord…” and yet king Agag spared, and the people have brought the spoils to sacrifice

  26. Saul’s Folly Ch. 15 • Saul Rejected As King vv. 10-29 • Samuel’s response, vv. 22-23“Has the Lord as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, as in obeying the voice of the Lord?Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to listen than the fat of rams.For rebellion is as the sin of divination, and presumption is as iniquity and idolatry.Because you have rejected the word of the Lord, He has also rejected you from being king.”

  27. Saul’s Folly Ch. 15 • Saul Rejected As King vv. 10-29 • Saul seeks forgiveness for fearing the people, but too late • Samuel turns to leave, Saul grasps and tears his robe • “The Lord has torn the kingdom of Israel from you this day…”

  28. Saul’s Folly Ch. 15 • Agag Killed vv. 30-34 • Samuel relents to Saul’s second request to return • Samuel calls for Agag • Agag thinks he will be spared • Samuel hacks Agag to pieces • Samuel goes to Ramah, Saul home to Gibeah

  29. Saul’s Folly Ch. 15 • Agag Killed vv. 30-34 • Samuel went no more to see Saul(cf. I Sam. 19:24) • Yet Samuel mourns for Saul, and the Lord regrets that He had made Saul king over Israel God hurts when His people sin!!

  30. APPLICATIONS (1) “… it may be that the Lord will work for us. For nothing restrains the Lord from saving by many or by few.” It’s not us that saves, but God’s Word Heb. 4:12 Glimpses of God’s power and glory: Elisha’s servant’s eyes opened II Kings 6:17 Stephen’s view of heaven Acts 7:55-56

  31. APPLICATIONS (2) Oaths should be carefully made (if at all)Jesus chastises Pharisees Matt. 23:16-22Matt. 5:33-37 Let your ‘yes’ be ‘yes’ and your ‘no’ be ‘no’

  32. APPLICATIONS (3) The Lord desires obedience rather than sacrificeHosea 6:6 Psalms 50:8-14; 51:16,17Isaiah 1:11 Jeremiah 6:20 Micah 6:6-8Jesus in His teachingMatt. 9:13 and 12:7

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