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Public Events Committee. Call for Funding Proposals and Annual Senate Report, March 2012. Call for Event Proposals. The Senate Committee on Public Events invites proposals for funding for public events during the fall of 2012 and the spring of 2013.
Public Events Committee Call for Funding Proposals and Annual Senate Report, March 2012
Call for Event Proposals • The Senate Committee on Public Events invites proposals for funding for public events during the fall of 2012 and the spring of 2013. • Application Deadline:Friday, April 13, 2011. • The Application Formand further information are available at the Committee on Public Events website at http://www.oneonta.edu/academics/senate/Faculty%20Committees/publicevents/. • Announced by email and in the Bulletin, look for it again this week – please pass along this call to colleagues to ensure a wide range of submitted proposals.
Funding amounts and application process • The Committee distributes a modest pool of funds historically made available from the College Office of Alumni Affairs and the Office of the Provost. The Amount available varies annually, based on budget considerations. • Typical funding awards are between $300-$1000. • At the discretion of the committee, partial or reduced awards may be offered to applicants based on available funds and/or the number of applications. • Online Applications are the only way to apply for Public Events Funding. Link to https://oneonta.collegiatelink.net/form/start/5884is available through the Public Events Committee website. • Direct questions to Andrew Kahl at 436-3125 or Andrew.kahl@oneonta.edu.
Guidelines for Proposals • Proposals for events should fit the following criteria: • The event should be on campus. Exceptions are possible, but priority will be given to events located on the Oneonta campus. • The event should benefit the campus community, not just a narrow interest group or population. It should have a general appeal to a wide audience including students, faculty, staff, and members of the community. • The proposal should include a financial plan and funding should be sought from more than one source. • The proposal should have a publicity plan in place. • The proposal should be submitted by a member of the faculty, staff, or a current or retired employee of the college. • The event should be “college sponsored.” Public events funding is not designed to subsidize events that primarily promote non-college organizations or groups in the larger community.
Summary of Committee Activities 2011-2012 • In May 2011, the committee met to consider applications submitted by campus faculty and staff; • 13 events were approved for funding, including guest speakers, concerts, readings and slam poetry performances. • In all cases, event organizers had sought multiple sources of funding for the event including departmental funding and Student Association Support. • Award amounts ranged from $300 - $1000. A total of$7925 were distributed from funds made available through the College Foundation and the Office of the Provost.
Event Outcomes • Of the thirteen events approved for funding support,manyhave already occurred or are scheduled to occur prior to the end of this semester. Only one event approved for funding was cancelled/postponed. • Events include the following: • Several presenters in the Red Dragon Reading Series, including Peace Corps Poet Anne Neelon, Anne Waldman andJeannetta Mish • Several Concerts, including Globetrotting, the Jazz Composers and Improvisers Project, the Third Annual Oneonta Jazz Festival andRoopVerma: Sitar Player. • Guest speakers, including Nate HendleyandErich Fox Tree
What Else Did We Do? • We migrated to the web. The Public Events Committee now relies entirely on web-based applications. Information about the process is available by linking to the Public Events Committee link through the College Senate website. • A final report form - used by funding recipients to provide information to the committee about the completed event - is also available through the web page. • In order to distribute the tasks of the committee more evenly, processing of funding requests is now being handled by Laura Madelone in the Office of Alumni Affairs.
Committee Charge • The Committee on Public Events shall: • propose a well-rounded program of public events in keeping with desirable cultural and educational standards by distributing funds made available to the committee; (WE RELY ON FACULTY AND STAFF FROM A RANGE OF DISCIPLINES TO GENERATE PROPOSALS) • develop standards for the guidance of groups presenting public events funded by the committee; (AVAILABLE THROUGH THE COMMITTEE WEBSITE!) • produce an annual campus/community event to increase their positive interaction; and (The Battle of the Red Dragons was endorsed for this purpose by the Public Events committee during the 2011-12 academic year) • consist of five Faculty members elected by the Faculty-at-large, the President of the College or his/her representative and the person responsible for community relations, and two student representatives designated by the Student Senate and confirmed by the College Senate. (many thanks to my fellow committee members who served this year, Rose Avanzato, George Hovis, Penina K, ? as well as our standing representatives Bill Harcelroad, Laura Madelone, Hal Legg and Paul Adamo and our students reps, ???.)
This Funding Process Relies on Faculty and Staff Involvement… Need Additional Funding for a planned Speaker or Public Event? Do you have an original idea for an on-campus public event? APPLY! https://oneonta.collegiatelink.net/form/start/5884 Remember the Deadline: April 13, 2012 Questions? Andrew.Kahl@oneonta.edu or x3125