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That Riverton….downstream over there, Riverton…he rode over there. hinee hooxono’o , hinit 3ebiihi’, noobe’einiihi ’, hooxono’o that Riverton right there there down stream Riverton he’ih-3ebii3-iikohe-’ . Past-towards there-rode-3sg.
That Riverton….downstream over there, Riverton…he rode over there. hineehooxono’o, hinit 3ebiihi’, noobe’einiihi’, hooxono’o that Riverton right there there down stream Riverton he’ih-3ebii3-iikohe-’. Past-towards there-rode-3sg.
He rode downstream. He was going to do things, that Shoshone. 3eboo-wuniih-iikohe-’. He’ih’-iiwo-niistoo-3i, hineesosoni’. over:there-downstream-ride-3sg. Past-?-do-3sg:repeatedly, that Shoshone.
He rode over there, he rode that way. He would always meet men. He’ih’-e3eb-iikohe-’, yiis-iikohe-’. Hinen-no he’ih-ii-nouxon-ee. Past-to there-ride-3sg, thataway-ride-3sg. Men-OBV:PL past-habit-meet-4<3.
They would ride back to here. He’ih’-ii-cei3-iikohe-’. Past-habit-to here-ride-3.
They would be holding their hands. He’ih’-ii-toun-owuu hiicet-ino. Past-habit-hold-3>inanim hand-PL.
“So, what did you do? What happened?” “Wohei, hei-tous-too-be? Heeyou?” So, 3-what-do-PL? What?
That strong, red-headed, white man right over in the saloon… Hi’in nono’oteih-t bee’-e’ei-t nihoo3oo hinit benoheino’oowuu’… That be:strong-3 be:red-hair-3 whiteman right:there at:the:bar…
… he is crushing our hands. 3oo3o’ohoen-ei’eet. Crush:hands-1<3SG
He shakes hands right away, whenever he sees them… Niineniniixouh-t xonou nonoohow-oo3i 3owo3nenitee-no… Shakes:hands-3 right:away see-4<3sg:repeatedly indian-PL:OBV.
… and then he always immediately approaches one of the people entering… …noh nee-3eb-ciitei-ni3i xonou nii-yihoon-oot… and then-to:there-enter-4PL immediately habit-go:to-4<3SG
…he meets them…takes their hands… …nii-nouxon-oot…n-iitohoen-oot… habit-meet-4<3PL habit-take:hand-4<3SG
…and he really crushes their hands. …niixoo nii-3oo3o’ohoenei’i-t. and:also habit-intense:crush:hands-3SG
“Yes, finally, I will ride over there,” he said. “Hee, hohkonee, heet-neh-nou’-uukoei-noo,” nih-ii-t. “Yes, finally, will-away-to:there-ride-1SG” Past-say-3SG
He met them; they were holding their hands as well. he’ih-nouxon-ee; ci’ he’ih’-ii-toun-owuu hitiicet-ino. Past-meet-4<3; as:well Past-habit-hold-3PL>inanimate hand-PL
“Well, what did you all do?” “yeh, heih-tous-too-be?” Well, past-what-do-PL
“Right there, that redheaded whiteman, hes pretty big; he is crushing our hands… Hinit bee’e’ei-t nihoo3oo, ciinoo’on-beesei3-e’; 3oo3o’ohoen-ei’eet. right:there be:red-hair-3SG whiteman, pretty-be:big-3SG; crush:hands-1PL<3SG
…he shakes hands… …nii-neniniixouh-t… habit-shake:hands-3SG
…he really crushes our hands!” …nii-3oo3o’ohoen-ei’eet.” Habit-crush:hands-1PL<3SG
“Yes, finally, I will ride over there.” “Hee, hohkonee heet-neh-nou’-uukohei-noo.” Yes, finally, will-away-arrive:by-ride-1SG
He rode over in that direction and then he arrived there by horse. He’-neh-yiis-iikohe-’; nee’-eh-no’-uukohei-t. past-away-to:there-ride-3SG; then-away-arrive:by-ride-3SG
Outside, where people tie up their horses, he tied up his horse; Then he went inside there. ce’e3i’ nii-touku-tooxowootiini’, he’ih-touku3-ee hitonihi’; nee’-eh-ciitei-t. Outside habit-tie:up-horse, Past-tie:up-4<3 horse; then-to:there-enter-3SG
And right away, that man with red hair saw him. …hoh xonou he’ih-noohob-e’ hi’in bee’-e’ei-ni3. and right:away past-see-4<3 that be:red-hair-4
Then he greeted him: “Well, its good that you’ve come, its good that you’ve come… he’-ne’-ceciito’on-eit: “wohei, heneeyeih-no’-usee-n, heneeyeih-no’-usee-n… Past-then-greet-4>3PL: wohei it:is:good-arrive:by-walk-2SG, it:is:good-arrive:by-walk-2SG
…I’m going to shake your hand.It’s good that I see you,” that guy said to him. …Heet-neniniixoo3-e3en. Heneeyeih-noohob-e3en,” he’ih’-ii3e’. …Will-shake:someone’s:hand-1>2SG. It:is:good-see-1>2SG,” past-said:he
…It is good…when I see you. I am going to sha----” …hii3et-i’ toh-noohob-e3en. heet-neniniixoo-.” Be:good-3:inanim. When-see-1>2SG; will-shake--
“YES, and I am going to shake your hand,” he said to him. This strong bear is scared of him not. “Hee, noh-ci’-heet-neniniixoo3-e3en,” hee3oohok. Hoow- heniix-oohok nehe’ nihii tei’oxuho’.” “Yes, and-also-will-shake:somebody’s:hand-1>2SG,” he:said. Not scared-3>4 this good strongbear.”
