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Algebra 1 30 NOV/ 2 Dec 2011

Algebra 1 30 NOV/ 2 Dec 2011. 1) Put papers from your group folder into your binder. 2) Put your binder, hw and text on your desk. START WU. ONLY weekly WU and daily CW in folder. CHECK YOUR HOMEWORK √ or X each problem Warm-up : substitute and evaluate

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Algebra 1 30 NOV/ 2 Dec 2011

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  1. Algebra 1 30 NOV/ 2 Dec 2011 1) Put papers from your group folder into your binder. 2) Put your binder, hw and text on your desk. START WU. ONLY weekly WU and daily CW in folder. CHECK YOUR HOMEWORK √ or X each problem Warm-up: substitute and evaluate Let y = 2x + 3 Find y, if x is….. 1) x = 0 2) x = 2 3) x = -2 4) x = 5

  2. Objective Students will be able to solve equations by balancing. Students will take notes, work with their group and present to the class on white boards.

  3. homework due today4.1/4.2 handout homework due next class pg. 208: 10 a – e, 17

  4. WORDS to know: add examples/ sketch term- an algebraic expression that includes only multiplication or division between variables and constants: 2xy, 3x2, 1y variable- a quantity whose number can change; usually a letter: x, y, C, M constant- a value that does not change a number in an equation identify terms, variables, constants: 10 = 2x + 3

  5. Mystery Bags Game Once a gold prospector accumulated some gold, he brought it to a government office for weighing. The office had a pan balance and a collection of lead blocks of known weights. The would put the gold on one side and try various combinations of lead weights until both sides balanced.

  6. the game- what is weight of gold in each “mystery” bag? To help pass the time when things got slow, the officials made up a game. One official would take one or more empty bags and fill them with the same amount of gold. Each bag, weighed THE SAME. The bags of equal weight were called “mystery bags”. The game- the officials would mix “mystery bags” and lead weights on the pan balance so that both sides balanced (equal weight) GAME- how much does the mystery bag weigh?

  7. Mystery Bags Game- how much does each bag weigh? Be ready to explain HOW YOU KNOW you are right Each group will be assigned one problem to put on the board. All students must do all the problems for class work- to be submitted.

  8. Game- how much does it weigh?

  9. what did you learn today? what was easy? what do you still need to work on? what math did we do today?

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