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The Preacher (Solomon) Searched for Meaning in Life

Explore Solomon's journey as he seeks purpose in wealth, pleasure, and wisdom, only to find emptiness and sorrow. Learn from his reflections on life and the true source of joy and fulfillment. An eye-opening study on the elusive nature of happiness without God.

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The Preacher (Solomon) Searched for Meaning in Life

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  1. The Preacher (Solomon) Searched for Meaning in Life Solomon, the wisest human being who lived in his time searched for meaning in his life. We only have one life to live in this world. We do not get a “do over”. Let’s learn from his life!

  2. The Preacher (Solomon) Searched for Meaning in Life This morning we studied and observed Solomon’s view that there is futility in the cycles of nature and life. Then he thought that human wisdom would be gratifying to him. But instead he found out that it was like trying to grasp for the wind and it left him filled with grief and sorrow.

  3. What Else Is There? In chapter 2, he records his exploration of seeking pleasure Intoxicating Beverages Music & Beauty Wealth Human Accomplishments. Let’s see what else Solomon discovered!

  4. Solomon Tested Pleasure He was living in the lap of luxury and did not refuse any fleshly desire (2:10) He pursued pleasure with intoxicating wine while trying to maintain his wisdom from God (2:3; 12; Proverbs 20:1; 23:29ff) He built many beautiful things (2:4-6)

  5. Solomon Tested Pleasure He had many servants, an abundance of riches and the best entertainment (2:8-9). For a period of time he rejoiced in all his labor and was having a great time (2:10-11). He realized that living “high on the hog” was useless and worthless (2:11, 17) as the Prodigal Son figured out that it leaves you in the pigpen longing for what the pigs ate (Luke 15:12ff).

  6. Upon Reflection the Preacher Hated Life Those who are wise or foolish will all die so what is the point of accomplishing great things when it will be forgotten later on. (2:13-16) Solomon came to hate his labor because you must leave it to someone else who might be foolish. During his son’s reign as king, Rehoboam lost everything to the king of Egypt (1 Kings 14:26)

  7. Upon Reflection the Preacher Hated Life For all of Solomon’s efforts what did he obtain? A lot of grief, misery, and sleepless nights (2:20-23).

  8. Many Who Won the Lottery Hate Life In 2002, Jack Whitaker won the biggest jackpot until this time (about $315 million, after taxes $114 million payout). He was already rich having a $17 million business. He wanted his wife, daughter and granddaughter to enjoy it. He tithed to his church, gave $20 million to charity, gave $7 million to help 3 preachers, gave money to build two churches, donated $14 million to help feed and clothe all the poor people in West Virginia.

  9. Many Who Won the Lottery Hate Life But he has been arrested for drunk driving, he gambles, he has been stolen from many times, he has had many domestic disputes, and his granddaughter (his pride and joy) died of a drug overdose at the age of 18. Jack’s wife Jewel said she wished her husband never won the lottery. Had she known what was ahead, she said, “I would’ve torn up that ticket”. (USA Today, 12/22/04)

  10. Many Who Won the Lottery Hate Life In 1997, Billy Bob Harrell Jr. (a former Pentecostal preacher and employee at Home Depot) won the Texas Lotto and took the $1.24 million payout for 25 years. It was great for awhile buying many things and helping others but finally it was too much and he committed suicide 20 months later in Kingwood, TX. Shortly before he did that he told his financial adviser, “Winning the lottery was the worse thing that ever happened to me.” (Houston Press, 2/10/2000)

  11. Many Who Won the Lottery Hate Life Gerald Muswagon won the $10 lottery, but he spent all his money in a few years and eventually committed suicide at his parent’s house in 2005. We could multiply the examples that there is “no profit under the sun” when it comes to pursuing happiness without God. It ends up in despair even with the best of intentions. Let us learn the wisdom from God’s word (Matthew 6:24).

  12. The Preacher Now Enjoyed His Labor He realized that the ability to enjoy one’s labor is a gift of God (2:24). Solomon is not teaching the fatalistic doctrine of eat, drink, and be merry for tomorrow we die (1 Cor. 15:32) but instead be thankful for what God has given to you and rejoice in his blessings. Solomon learned that money can’t buy you happiness & that it’s gone before you know what happened to it (Eccl. 5:10-12).

  13. The Preacher Now Enjoyed His Labor You cannot truly enjoy life without God (2:25) which is what Solomon now understands. If you do what is right, God will give you wisdom, knowledge, and joy (2:26) in your life “under the sun” so that you might avoid the pitfalls of sin.

  14. Conclusion Before Chapter 2:24, “God” was only mentioned once. Solomon has been focusing on life “under the sun” without God. If you are seeking for meaning in life through riches, pleasure, or entertainment you will likely end up hating life, enslaved in your sins, reaping misery to yourself and everyone around you.

  15. Conclusion Be thankful for God’s grace and mercy through Jesus Christ. Obey the gospel or be restored while you still have time and opportunity or your soul will be required of you like the rich man. (Luke 12:19ff)!

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