He couldn’t….he couldn’t crush his hand. Look, while this white man was trying to crush his hand… He’ih’-ii-cooniini…he’ih’-ii-coon-3oe’-now hiicet. wohei nuhu’ heecis-neyei-3o’ohoen-eit… Past-habit-could:not Past-habit-could:not-crush-3>inanim hand. Wohei this(man) while-try:to-crush:someone’s:hands-4>3SG
…then that’s when this Strongbear closes his hand! ne’-nii’-ho’wohoe’e-t nehe’ tei’ox! Then-habit-close:hand-3SG this Strongbear!
Soon this white man was clenched up in a ball, sort of whimpering and crying. The bones in his hand were cracking. heihii he’ih-co’oekuu nehe’ nihoo3oo, he’ih-beex-biibiiwoo. Kookoseinooni-’i hixono nuhu’ hiicet-ini’. Soon past-balled:up this whiteman, past-a:bit-cry:repeatedly. Cracking-3PL:inanim bones this (man) hand-at
….just until he really crushed it, then his hand was just sort of a little bloody pulp. That was how-- Sii-honoot he’ih-tes-3oe’en-ow, he’ih-beex-beebe’einin. he’ih’-eenei. Just-until past-totally-crush-3SG>inanim, past-a:bit-be:bloody. Past-how-
This Strongbear said, “ME GLAD TO SEE YOU,” to him. Nehe’ tei’ox, “ME GLAD TO SEE YOU,” nih’-ii-3oohok. This Strongbear, “ME GLAD TO SEE YOU,” past-habit-he:said:to:him
But not…not…not until he really squished the whiteman’s hand. That was how he completely squished this man’s hand. Hoow- hoow- hoow- honoot he’ih-tes-ni’ee3o’owohoen-oot nuhu’. He’ne’-nih’-iisiini nonoonoxon-3o’en-o’ nuhu’ hiicet. Not- not- not- until past-totally-crush:somone’s:hand-4<3SG this (whiteman). This that-past-how:be brutally-crush-3SG>inanim hand.
This white man was just crying and crying. He’ih-biibiiwoohu nehe’ niho3oo. past-cry:repeatedly this whiteman.
And that’s how Strongbear paid back the man crushing his relatives hands… Noh ne’-nih’-iisiini ho3ton-oot nuhu’ he’ih-nii-3oo3o’ohoen-ee hiniito’ei-no. And that-past-how:be Pay:someone:back-4<3SG this (man) past-habit-really:crush:someone’s:hand-4<3 relative-PL
…after this Strongbear shook hands with this whiteman. Hei’-neniniixouh-t nuhu’ nehe’ nihoo3oo. After-shake:hands-3SG this(strongbear) this whiteman.
As a rule, every indian who entered, he would go up to them and he would crush their hands. Heenoo heeyow-ciitei-ni3i 3owo3nenitee-no he’ih-ii-yihon-ee he’ih’-ii-3oo3o’ohoen-ee. As a rule, everyone-enter-4PL indian-PL:OBV Past-habit-go:to-4<3 Past-habit-really:crush:hands-1PL<3.
Finally, This strongbear rides back over there and then he really crushes his hand! Hohkonee seh-nou’uukohe’ nehe’ teiox sii-ni’-3o’ohoen-oot. Finally to:over:there-arrive:by-ride:3SG this Strongbear really-then-crush:somebody’s:hand-4<3SG.
FIN And so ends this story. Noh nee’ees-ise-’ nuhu’ hoo3itoo. And thus-end-3SG:inanim this story.