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AIMS OF PRESENTATION. Learning Disabilities Offender AwarenessBrief History of Forensic Nursing Team Partnerships Real Life Publications . POPULATION OF LEARNING DISABILITY OFFENDERS. Mottram(2007) 7% of Offenders in Prison, have an I.Q of 70 and below. Loucks(2007) 20-30% of offenders have

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    1. ADDITIONAL SUPPORT SERVICE FORENSIC NURSING TEAM “Providing quality + effective services to people with a learning disability who have offended and/or at risk of offending”

    2. AIMS OF PRESENTATION Learning Disabilities Offender Awareness Brief History of Forensic Nursing Team Partnerships Real Life Publications

    3. POPULATION OF LEARNING DISABILITY OFFENDERS Mottram(2007) 7% of Offenders in Prison, have an I.Q of 70 and below. Loucks(2007) 20-30% of offenders have learning disabilities or difficulties in prison Harrington + Bailey et al(2005) 23% of Prisoners Under 18 years have I.Q less than 70. D.O.H(2007) International Studies put LD Population in Prison as 3%- 9%. Lyall et al (1995) suggest that 5- 9% individuals who are arrested for questioning by the police have a Learning Disabilities

    4. POPULATION OF LEARNING DISABILITY OFFENDERS Mason + Murphy (2002) 6% of Individuals with Probation Service have a Learning Disabilities. Breaking the Cycle(2005) 10-13% of individuals in touch with Learning Disabilities Service have some form of contact with CJS in the past. Breaking Cycle(2005) 3 % of Individuals are know to Community Learning Disabilities Team have criminal convictions.

    5. CHARACTERSTICS OF THE LEARNING DISABILITY POPULATION OF OFFENDERS AND /OR RISK OFFENDING More males than females History of disruptive and chaotic childhood High incidence of family breakdown Socially deprived or abusive background Long history of anti-social behaviour

    6. CHARACTERSTICS OF THE LEARNING DISABILITY POPULATION OF OFFENDERS AND /OR RISK OFFENDING Thirteen times as likely to have been in care as a child Thirteen times as likely to be unemployed Ten times as likely to have been a regular truant, Twenty times more likely than the general population to have been excluded from school Two and a half times as likely to have had a family member convicted of a criminal offence Six times as likely to have been a young father (Prison Reform Trust, 2009)

    7. CHARACTERSTICS OF THE LEARNING DISABILITY POPULATION OF OFFENDERS AND /OR RISK OFFENDING Have “reasonable” good self care and communication skills Minimal consistent emotional support Often have additional health needs, such as physical health, mental health, and ASD Frequent moves between service placements

    8. BRIEF HISTORY OF FORENSIC NURSING TEAM Established in November 2007 Since 2007 to November 2009 received 42 referrals Average Age of 25.8 Referrals Received from Probation Police Youth Offending Service Mental Disorder Offenders Team Prisons Social Services and Wider Learning Disabilities Services

    9. BRIEF HISTORY OF FORENSIC NURSING TEAM Main Offending Risks Sexual Offences 29% Violence Offences 26% Theft 31% Substance Use 17% Anti-Social Behaviour 33% Arson 7% It should be noted there are secondary offence to this list e.g driving offences, and or possession of weapons


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