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Ensuring Quality Education for Students

A summary of recent staff professional development investments, evaluation framework for principals, reintegrating exit outcomes, successful Festa event, parent focus groups, and updates on school operations and communication effectiveness.

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Ensuring Quality Education for Students

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  1. Are students receiving a quality education? • --Staff PD investments this month have included the AMS annual conference, the League of Charter Schools conference,and CDE sessions on Competency-Based Systems. The NAMTA “STEAM” conference is upcoming • --Rolled out evaluation framework for principals and front office – includes criteria for Montessori focus and quality of the learning environment • --Work continuing and receiving priority attention for finalizing Farm School plans for next year. Team has expressed alignment to a shared framework, which includes time for occupations and academics. Strong buy-in that framework will strike the right balance. Moves closer to transcript target • --School continues taking steps to reintroduce/reintegrate exit outcomes from PreK-12th Grade – with coaching and support from CDE and CEI. • --Congrats to Compass Destination Imagination teams. Of four scored teams, they placed 1st, 2nd, 2nd, and 4th in Jeffcotournament, plus one merit award • --School preparing for CMA rollout. Following spring break, will be a big part of work for about a month. Is our community engaged? • --Teresa Bieker, Katherine Golden, and parent volunteer groups did an AMAZING job with the Festa! Over $53,000 raised and was a fun and energetic community celebration. • --Parent focus groups underway! Will complete by Wednesday. • --Parent Ed Night – mild attendance this month. Some feedback negative related to food choice • --Temporary Facilities Working Group assembled to discuss facilities priorities for submission to district. Good conversation. Moderate attendance. • --SAC – Survey at mid-way point. Approximately 240 individuals have completed the survey. • --Conferences underway: Facetime, watch me work, etc. Positive meetings with teachers and parents. • --Planning town hall for April 14th. Listening sessions and coffee chats to discuss Farm School hopefully by end of March/Early April. Are Operations reliable and sustainable? • --Summer program sign-ups continue to grow. Way to go Amy! • --Intents to return are very high. Little known openings at this time. • --School seeing an uptick in the # of applications/resumes for jobs at the school. School will be at 2additional recruiting events over the next month. Although we are happy to see low reported attrition, it is nice having a strong candidate pool for any positions we may need to fill • --Preliminary budget for 16-17 will be presented tonight • --Bond request submitted to the district yesterday. Meeting with district and charter leaders tomorrow to understand next steps and possibly what’s likely in or out • --School received $2,000 grant from Golden Civic Foundation for outdoor environment Are we serving as a National Model? --School continues work with CDE and CEI on competency-based system design. Led a session for Montessori schools at League conference. State is moving forward with rollout in the near term. --Congratulations to Carrie Talcott! Colorado League of Charter Schools Teacher of the Year! --Congratulations Tina Barath – League of Charter Schools “Star Teacher” and will be participating in mentor-development program through LOCS. --Positive visit from Terry Elliott – Chief School Effectiveness Officer from Jeffco. Very excited by all he saw at both campuses. Would like to continue conversations between Compass and district related to competency-based system development. --Staying active by attending JCSC meetings. Invitations for Compass representation on DAC and district Diversity Committee Are we communicating effectively?See page 2

  2. Are we communicating effectively? • --Critical feedback on way news about Farm School reached the community. Working to address through town halls and listening sessions. Working diligently to propose a model that has open participation from FS staff in development of plan, which is positive, but slowing timing of public communications. • --Website roll-out 100%. Thank you Kalina! Please see http://www.compassmontessori.org • --Marketing updates moving forward. Photo shoot last week!

  3. II. Exit Outcomes – Compass Montessori Outcome One- Is an experienced thoughtful writer and reader, adjusts use of spoken, written, and visual language, to respond to the needs of society, to acquire new information and for personal fulfillment. Outcome Two- Has developed a mathematical mind: experienced use of the power of mathematical thinking in problem solving and paradigm formation. Outcome Three- Is competent and knowledgeable in life sciences, physical sciences and advancing technology. Outcome Four- Is economics literate and an ethical entrepreneur Outcome Five- Is effective and capable of expressing ideas, contributing to a community of inquiry, actively listening and collaborating Outcome Six - Is locally and globally aware, well worldly traveled in fact or through reading of human encounters; historical minded and historically literate about human history and the human condition. Outcome Seven- Is physically active, a participant in activities that create mental / physical challenges that foster whole person development. Outcome Eight- Is a developing artist, song writer, poet, musician, actor, etcthrough practice, experience in, appreciation for and understanding of the arts. Outcome Nine - Is aware and knowledgeable of self-construction and actualization; has an immense sense of humor and an ingenious love of learning.

