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Southern Crescent Technical College Enhancing the Internal Service & Teamwork from Your Dept.

Learn how to improve internal customer interactions and teamwork within your department to attract and retain customers. Explore the similarities between relay teams and department functioning.

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Southern Crescent Technical College Enhancing the Internal Service & Teamwork from Your Dept.

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  1. Southern Crescent Technical College Enhancing the Internal Service & Teamwork from Your Dept. Pete Tosh The Focus Group pete.tosh@thefocusgroup.biz

  2. The real objective of any business is to: Attract and Retain Customers

  3. “If you’re not serving the customer, you’d better be serving someone who is.” Karl Albrecht/Ron Zemke Everybody Has a Customer

  4. When a member of a relay team passes the baton to a teammate, they are engaging in an internal customer interaction. What does the supplier need to make sure he/she does and/or knows? Why? ________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ How will this interaction affect the results of the meet? Why? _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ What are the similarities between this analogy and your department’s functioning? _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ What’s an Internal Customer?

  5. The “Default” Strategy: Keep Doing What We are Doing & Hope It’s Good Enough

  6. What’s the Difference Between Manufacturing and Service Jobs? What Comes to Mind When We Analyze Manufacturing Job A vs. Service Job B? (Consider Skills Needed, the Type of Employees Who Will or Will Not Be Successful, the Impact of the Jobs On Customers, and What Is Required for Satisfactory Performance) Manufacturing Service Job AJob B

  7. Products 1. The customer owns an object. 2. The goal of product production is uniformity. 3. A product can be put into inventory. 4. The customer is an end user who is not involved in the production process. 5. Quality control consists of comparing output to specifications. 6. If improperly produced, the product can be pulled off the line. Services 1. The customer owns a memory. 2. The goal of service is uniqueness. 3. A service happens in the moment. 4. The customer is a co-producer who is a partner in creating the service. 5. Customers compare expectations to perceptions. 6. If improperly performed, planned recovery is usually the only effective means of recourse. Products vs. Services

  8. How Do Your Internal Customers See You?A Customer Report Card

  9. 1. Name your or your department’s primary customer(s). _________________________________________ 2. List the five (5) most critical factors this customer uses in evaluating your products and/or service: A. _______________________________________ B. _______________________________________ C. _______________________________________ D. _______________________________________ E. _______________________________________

  10. 3. Using the factors identified in #2, weigh each factor in terms of importance to this customer (the total needs to add up to 100 with the number increasing as the importance to the customer increases): Factors Weight A. _________________________ ________ B. _________________________ ________ C. _________________________ ________ D. _________________________ ________ E. _________________________ ________ Total: 100

  11. 4. How would this customer evaluate your performance on each of these factors? (A through F and why) Factors Weight Customer Evaluation Why? A. __________ ________ ______________________ ________ B. __________ ________ ______________________ ________ C. __________ ________ ______________________ ________ D. __________ ________ ______________________ ________ E. __________ ________ ______________________ ________ Total: 100 5. Your conclusions & strategy?

  12. IMPORTANCE 5 Improve Excel Performance Low Priority Redirect Low Attention Resources 1 5 PERFORMANCE Insert one item in each quadrant

  13. The Gaps Model of Service Delivery Quality Service is: Closing the Service Gap Expectations Perceptions

  14. Your Customer’s Definition of the Quality of Your Service: The Discrepancy Between Their Expectations and Their Perceptions

  15. 1. Understand your customers’ expectations 2. Develop standards of performance in line with their expectations 3. Perform/supply service in line with your standards 4. Avoid creating unrealistic expectations/ over-promising Customer Expectations Customer Perceptions

  16. Questions Upon Which to Build Your Service Improvement Plan Do Your Customers Get What They Expect? 1. How Can You Know What Your Customers Expect? 2. How Can You Ensure that the Proper Standards Are Set? 3. How Can You Ensure that Your Standards are Met? 4. How Can You Avoid Having False Expectations Sent?

  17. The Most Important Dimensions of HR Service Quality • Tangibles -Appearance of office, personnel, products, materials, etc. (What the Customer Sees) • Reliability -Ability to perform the promised service dependably and accurately (Keeping the Promise) • Responsiveness -Willingness to help customers and provide prompt service (Readiness to Serve) • Assurance -Knowledge and courtesy of employees and their ability to convey trust and confidence (“I Made the Right Choice.”) • Empathy - Caring and individualized attention provided to customers (Commitment to the Customer)

  18. Tangibles: Reliability: Responsiveness: Assurance: Empathy: What Do Your Customers Use to Evaluate Their Experiences with Your Dept?

  19. Evaluate the Service from Your Department: As You Think Your Customers Would & Why? 1 2 3 4 5 Poor Less than Average/ Above Outstanding Satisfactory Satisfactory Average ____ Tangibles Why?______________________ ____ Reliability Why?______________________ ____ Responsiveness Why?______________________ ____ Assurance Why?______________________ ____ Empathy Why?______________________

  20. What Feelings & Reactions Have You Had When You Were a Customer? Buying a Car? Ordering a product or service from a supplier? As a patient in a doctor’s office or hospital? Having dinner in an up-scale restaurant? You Are Constantly Creating Experiences for Your Customers

  21. When Do Your Customers Have Experiences When Interacting with Your Department? What Feelings are Created? How Can You Know?

  22. StandardExpectations: expectations that must be met to receive a passing grade from a customer ExperienceDetractors: incidents that leave a customer with a less-than-positive assessment ExperienceEnhancers: organizational initiatives that would cause customers to feel that their expectations were exceeded Improving Any Moment of Truth

  23. Moments of Truth - in the Sequence in Which Your Customers Experience Them Cycle of Service Map

  24. 1. Agree on a Cycle of Service that your customers experience 2. Flow chart the Cycle of Service 3. Identify within the Cycle one Moment of Truth where there is likely to be misery created for your customers 4. For this misery point write Standards of Performance which define quality service performance Designing Service Standards for Your Customers’ Experiences

  25. Interpersonal: interactions your customers have with your team Procedural: processes you ask your customers to go through when doing business with your dept Informational: providing customers the information they want & need Environmental: the tangibles & physical setting around which your customers experience your service Means of Providing Value to Your Customers

  26. Interpersonal: interactions your customers have with your team ____ Procedural: processes you ask your customers to go through when doing business with your dept ____ Informational: providing customers the information they want & need ____ Environmental: the tangibles & physical setting around which your customers experience your service ____ Which Means of Providing Value Can You Enhance & How?

  27. ? Questions Individually write a question that you’d like to ask. and As a team decide on a spokesperson & agree on two of the questions that your team wants to ask.

  28. Enhancing the Quality of Service from Your Department What you do is more important than what you say. Do something. Start somewhere & follow your nose. Providing quality service is a process – implement many small initiatives vs. big events. Keep up your efforts. Cultures change slowly. Think of how long it took to develop the culture your dept. has now.

  29. Please outline the Action Steps you plan to initiate. Action Steps: Date to Date to Specific Step How Measured Begin Complete 1.___________ _____________ ________ ________ 2.___________ _____________ ________ ________ 3.___________ _____________ ________ ________ 4.___________ _____________ ________ ________ 5.___________ _____________ ________ ________ Signed________________________ Date_________________ Your Preferred Future

  30. Thank You! Pete Tosh The Focus Group Pete.tosh@thefocusgroup.biz 478-746-6891 www. Thefocusgroup.biz

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