  4. Exit Outcomes – Level Example

  5. Exit Outcomes – Key Points • Were adopted by the school in the past. Lost use over leadership transitions. • Discovered as a meaningful resource both in terms of best practice and because of its alignment to state accountability and Competency-Based system design • Helps clarify what developmental targets we see for students moving between levels • Positive reception when shared with guides and leadership teams

  6. Outcomes and Competencies - Linking

  7. III. Bond Priorities – (see attached)

  8. IV. Preliminary Budget Not too much happening right now Approximately $100 per pupil increase, plus tuition increase for CH Most will be spent on PERA and salary step increases for guides Numbers may change with General Assembly and School Board decisions Proposed budget balances

  9. V. 50 Volunteer Hour Proposal Maintain 50 Hour commitment, but make it a “voluntary commitment” or “non-binding volunteer pledge” Create a statement highlighting why 50 hours is the target commitment (good for students, school needs this kind of volunteer support, fosters a level of investment/co-ownership in the school) Create easier way to log hours online – online form vs. something you have to create an account for. Keep entry simple (name, activity, e-mail, date, and hours). System would then e-mail a “receipt” to the parent Bring the “big book” back for the campus volunteer sign-ins. Volunteer would then input hours into the form/spreadsheet. Feedback – “nice to see the names” Track hours, run reports, etc., and publish. Let community see data on volunteer hours

  10. VI. Enrollment – proposed revisions 1. Changes to the website - We identified a few wording changes and are working to finalize 2. Parent Orientation Mandatory? We decided that the parent orientation meetings are still mandatory as published on the site; however, we are going to develop an informational video and a quiz that we could offer in limited situations. It is possible that this video will turn out well and then we could allow the video as a path instead of the orientation meetings. Video target = this summer 3. Application received date - We are waiting on guidance from the district on when we can collect the applications. Right now, we can collect them in January. That is problematic for working families - especially those needing to go to an orienatation session. The revised district policy would allow us to begin collecting applications as early as September. If that happens, the expectation for work for families becomes less burdensome.

  11. VI. Enrollment – proposed revisions 4. If we begin collecting applications in September, we will start offering parent orientations earlier in the year. Once a month until January. Then, we will offer them every week. It would be nice for co-presenters. Also, it would be nice for presenters to either be more well-versed on the Farm School/High School questions or to receive information that will help them be more well-versed on the FS/HS questions. 5. Believe we should have a marquee in the front of the school to announce enrollment windows. Estimated cost is $15,000. 6. Policy recommendation - To address the question "What if I want my child at the Golden campus but am offered a spot at Wheat Ridge (or vice versa)?" Answer - if you decline a spot offered, it will be offered to the next student/family on the list. 7. Is there a possibility that my child can transfer between campuses? -Recommendation - Requests for transfer must be provided to school administrators at the time of Intent to Return. Requests can only be made at the end of a 3-year cycle. Requests will be reviewed in the order received and based upon space availability.

  12. VI. Enrollment – proposed revisions 8. Clarification to enrollment priority order. District policy: -Students who reside in Jefferson County, AND have a sibling who is currently attending and is also projected to be enrolled in the school the following school year. -Students who reside in Jefferson County, AND they are the child of a full-time staff member at the school for which enrollment is sought. -Students who reside in Jefferson County, AND they are attending an assigned neighborhood school which feeds into the school for which enrollment is sought. -Students who reside in Jefferson County. -Students who do not reside in Jefferson County, BUT have a sibling who is currently attending and is also projected to be enrolled in the school the following school year. -Students who do not reside in Jefferson County, BUT they are a child of a full-time staff member at the school for which enrollment is sought. -Students who do not reside in Jefferson County, AND they are attending an assigned neighborhood school which feeds into the school for which enrollment is sought. -Students who do not reside in Jefferson County.

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